2 Reasons To Reconsider Going It Alone
Everyone knows that striking out on your own and being wildly successful is the best feeling in the world. After all, you only have to answer to yourself, everything is done the way you like it, and there?s no compromise. But it?s not all it?s cracked up to be. Running a solo business means that you?re responsible for everything. You wear all the hats. And when you?re sick or in desperate need of a break, no one else is there to pick up your slack. Here are 2 things to consider when you?re considering starting your own business?alone.
1. The Physical Challenge. When you work for someone else, you only have to worry about doing the things that you need to do. Everyone else is responsible for other aspects. Someone else signs your checks. Someone else cleans the building. Someone else orders the supplies and stocks them so that they?re there when you need them. If you work alone, that ?someone else? is always you. And try as you might, you simply can?t take care of all of those things yourself.
2. The Spiritual Challenge. Like it or not, we are all interdependent. Sometimes we allow others to rely on us and sometimes we need to rely on others. This isn?t just a business truth, it?s a universal truth. If you?re bound and determined to make your business work on your own, then you aren?t allowing yourself to depend on anyone else?ever. So what would happen if you accepted help? Would you feel guilty? Would you feel less competent? Next time you?re feeling overwhelmed, try saying Yes when someone asks if they can help you.
The challenge is that you?ll always need help, and you probably can?t pay for all of it. Here are some time tested ways to prioritize your life and your work as you try to run your business almost by yourself.
? Invest in Your Learning. Learn from the people who have done this successfully, even though it means you may have to put off one of the five million things on your ?To Do? list for another few minutes. Check out books, take classes, and find others who have run businesses by themselves and take them out to lunch ? then pick their brains. Don?t take everyone?s advice; just follow your gut as you determine whose wisdom works for you.
? Let Someone Else Crunch the Numbers. Never, ever do your own taxes when you run your business by yourself. Once you have that taken care of, hire a bookkeeper to ensure that your books are clean every month. Learning from a professional about how your money comes in and goes out of your business will teach you a lot about your business.
? Get Virtual Assistance. Virtual assistants are a dime a dozen, so it won?t be hard to find one. Make sure the assistant you hire is strong in the areas where you?re weak. Start by hiring them for a single one or two hour project and then do the same the following month. As your relationship continues you?ll gain confidence in your assistant and be more willing to ask for help. And your assistant will learn how you like things done and will feel more comfortable doing what you ask. You may not be ready to hire a full time assistant right away, but working with someone a few hours a month will help you learn how to most efficiently utilize their services and prepare you to have more permanent assistance.
Another person you might consider consulting for help is an internet marketing professional. If creating a website isn?t your forte then an internet marketer can be an invaluable help to you and your business.
The simple truth is that you can?t do it all by yourself. Learn as much as you can, let someone else work the numbers, and get comfortable accepting help. Then watch your business grow.
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