Monday, June 25, 2012

Cancer The C Word: Dealing With Diagnosis Shock

Cancer, The C Word: Dealing With Diagnosis Shock
(Note: the following is excerpted from Cancer: Embracing the Healing Journey, but is applicable to any serious illness or dis ease):

Whatever your diagnosis, whatever your prognosis, simply being labeled a cancer patient suddenly changes your entire world. Your self image changes, you may feel betrayed by your body, or by your concept of God. Or both. You may feel angry, or victimized, asking, Why me? or What did I do to deserve this?

You may feel guilty, like it?s your fault, wondering How did I create this?

The why what and how are not as relevant as the what now?

Although going through a why me? and did I do something to cause this? phase is a natural tendency, I encourage you to rephrase these questions as soon and as often as possible to What can I learn from this? and How can I best support my own healing process?

For most people, the diagnosis of cancer brings up a very deep level of fear. This fear affects you emotionally, mentally, and physically. It sends your mind racing, playing and replaying fear based thoughts which, left unchecked, can lead to chronic anxiety, depression, a sense of helplessness and hopelessness.

This fear can also translate into a host of physical symptoms, including rapid, shallow breathing, increased heart rate, constricted blood vessels, increased blood pressure, tight, tensed muscles, headaches, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders... and the list goes on.

By combining simple relaxation, guided imagery and affirmation techniques, you can profoundly influence your body?s biochemical state, resulting in a general sense of well being and calm. In this more receptive, more emotionally centered state, then, you are better able to receive and respond, rather than react to any information, conditions or circumstances you may encounter. You?re able to begin to move beyond the initial state of shock and fear, and think clearly about what decisions need to be made, and what opportunities this experience may hold for growth and healing on all levels of your being.

In this state, you allow yourself to literally Relax into Healing


Notes on Nancy: Deep relaxation is the common foundation of Nancy?s extensive healing work. It is in this state of deep relaxation, when the body is stilled, the emotions soothed, the mind quieted, that one experiences the center of peace within... and it is in this place of quiet stillness, this essence of the being, that optimal healing occurs.

Nancy?s Cancer: Embracing the Healing Journey CDs (widely used in both personal and clinical healing settings) provide gentle assistance in dealing with the initial my world?s been turned upside down feeling that often accompanies a cancer diagnosis. In this double CD set and booklet, Nancy compassionately guides you through many aspects of the journey, including dealing with the shock of diagnosis, being a proactive patient, listening within for your own inner wisdom, embracing all emotions, and enhancing healing with guided imagery, affirmation, and deep relaxation ? all essential elements for optimal body mind spirit healing. Nancy?s been there. As you listen, you will know you are not alone.

Cancer,cancer patient,relaxation, guided imagery, affirmations, Healing


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