Monday, May 21, 2012

21st Century Leadership

21st Century Leadership
A common question asked by leaders is ?How can I overcome blockages that reduce the likelihood that my goals will be achieved?? In most cases, these blockages are caused by people who don?t know they need to do something or don?t understand the importance of something they need to do.

The irony of these blockages is that the people causing them want to do a good job and don?t want to waste their time and effort. So they look to leaders to provide context, keep them informed and provide clear direction.

In the 20th century, many layers of managers handled the work required to achieve the business goals. Each manager focused on a small number of sub-goals that contributed to larger goals. This process of aligning goals and sub-goals was essential to keep work flowing.

A weakness of this approach is that it is labour intensive and requires timely interventions when something important is not happening. In most cases, failure to achieve a sub-goal would cause a blockage that reduced the likelihood of the larger goals being achieved.

In the 21st century, the fundamental requirement to keep goals alignment is even more critical. Flatter management structures, dispersion, outsourcing, working across time zones, and more flexible working arrangements mean that labour intensive processes will be even less effective than in the 20th century.

Technology has made communications easier and reduced the time required for travel. However we are still largely using 20th century management methods.

We need 21st century methods designed to reduce uncertainty; so leaders and managers at all levels can proactively achieve their goals. Smart technology that can manage complex alignment of goals and the work being done in close to real-time is a core requirement. Another core requirement is timely feedback that keeps all stakeholders informed about what is and isn?t happening.

Over the last 10 years, TASKey has developed a Leadership Platform that uses available web and mobile technologies to manage complex alignment of goals and the work being done in close to real-time. The Leadership Platform provides timely feedback to keep all stakeholders informed about what is happening and what they need to do, when and with whom.

With TASKey?s methods and web and mobile tools, a lot of complex, frustrating and unproductive work required to achieve your business goals is eliminated. The need to chase people to find out what is happening is significantly reduced, so you have more time for leading and strategic planning.

For more information visit


Dr Neil Miller

Business goals, time management, management structures, technology, web , mobile management, project management.


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