Tuesday, December 18, 2012

5 Simple Steps To Success For Entrepreneurs In 2009

5 Simple Steps To Success For Entrepreneurs In 2009
1. Accept that 2009 will be a tough year. It is safe and smart to assume that 2009 will be a more challenging year than 2008 for entrepreneurs. Choose to accept this with a detached interest, rather than with a panicky emotional response. Adopting this realistic assumption will give you an advantage over your competition because it is likely they will be using strategies that are out of alignment with the realities of the economy we are likely to face in 2009.

2. Build a sound strategy. Now that you have made the smart assumption that 2009 is going to be tough, it is time to build a strategy that aligns with this assumption. Your strategy is the high level articulation of how you are going to achieve your goals, objectives, and targets in the new year. It s the answer to How am I going to get the results I want this year? Don t confuse this with tactics or a tactical implementation plan. Tactics are down in the details and the answer to What am I going to do specifically on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to achieve my goals? Your strategy is your overall approach to achieving the results you are after.

3. Put your blinders on. After creating a sound strategy and setting goals based on your key assumptions, then it is time to block out all negative influences that might knock you off course. This includes all friends, relatives, and associates that believe the world and the US economy as we know it is close to coming to an end. These ideas are dangerous and spread like a virus eager to infect you, the properly positioned entrepreneur, if you allow it to penetrate too deep into your psyche.

4. Open your mind and your eyes. Now that you have accepted the most likely reality of 2009, defined your strategy, and have blocked out all negative, conspiracy theory sources from your sphere of influence, you are ready to look for opportunities your competition is overlooking because they are too busy complaining, panicking, and acting like victims. One thing you must not do is follow the herd. Meaning that you need to look around and discover what your competition is doing (e.g. using massive discounts to generate sales) and identify how you can do the opposite (e.g. improve customer or client experience and then raise prices).

5. Join or create a mastermind of like minded entrepreneurs. Who you choose to associate with has a profound impact on your ability to achieve and succeed. What are the mindsets of the people you routinely spend time with? Are they realistic or overly optimistic? Are they too negative? You must acknowledge that the people you associate with have the power to either bring you down or help elevate you to higher levels. Be ruthless about this. Your not in this so people will like you. You are in this because you have a vision of a better future. Don t let a single soul stand in your way.

Now that you have these 5 simple steps to success it s time to take action! Remember, nothing happens until you do something!

entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, success, entrepreneurial, advice, mentor, coach, tips, 2009, economy


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