Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Curcumin In Nutritional Supplements As A Treatment For Breast Cancer?

Curcumin In Nutritional Supplements As A Treatment For Breast Cancer?
Studies concerning curcumin and breast cancer treatment have only been conducted using animal models or test tubes. They are considered ?preliminary?. Apparently, there is not enough evidence to suggest a need for clinical trials (using human volunteers) or perhaps it has to do with the effectiveness of currently available treatments.

Many types of cancer are difficult to treat. The treatments that are currently offered may have a low success rate, cause numerous unwanted side effects or even cause other cancers to form. Other diseases are difficult to treat, as well, which is why researchers are looking at less conventional, but possibly more effective compounds that are present in the natural world.

This is not that unusual. One of the drugs currently used to reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels is a naturally occurring substance found in red yeast rice, a species of mold. Other drugs are simply synthetic versions of naturally occurring substances. So, we have looked to nature in the past to provide treatments for disease. There?s no reason that we would not continue to do so.

While there are no trials currently underway concerning curcumin and breast cancer treatment, there are ongoing trials concerning its effect in treating pancreatic, colon and other types of cancer, as well as a separate trial concerning Alzheimer?s. The cancers that are being studied are difficult to treat and have a low survival rate.

The mean life expectancy of a person that has been diagnosed with Alzheimer?s is currently seven years. There is no effective treatment. But curcumin, from turmeric, has been shown to prevent brain damage in animal models and even repair some of the damage that has already occurred. That?s why clinical studies were swiftly initiated. This is a disease that we must learn how to treat.

Much of the focus has been on prevention and early detection. Healthy diet is recommended, along with physical activity and regular checkups. Those are the things that the mainstream medical community will recommend, because they are ?conventional?. Less conventional, but possibly more beneficial is the idea of striving for optimal nutritional intake.

It is an established fact that long term nutrient deficiencies play a role in many disorders and diseases. We may have all but eliminated acute nutritional deficiencies in industrialized societies, but little attention has been paid to chronic, nutrient deficits.

Recommended daily nutrient intakes are based upon observing populations and looking at the amount that is needed to prevent outright diseases. No one knows exactly how much of any nutrient an individual may need every day. But, one thing is certain. The typical diet does not provide enough essential nutrients to achieve optimal good health.

New studies are published on a regular basis, concerning the value of specific nutrients and other dietary components for preventing chronic and life threatening diseases. Some of the recent ones concerned vitamin D, calcium, caffeine, tea catechins, red wine and resveratrol. Their benefits are to the heart, the brain and to all of the cells of the body, as a cancerous cell can form anywhere.

Researchers may eventually get around to studying curcumin and breast cancer treatment or prevention. Until then, find a good multi nutritional supplement and take it on a daily basis.

curcumin and breast cancer


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