Wednesday, May 30, 2012

3 Ways To Get Started With Send Out Cards

3 Ways To Get Started With Send Out Cards
There are 3 ways to join SendOutCards and benefit from their wide range of services. They have developed an account to accommodate the needs of everyone whether looking for business use, personal use, or both.

Retail Account

The Retail Account has been developed to meet the needs of personal and small business uses. If you would like to send cards with the retail account you have two main options of joining.

1. Monthly Auto Order Account - This account is free but you must buy at least 20 points per month.

2. Annual Membership Account - This account costs $25/year and comes with 200 points to start with. You are not required to purchase any points to keep your account active.

If you would like to become a retail customer there are a few things that have been recommended by SendOutCards to get the most for your money.

1. Purchase the $99.00 Retail Package Plus to take advantage of the PicturePlus Program along with other beneficial features.

2. It is recommended that you purchase at least 50 points on Auto Order per month.

Wholesale Account

If you are planning to use SendOutCards to its fullest potential then the Wholesale Account will be just right for you. There are a few things that must be done to keep your account active.

1. When signing up for the account you will be required to purchase at least the System License for $199.

2. You are required to purchase a minimum of 32 points each month on Auto Order.

Once you have signed up and bought the system license you will be given 200 points, a handwriting font, and receive a 35% discount on points.

SendOutCards encourages you to purchase the Wholesale Package Plus ($298) which contains all you will need to fully benefit from their services.

1. PicturePlus Program

2. System License

3. Free Handwriting Font and 4 Signatures

4. 35% Discount

and many other important features.

Entrepreneur Package -

If you are looking to use the services offered by SendOutCards and make money along the way then this is definitely your best option. There are several benefits to purchasing the Entrepreneur Package.

1. You will gain access to all the features offered by SendOutCards with a value of over $600 for only $398.

2. You will receive a $100 bonus for every person you bring onto the SendOutCards team. All you have to do is show them how it works.

While this is the most expensive way to join it offers you the most for your money. Not only will you get an enormous discount on all features, you will have the opportunity to make your investment back through selling SendOutCards business opportunities to others.



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