Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Designing Effective Personal Training Marketing

Designing Effective Personal Training Marketing
Designing effective personal training marketing should play an integral role in the plans for any trainer s future success. If it isn t an integral part, how will the business ever be able to tell the story that permeates any top notch marketing campaign? The ingredients in a good story are explained a little further down. In any event, a trainer needs to make sure marketing is included to at least give the business a fighting chance of at success.

There are a number of realities about our online world that marketing strives to take into account. The first is that the Internet has a power and scope unparalleled in history. Because of this, it s imperative a website be created and stood up as soon as possible. It needs to be well designed and include a number of elements in order to be maximally effective, though.

It s most important to keep in mind that any website must look professional and be free of poor spelling, bad grammar and confusing syntax. It also has to be able to let possible customers contact the business via phone and, more importantly, email. From the emails left, a sustainable marketing program can be created. Of course, always make sure to give people something free for leaving their email. For example, a report on the ten best ways to quickly get back into shape makes for a good item to give away.

As was said, the emails collected by the business can make up the foundation for many campaigns to come. If there isn t enough to start, look at purchasing a list from a list seller. Once there s enough, look at sending out very well written salesletters which also contain something of value. People like getting something for nothing, and the benefits of giveaways are well known facts of marketing life.

Any marketing, including personal training marketing, needs to have at its core a story about the business. This story has all the elements of any other one, too: There is who, what, where, when and why (most important). Broken down, it tells who the trainer and business is, what it intends doing, where it means to do it, and at what times. This lays the groundwork for the final and most important element.

Lastly, it covers fully WHY the customer should consider hiring the trainer and business. Hopefully, the business has made clear it can help the customer address his or her fitness issues. This is most important to any potential client. And when it s done correctly, it can help both short and long term business goals and chances for success. Personal fitness can be a deeply intimate thing to many people, and they expect a good trainer to realize this. At least at first, they re ambivalent about the particular qualifications of a trainer until they re sure the trainer can help them with their own fitness issues.

Now, no campaign forgets to still include print type media such as flyers, brochures and actual newspaper or magazine ads. Additionally, good old fashioned business cards can make a great adjunct to marketing efforts. They tell a short story about the new business, and they can be spread around easily enough. Well made cards also tend to increase the chances of gaining clients.

Designing effective personal training marketing makes it easier to create marketing aimed creating buzz about the new business.

personal trainer marketing, personal trainer marketing tools, personal training marketing


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