Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Do Long Copy Sales Letters Actually Work?

Do Long Copy Sales Letters Actually Work?
Many people that I speak to think long copy is dead. They say that nobody reads it, it's not effective any more, that long copy is hopelessly old-fashioned and out-of-date. I think that the demise of long copy has been exaggerated. Long copy still works and lives.

Today's resource is from my own online copywriting course, available at WebCopyWritingExplained.com. In this lesson, I explain why long copy works and show you how to use it effectively.

Here are three reasons long copy is still effective:

People love to read about what they love. Whatever your passion, don't you love to visit websites or read books that tell you more? There's a certain thrill in finding a great book on your favorite topic. Here in Spokane, my favorite bookstore is Auntie's Bookstore. When I go there to research a topic, I find it irresistible. I don't just buy one book on that topic - I buy ALL the books on that topic! If you could see my office here, you would see hundreds of books on marketing, copywriting, and web conversion. That's my passion. We all love to read about our favorite topics, and that certainly includes sales letters about our favorite topics.

Selling online is NOT like selling in person. When you talk to a client, you pay attention to his words and his body language, alert for clues to his thoughts. You can't read body language when you sell online! With no visual cues to hint at what your customer is thinking, you must find a way to answer any objections. The only way to do that is to define your client's objections in advance, answering his concerns before they are even voiced. This requires a lot of words, which leads us to long copy!

Long copy helps you tell a story. In Seth Godin's book, All Marketers Are Liars, the author discusses the power of stories to sell a product. Learn how stories sell, and how that can help your business.

Do I have you convinced? Try this simple formula to create a four-part long copy sales letter that can get you results if done properly. This formula is credited to John Carlton - I love his material, and highly recommend it to you:

Here's what I have to offer. This clearly explains what you are offering to your readers.

Here's why it's right for you. Explain your solution to your reader's problems.

Here are some questions you may have. This could be your FAQ. Again, answering any objections they may have, in advance.

Here's what to do now. Buy! Pull out your credit card! That's what you want them to do! Right now!

It is interesting to note that you could use each of these headlines, exactly as written, to start each section in your copy. Try it -- it really works!



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