Saturday, June 9, 2012

4 Resume Dos

4 Resume Dos
The process of creating a resume can definitely be a daunting one. There are so many aspects to consider throughout the creation process, including spelling, grammar, and of course, making sure to incorporate the right jobs, duties fulfilled, and anything else that ensures the hiring manager understands your worth.

With so much to consider, it?s no wonder people have a difficult time sorting out all of the details. To help you sort out your own resume writing venture, let?s take a look at a few ?dos? of resume writing that can make the process flow smoother.

Make Your Resume Action Based

One mistake that job seekers make when creating their resume is writing out the responsibilities they were given when employed at a company, rather than noting the goals they accomplished. For example, if you created a system for sorting and organizing paper and electronic files as a secretary, instead of stating that your ?responsibilities included sorting and organizing paper and electronic files,? you can make the process action based.

In other words, try stating that you ?designed and developed a filing system that maintained both paper and electronic files for the entire office.? The more specific you are about what you accomplished, the easier the prospective employer can create a vivid image of your capabilities.

Use the Right Keywords

When creating your resume, ?do? try to incorporate keywords that define the industry you?re working in. What are keywords exactly? They are words or phrases that are deemed popular in the industry you?re working in. For instance, in the pharmaceuticals industry, you may use the word ?pharma? because it is easily identifiable by an industry professional. Or in marketing, you might want to utilize the phrase ?trade show? because this is something marketers very often participate in.

By incorporating keywords into your resume, you can make sure that any scanning software can catch the words to help sort your resume accordingly. This increases your chances of having your resume noticed ? especially if you apply online ? and gives employers an idea of just how much you know about your industry.

Know the Purpose of Your Resume

Another ?do? that?s important to keep in mind when writing your resume is knowing its purpose, which is to land an interview. Very often, job seekers become accustomed to creating carbon copy resumes that look good, read well, but present the same information over and over again with no real purpose in mind. So instead of jotting down carbon copy information that sounded good for the last resume, why not think of what you can put in this resume that will impress this prospective employer ? and hopefully help you get your foot in the door for an interview?

Use Bullet Points

If you want to make sure that the hiring manager can easily flow through your resume, it?s a good idea to use bullet points. While it may be tempting to write paragraphs as your great ideas flow through your fingers, it?s usually better to separate the ideas on paper to help the manager clearly identify the main points of your resume.

Knowing what to add to your resume can help improve its quality ten fold. So keep these ?dos? in mind as you write what may be the masterpiece of all resumes.

Resume, resume writing, writing a resume, effective resumes, cover letter, job seeker


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