Goldberg Camping Gear Important Knowledgebase
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Let's spend more time enjoying nature by camping and hiking.
If you like outdoor activities, the national and state parks are the places to go.
Add adventure to your camping trip with sports such as skiing, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, and rock climbing.
For your safety and comfort you will want to be sure that you have the proper apparel. Rain and wind wear and a fleece jacket should be on your list. Don't forget a first aid kit and plenty of drinking water.
If you go camping in the winter take extra clothing and protective gear.
Do a little research as most of the National and State Parks have excellent web sites where you can investigate and find the hiking trails and other activities that are available.
Check travel books and park brochures for information on popular points of interest.
Look for outfitters in the area to learn about excursions and rentals that are available to you.
Explore the park by taking hiking trails through the park.
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Good, comfortable hiking boots that are well broken in are essential to the enjoyment of your hiking experience; supplies such as a daypack, water, snacks, first aid kit, and a rain/wind jacket are strongly recommended for longer hikes.
Wildlife such as bears, mountain lions, bighorn sheep, deer, and wolves are likely to be found in the area where you are camping or hiking, and it is important to know what to do to protect yourself if you encounter them.
There is one situation where an individual hiker can make a large impact on an ecosystem: inadvertently starting a wildfire.
You can find information in park brochures and at visitor's centers regarding biking and where it is permitted or forbidden.
Biking is a great way to travel through the park, and many national and state parks offer excellent bike trails.
Many people enjoy using the gravel roads found in many of the parks for horseback riding throughout the area.
Many national parks have river rafting excursions through the park which offer an invigorating way to visit the backcountry and see some incredible scenery.
Consider kayaking on some of the beautiful lakes in the parks as a way to explore areas that you may not be able to reach on foot or in a vehicle.
National and state parks also offer opportunities for rock climbing, mountaineering, and, in the winter, cross country skiing.
With so many opportunities to enjoy beautiful scenery while participating in a variety of outdoor activities, visits to national and state parks offer great opportunities for wonderful family vacations.
Lastly on a related note.
Motorcycle camping is more comparable to bicycle camping than car camping, due to the limited storage capacity of the motorbike.
Also on another related note.
Many 24-hour Wal-Mart stores informally allow car camping overnight on their parking lots, as do some shopping malls, restaurants, etc.
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