Saturday, June 9, 2012

Businesses Saving Green By Going Green ? Who Would Have Thought?

Businesses Saving Green By Going Green ? Who Would Have Thought?
The trend of being eco friendly is growing fast and now businesses can go green and save some green at the same time.

For businesses there are many costs that can be cut with the use of high speed Internet. To make the office computers more energy efficient, the best place to start would be to figure out how much is being used in the first place. When the energy amount is figured out, reducing that amount can be implemented in different ways. Server consolidation is one of many options available to cut down energy use. By replacing a large quantity of computers with smaller, more powerful and energy efficient units, the energy use can come down. Another option available to businesses would be to replace desktop PCs with notebooks which could reduce the consumption of power by 75 per cent or more.

Document management is another process by which businesses can cut costs. By reducing the amount of paper that is used to print off reports, with the help of document managing software, there is less paper to buy.

For large businesses the implementation of video conferencing or Web conferencing is a way to bring together members from all over without having to fly anywhere. Video conferencing allows two or more locations to interact via two way video and audio transmissions simultaneously. This option greatly reduces the cost of travel while cutting harmful emissions. In the past, video conferencing was grouped in with a boardroom style image but it is not restricted to large meetings anymore. Video conferencing can be used on any desktop with the proper software.

Web conferencing, which has become a growing trend as well, is very similar to the concept of video conferencing ? just without the video. Web conferencing has many features that include polling and exit surveys which can gather valuable data to determine how effective the Web based seminar or ?webinar? was. The ?webinar? is a way to deliver a message to a large group of people at the same time. Meetings can be recorded and saved later for viewing or distributing, and text chat can be used for live question and answer sessions.

Another option is the idea of virtualization, which essentially tricks multiple copies of an operating system into thinking they are running on real hardware when in fact an additional software layer is used to enable multiple virtual machines to co exist on one physical computer. This method means that multiple virtual servers can run on one physical server with greater efficiency.

But there are also simple ways to reduce costs and emissions in the office which could include arranging equipment into properly isolated hot and cold aisles which would reduce cooling costs.

With these options available it would seem that many companies would be on board, however, that is not the case. Many companies have yet to make the switch because of the inconvenience that may come with switching to a green option. However, the time that is used to go green could result in many worthwhile financial benefits.

business, green, save, energy, costs, reduce, energy, eco-friendly, environment, efficient, money,


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