Captivate Customers In 5 Words
If you have read many of my articles, you will probably know that I always bang on about the vital importance of customer value. Without having a clear an precise signpost, in your customer language, that evokes an emotional response to solve a pain or fulfil a desire ? your headline will fail.
So I could have called this;
Why most Headlines Suck!
Can you answer that? What do you believe would happen to your understanding of buyer motives if you could answer that question? Can you imagine automatically being able to conjure up a headline that will suck in your buyers, since it arouses their deep curiosity and desires?
How about your desire to succeed at business ? how strong is that? Does it compel you to want ownership of an ability to sell - to motivate others to buy with a reason to emotionally want what you have to offer?
OK ? so what is that reason ? why would anyone really want what it is that you offer?
To give you an example ? people buy copywriting services from 3R, because they have a huge desire to succeed in business and the desire to succeed is even greater than their fear that the expense they incur will not reward them.
So what is your silver bullet, what will compel people to take action to visit you and buy from you ? what will ownership of your offering truly give them, what desire will it fill? Who will have that desire and where will the people who have that desire be and will you be able to reach them?
Of course you can ? you just have to believe it, and when you start believing it, the 5 line headlines will roll of your tongue, and you will write them down and you will use them.
So what is holding you back, if you have not done it already? Do you fear that the compelling reason for ownership is not clear ? do you still lack the ultimate inside knowledge of value for your product ? do you still feel the strong need for an expert to come and feel your value with you to help you express it?
If you must focus on what you do the best, which is creating and delivering your offering to delight your customers and you must seek help now to ensure you have a steady stream of customers, then please do contact me now ? otherwise please try, just go on and try and do it.
You will be amazed ? do you know why you will be amazed?
You will be amazed because the same creative energy that helped you start your business and take the actions that have led you to here, will also power the creative instincts to enable you to write those 5 words.
The 5 words of transformation!
Go on ? write them down now ? or maybe you choose not to!
Either way, you know the vital importance of those 5 words ? so take action ? do it your self or engage someone who, with certainty will assist you in creating what you know must be created.
Give your self some credit ? be your self ? do what you must do and do it now!
Thanks for reading, learning and taking action ? Peter.
P. S.: Don't Procrastinate, take action Now!
marketing,marketing strategy,sales,increase sales, sales training, marketing plan, marketing consultant, marketing consultants
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