4 Fundamental Components Of A High Impact Lead Generation System
The biggest constraint to most businesses is attracting the right kind of prospects that can be converted into lifelong clients who make repeat purchases and refer others to you. Therefore it is important to understand how to attract the right kind of clients. Here's an overview of how to set up your high-performance lead generation process on the internet.
We'll look at the following points:
1. Your Selling Philosophy
2. Determine a Lead Definition
3. Your Lead Generation Map
4. Testing and Tracking
What's Your Selling Philosophy?
Why are you in business and how do you engage with both prospective customers and those who are already clients? How do you make them see your value? How do you see your role as you relate to your customers? These can be rather difficult questions to answer, but what I want to know is what your corporate philosophy is, why you do what you do and how you do it. This is the driving force behind how you will generate leads.
What's a Lead?
Let's talk for a minute about exactly what a lead is and what it isn't. If you're involved in a small business, it might seem quite obvious to you what a lead is. Let's take some time and actually define in detail what a qualified lead is, though. If you do this, you'll be able to attract more of them.
One of the most common mistakes businesses make is that they spend a lot of time on leads that aren't really going to turn into anything. This saps both your time and energy, so that you don't have the time to pursue genuine leads that could convert to sales.
How Do You Generate Leads? A Lead Generation Map
When you generate leads, your process can be mapped out, sort of a "lead generation map." When you take a look at this map, you'll see that you can clearly define everything in your sales process, from the time you first say hello to a customer or prospective customer to the time you make the sale. Dr. Marc Dussault defines this as your "pathway to profits".
Developing an effective lead generation map is one of the key strategic goals of designing an enhanced lead generation process and the more complex the sales process and lead definition the more nodes you need on the map to convert raw "just-looking" visitors into new business.
A typical lead generation map might start with traffic generation, followed by generating an opt-in into a white paper or special report. Next, you could follow-up with automated messages, designed to educate and inform prospects while overcoming common objections and disqualifying non-clients. This is obviously a simple example, and there are many other permutations that can apply.
How Do You Test and Track?
If you run your business on the Internet, you can have the ability to see into the minds of your website visitors as they go through your particular process for lead generation. Minimally, you're going to need to be able to track how your website visitors are visiting you, using web analytics. Google Analytics is great, because it's both powerful and free.
Another thing you'll need to be able to do is to track your expenditures and efforts in marketing, whether they pertain to online methods like e-mail marketing and online advertising, or off-line methods like mass media advertising or print media. You need to track everything on your website; if you don't, you could be losing out on a major leverage source and leaving cash in your wake.
If you remember our brief discussion about the lead generation process map, take note that analytics is going to help you turn this into a true business tool. With analytics correctly installed on your site, you can set goals for yourself for all major areas on your map, such as inquiry or opt in rates. Once you have actual numbers for all the key points on your map, next you'll need to be able to put into play optimisation strategies in the right areas at the right times, so as to gain the results you want.
Sales Lead Generation,Online Lead Generation,Internet Marketing Consultants
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