Friday, August 31, 2012

Common Mistakes Most MLM Marketers Make Promoting Their MLM Business On Social Media Sites

Common Mistakes Most MLM Marketers Make Promoting Their MLM Business On Social Media Sites
This MLM Network Marketing training Advice article was designed to help you with you online prospecting using social Media.

Great places to generate leads for you mlm business are placeslike Facebook,Twitter and Myspace. It's free and there is allot of traffic that can come from those sites. The only draw backis that most people in MLM go onto those site and start off spamming and pushing thier business to all the people there

The one thing that has to be realized when using Social Media is that people are very sensitive to someone trying to sell them on any MLM opportunity or product. Twitter, Facebook and My Space is not a place where you promote your MLM business it is where you promote yourself first. By branding yourself and building connections with people and never ever pushing your MLM business on any one you connect with. Unless they ask you about the business and even then it should just be mentioned in a causal way just to create more interest and curiosity where they ask for more information on your site and have there name added to your list.

So you may ask your self "How am I supposed to promote my MLM business if I can't do it on a Social Media network?" The answer to this is using your blogs where you have useful information that will interest people that click on your website links. Never send people directly from Twitter or Facebook to your MLM capture or company page. Direct them to your blogs or your You Tube channel. On your blogging websites you can have links to your MLM capture pages and other money making opportunities that you may be promoting.

On Social Media sites it's mostly about branding yourself as an expert and a leader. No one on a social media site cares about your MLM business, most of them has their own business and is trying to promote them. The main objective is to stand out of the crowd as a person of interest that has value to offer. Not just another MLM distributor. You have to remember that people join you not the business, the business is just an avenue to make money. Let's face it being up front and promoting your MLM opportunity doesn't work on your friends or family. Why do you think it would work on a stranger?

People do business with people they trust. For this reason we use social media to develope a level of trust.

Unless you are promoting your business in classifieds where people are actually open to looking for MLM business opportunities that is expected because this is what they are looking for. If you do promote your business openly on these sites using DM's or privet messages or tweets you will be seen as a spammer and lose your network of friends, your network of friends is not something you would ever want to lose because they are a powerful lead generation tool if you do it right.

To make money in MLM Network Marketing you need to show your business and your product. So the faster you learn to master the skills the greater your success.

So remember become a person of value and brand yourself not your MLM business, drive traffic from Twitter and Facebook to your blogs or YouTube channels that contain useful information about yourself and your business along with links to your MLM capture pages. This way you are able to build trust and be branded as an expert and leader. That is when you will get more leads for your MLM business and you will have prospects calling you with a credit card in hand wanting to follow you, being a leader, and join your MLM business.

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