Friday, June 15, 2012

Call Center Training Tips To Increase Your Call To Close Ratio?s

Call Center Training Tips To Increase Your Call To Close Ratio?s
Do you know what a dial is worth to your business? Would you like to improve your dial to scheduled ratio? Do you feel you could sell more if you could see more prospects? The telephone for most of us is where it happens. If we have difficulty selling the appointment, we may never have the opportunity to tell how great our product is for the prospect. You have a line between you and that prospect, and you better be ?equipped? when a live one answers. With the appropriate Call Center Training and Customer Service Training, you can handle the obstacles and objections that are stopping your business from achieving its full potential. Here are some pointers that can improve your dialed to scheduled ratio:

Sell with PURPOSE! The best call center training tells us that the first thing we must ask ourselves when we pick up the telephone is what are we selling on the call and why. Very often, I will hear sales rep?s selling product, giving away all their features and benefits when really they should be focused on ?selling the appointment.? After your greeting, have a ?purpose to your call.? According to call center training research, most people lose interest within mere seconds if not given some sort of explanation that holds their attention. And doing this is simply polite and considered good customer service training. Simply begin, ?Hello, the purpose of my call is????

Sell with some sizzle?have a big fat claim: You need a thirty second commercial, that is about 16 20 words that must be so compelling that they want to see you, i.e., ?The purpose of my call today is to ask the opportunity to show you our new ??..???that will?..and will?.? This is where good call center training can make the difference between a successful business model and a business that fails inside the first two years of operating. You?re trying to peak their interest, not bore them with every last detail. You can?t do this without a good product. But good marketing is also required and so is good customer service training.

Close the call with the Alternate Choice Close: In asking for the appointment, call center training tells us that it is best to always give the prospect a choice of times, i.e., ?Are mornings or afternoons usually better for you? Would Tues at 9am or Thurs at 8 am work better.? This technique keeps you in control of the call and helps avoid the ?I?m too busy?? The last thing you want to do is limit your customer?s choices. Giving them too few choices can push them away, and customer service training would tell us that this is never a good idea.

Defer the Objection and be prepared for resistance: Know how to handle objections and tell them you will take that into consideration when you get together. The prospect will give you answers to questions you did not ask! Call center training experts agree that the best way to handle objections is to present options and, in a sense, make assumptions. You are not asking for a meeting. You are assuming that you will have a meeting, and you?d like to when is best. Again, this technique follows from what most experts agree is the best way to defer objections and ultimately get the most out of the customer service training you have spent potentially hundreds if not thousands on, during on site training. Your statement might be something like, ?I understand your concern, other clients use the same system you have, and I will take that into consideration, (name) when we get together, when would be a good time to get together, Thursday at ___ or_____??

What?s your ?aura?? Good customer service training tells us you must always sound professional. Use the prospects name and know the name they like to be called. Take care of your voice and project a positive confident ?aura.? Speak just a little louder, a lot clearer and just a little faster. Call center training experts agree that if you use the phone a great deal for your work, exercise your neck regularly. Drink water without ice cubes, (cold water constricts the voice), breath from your abdomen, avoid dairy products and heavy meals prior to calling time, and most of all be sure to smile. Prospects will welcome enthusiastic, energetic positive people that have a planned call.

And any experienced call center training professional will tell you that you must get ?to? the Gatekeeper vs. ?past? the Gatekeeper. Too often sales reps try to get past the gatekeeper. Make them your ally. Get their name. Ask for that gatekeeper on the second try, and ask them when you should try back. Chances are they?re more likely to remember you, and if you can leave a good impression, this can only open up the lines of communication. They may even recommend you the next time their tasked with a project by their manager. Hopefully these customer service training tips can make your calling time more productive and your bottom line results more profitable.

call center training, customer service training, call center solutions, customer service, business


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