Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cancer Prevention: 14 Things You Can Do To Prevent Cancer.

Cancer Prevention: 14 Things You Can Do To Prevent Cancer.
The cost of cancer is very heavy for society, any action to eliminate the causes of the occurrence of a type of cancer is a benefit, not only in lives but also economic and social development. Some cancers could disappear over 90 if we could adopt a new lifestyle and eliminating the causes of these cancers.

Cancer prevention is possible. Almost two cancer could be prevented by eating better. Moreover, early detection of tumors can often eliminate tumors before they become malignant (cervical, colon, prostate and in particular).

There are currently three cancer whose origin is certain hereditary: cancer of the retina, kidney cancer in children and bone marrow cancer of the thyroid.

Some illnesses should lead a policy of vigilance; this is the case for polyps (benign tumors) of the colon.

So Let s take a look at what you can do to prevent cancer.

1 Supplies of food and eating habits: Choose a diet mainly based on plant products rich in fruits and vegetables, legumes and other sources of complex carbohydrates and little changed.

2 Maintenance of body weight: Avoid inadequate and overweight and limit weight gain to less than 5 kg in adulthood.

3 Maintain physical activity: If your daily activity is low or moderate plan 1h each day of brisk walking (or similar exercise), and during the week at least 1 hour more intense exercises.

4 Fruits and vegetables: Eat 400 to 800 grams per day of fruits and vegetables throughout the year.

5 Other food based plant products. : Eat 600 to 800 grams per day of a variety of cereals, legumes, root vegetables, tubercules, processed preferably little. Limit intake of sugar and sugar products.

6 Meat: Limit your daily consumption of meat including meats. It is preferable to vary inputs focusing on fresh meat, fish and poultry.

7 Total Oils and Fats: Limit consumption of fat, particularly those from pork and beef. Choose moderate amounts of appropriate vegetable oils.

8 Salt and curing: Limit consumption of salted foods and use salt and table salt. Use herbs and spices to season foods.

9 Storage: Do not eat food that, following a poor conservation (humidity, heat) could be contaminated with mold.

10 Conservation: Use the refrigeration and other appropriate methods so that perishable foods purchased, then kept at home, remain fit for consumption.

11 additives and residues: The levels of additives and residues are regulated so that their presence in food is not harmful. However, unregulated use or inadequate (situation in developing countries) may be hazardous to health.

12 Preparation: Do not eat too much grilled food or the cooking juices. Do occasionally eat meat and fish grilled over a flame, salted or smoked.

13 Dietary Supplements: For those who follow the recommendations outlined above, dietary supplements are probably not necessary to reduce the risk of cancer.

14 Tobacco: Do not smoke. If you smoke, stop as soon as possible. It s hard to stop, but it s really very dangerous to smoke! Indeed, all the food tips less than quit smoking. smoking (cigarettes in particular) is the cause of 95 of lung cancer usually called lung cancer (if not more, because passive smoking has not yet been sufficiently studied).

To Your Health!

abortion clinic.


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