Sunday, November 18, 2012

Different Snus Products And How They Are Produced

Different Snus Products And How They Are Produced
The Swedish snus has a few different recognized brands like Ettan, General or Skruf snus. If the General and Ettan brands offer mostly products with strong tobacco scents and no flavors, the Skruf brand offers cranberry flavored smokeless tobacco. The Skruf products are more exclusive products and very appreciated by its users. The highest quality tobacco is used for making the Skruf products. The results of using only high quality tobacco leaves combined with the grinding and producing process, make the Skruf products the least harmful on the market.

Skruf snus is the fastest growing brand in Sweden because the leaves are manually selected by an expert. The selection is made according to the aroma, color and leaf consistency. The first Skruf product was launched in 2003 and all of the products on the market became very successful. They are available in both loose and portion types, but their main characteristic that sets them apart from other similar products is the packaging. The Skruf products are packaged in water proof cans that minimize contacts with other substances and keep the moisture in the can, thus preserving their freshness for a longer period of time. The most successful product from the series is called Skruf Strong known in Sweden under the name of Skruf stark. The product has more tobacco in its composition, thus an increased level of nicotine in comparison with the regular snus.

Another Skruf snus product is the Skruf Knox. Launched relatively recent, this product is a low priced high quality smokeless tobacco. The classic full flavor that the Skruf Knox offers makes it almost as successful as the Skruf Strong. Like all the snus producers, Skruf offer its product in loose form and portion form. The Skruf Original Loose is available in 50 gram cans. It is dark and coarse with pure and mild tobacco flavors. Skruf Portion is available in cans containing 24 pouches each of them containing one gram of product. The Skruf Stark Portion is intended for users who enjoy extra strong smokeless tobacco. For users who enjoy fruit flavored smokeless tobacco, Skruf offers the Skruf Cranberry Portion. Like the Skruf Stark Portion, the Skruf Cranberry Portion comes in a can with 24 sachets each of them weighting one gram. This product has a mild tobacco taste and a bit sour taste of cranberry.

No mater of the product or the manufacturer of the Swedish smokeless tobacco, the journey from see to can is approximately the same. The products used to make the Swedish smokeless tobacco are tobacco, water, salt and depending on the product aroma and flavor. The aroma and flavor are greatly influenced by the kind of tobacco used, the grinding method, and of course the added flavors which range from natural to fruity or mine and even coffee vanilla. The tobacco flavor depends on where the tobacco is cultivated and how it is dried. The manufacturers use several tobacco varieties in a single product. This blending of tobacco leaves brought from different regions of the world, is the main thing that differentiates the different brands and products.

Skruf snus, Snus


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