Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Colorectal Cancer: What Increases Your Risk

Colorectal Cancer: What Increases Your Risk
Colorectal cancer or large bowl cancer is the cancer in the colon, rectum and appendix.

These are abnormal growth of polyps that later develop cancerous.

The diagnosis is done through colonoscopy. The treatment is done by the surgery followed by chemotherapy.

Factors contributing towards colorectal cancer

Age: People in the age of 60s ? 70s have higher chances of developing this cancer as the risk increases with age.

Polyps: It is believed that colon cancer arise from adenomatous polyps in the colon. A history of polyps in the colon makes you more prone to the risk of cancer.

Heredity: Colorectal cancer can be inherited by a family member. If a member of the family was diagnosed with similar cancer, the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases.

Cancer History: People who have earlier developed cancer and eventually been treated of it are at a greater risk of developing colorectal cancer again. Even women with history of uterine or ovarian cancer are more prone to developing this cancer.

Environment: People who are living in industrialized countries like United States, United Kingdom etc. are at a higher risk of developing the cancer as compared to the people living in under developed countries. This is because of the reason that the traditional diet is rich in fiber content and low in fats.

Alcohol: Taking alcohol is believed to be the cause of an early arrival of cancer. People taking 45 grams of alcohol per day are at a higher risk of developing cancer than the people who take 30 grams of alcohol per day.

Smoking: People who have been smoking for a long time are more likely to develop colorectal cancer than the people who do not smoke at all. Studies have shown that inhaling or eating tobacco produces carcinogens (cancer causing cells) in the colon. Tobacco can also increase the size of the polyps present in the colon.

Diet: A balanced diet that is rich in its fiber contents and low in cholesterol and fats (mainly animal fat) is believed to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer to a large extent. A nutritious diet that is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and fish is advisable as it keeps a person healthy and fit.

Diabetes: People who are dependent on external insulin have 40 more chances of developing the colorectal cancer.

Inactive life style: People who lead an active life style are at a lower risk of developing cancer of the colon. Good and regular exercise has always lowered the risk of developing any kind of disease. Sedentary life style increases your risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): People who are suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease develop ulcers and colitis in the colon. This can further lead to Crohn?s disease, thereby increasing the risk of colorectal cancer.

Obesity: People who tend to put on more weight than the recommended weight for their body are called obese. Obese people are more prone to colorectal cancer than the people who are slim.

Virus: Exposure to some strains of viruses like human papilloma virus is believed to cause colorectal cancer.

Colorectal Cancer


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