Thursday, June 21, 2012

Can You Make Money In Evolv?

Can You Make Money In Evolv?
Evolv is a "State of the art"' bottled water company manufactured by a team of scientists and practised entrepreneurs. Their unique selling point is the increased oxygen properties infused with this natural spring water. This MLM company is putting Huge focus on the Internet and online strategies such as Web 2.0. The Evolv management team is made up of Brent Hicks, Trey White and Anne Bodak Smith. They promote that they have 75 years of collective experience in the MLM industry.

With every living being needing water for survival, the bottled water industry is currently an $8 billion a year industry, and that is just in the United States. You can see why Evolv and Trey White would want to benefit from on this market especially in the MLM field.

Did anyone tell you that 24% of bottled water is just tap water? Tap water actually undergoes more scrutinized testing than bottled water. Seems like it should be the other way around, right?

After reading countless Evolv sales pages, we must commend them on their strong push towards online marketing strategies. For example, their Facebook and Twitter ideas really show that they are paying attention to Social Media marketing. Another aspect they are developing is SEO and PPC training. It fantastic to see an Network Marketingcompany leading with these cutting edge online marketing strategies from the beginning. Although there are not many details about the specifics of the online marketing strategies

that will be offered, it is good to see that it has been presented in their initial game plan.

It is a refreshing change to see company providing training on the online marketing strategies, however they do still point all of the traffic back to a self replicated MLM company website. This might be the best tactic for Evolv but not for the Independent Network Marketing business owner.

Evolv's comp plan is set up like a traditional Binary structure with new codings to build both depth and width with a binary volume and an executive check match. Evolv has your typical Builder Bonuses, Fast Start (Initial Order) Bonuses, and Rank Advancement Bonuses. There is also, what they call a "DNA Coded Bonus"' which to the untrained eye looks very complicated. It seems intentionally complex as to confuse new distributors so they are unsure of how exactly they are getting paid.

The Evolv sales page markets the compensation plan as an infinity paying pay plan. Upon an in depth review of the comp plan, its states on several occasions that you are capped out in many of the bonuses.

Cost: $55.00 + tax/shipping per case (24 bottles).

With the average case of bottled water ranging from $3.00 to $6.00 some might think this could be a hard sell. Obviously you have to pay more for the oxygen infused water, but doesn't $55.00 for a case of water seem a bit unreasonable? My views are objective since we have not personally tried the product or seen anyone that has. So maybe it is worth the high price, but we'll let you make that decision.

If you are thinking of joining Evolv, how are you going to distinguish yourself from all the other new Distributors? Promoting an Evolv website is not the way. How are you going to avoid looking like just another Prelaunch Start-up MLM company rep that we all get spam from on a daily basis? How are you going to position yourself as a leader that people will trust and follow into such a risky endeavour? 99% of Start up MLM companies don't make it past their first birthday.

How to succeed quickly in any MLM opportunity.

Do not lead with the company or the product, instead make yourself the main attraction. You can do this by providing valuable content and solutions to struggling MLM Networkers.

No matter what opportunity you are in or how great your comp plan is, that's not why people will get involved. Individuals will follow you and your business when you can show them how they will benefit from working with YOU. And that's it.

Simple concept that so many people just don't get. If you do Get it, visit us and find out how to build your business online.

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