Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coach Training Course 5 Steps To Create Information Products Promote Coaching Message amp Profit

Coach Training Course 5 Steps To Create Information Products, Promote Coaching Message amp Profit
You have all the tools available to succeed as a life coach if you take action. If you understand the Coaches Profit Wheel, you will have a step by step strategy to attract your ideal client, quickly amp easily create products that provide real solutions that your market is ready to purchase, as well as fully book your coaching practice.

Your coaching practice and income will grow in proportion to the products you create and value you deliver to your market.

You will attract more clients by packaged products of your coaching solution, information products that demonstrate your coaching solutions help your ideal prospects to experience practices and skills that are key to the life they desire to manifest.

Step One Decide who you are directing your message to. This will make a big difference on how you create and deliver the content of your product. The more specific you can be the better. Ideally you should be able to picture your ideal client as a single person sitting across the table from you as you delivery your message. You will have much more impact by envisioning a single client or very small select group than if you address you message to a generalized audience of everybody even if it s every parent or every business person .

Step Two Decide what your specific message is for your ideal client. Address a real question, a need, or a desire asked by individuals in your market. Don t be too general or broad. The more specific your focus the better the content.

Step Three Create an outline. Break your message down into three or four main points or steps. You will lose your audience (reader, listener, etc) if you don t break it down into smaller chunks. This method of delivery will also keep you on track and be sure you clearly deliver value that is quantifiable.

Step Four Deliver information that your audience can easily take action on and enjoy results. Create action steps your ideal client can make from the questions asked or information provided. Add a check list, a daily or weekly calendar of activities that should end in results when acted upon.

Step Five Decide how you will deliver your information for the greatest value to your client. The more senses you can involve the more your client will get out of your material. Remember, your audience will be comprised of different types of learners. Some will not purchase unless you engage their learning style. Create an audio with a text outline to follow along with. Along with the audio recording transcribe your teleseminars create an e book for more value.

Create a system and get familiar with the tools to create and launch products frequently to your market. One to one coaching should be the final entry point in your ideal clients engagement with you. If you have laid the groundwork with the above steps you will create higher perceived value for your coaching solutions and be able to charge more per hour and coach fewer hours while providing your solution to more people that begin with your entry level solutions.

coaching business, online business, building online business, information products, products online


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