Saturday, June 16, 2012

Campaigning Of Axe Body Spray

Campaigning Of Axe Body Spray
Male culture, or perhaps I should say masculine culture, has had its ups and downs in the last handful of years. In the not-too-distant past, America was obsessed with Queer Eye and the emasculation of men everywhere. This was a welcomed shift in the opinion of many women out there but it did not take long for the testosterone to reappear and reassert itself among


Many men resented what Queer Eye was trying to do and you can see evidence of this in the successful uber-manly marketing

campaigns pouring out of the television arena. We have all seen those commercials for gigantic hamburgers that spout an

assertion that real men eat pounds of meat at every sitting. It seemed as though the manly man was coming back in vogue. Then

came axe body spray and its campaign.

The commercials for axe body spray in the beginning were sort of comical. They showed slutty men who were provided with

opportunities for promiscuity because of their irresistible scent. The first set of axe body spray commercials showed women

desperate for the man with that smell. However, soon enough the people behind the axe ads lost their minds.

Some people like to think that everything that is strange is automatically creative. If it has not yet been done, then you

must be a genius. Wrong. Try to recall the axe commercial that features a body building woman and a young man who clearly

regrets the one night stand. Apparently, the scent of his axe body spray was too strong and the muscular woman had to have

the poor boy. I feel so sorry for him, really.

The biggest problem of regular men buying into a body product such as axe body spray is that they do not know how to use

these products. Girls are trained from an early age how to use all sorts of body products while the boys are out getting

dirty. Some boys think that using means that they don?t have

to take a shower. Wrong.

Before the body product world decides to create a line exclusively for men, they ought to spend some time teaching boys how

to use them. No one wants a person running around with something they don?t know how to handle. I think it is safe to say

that until a certain age, most guys do not know what good personal hygiene means. Throwing axe body spray into the hands of

the clueless only leads to over-spraying and the aggravation of those nearby.

axe body spray, body product, axe ads


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