10 Tips To Finding A Job In Chichester
1. Consider Carefully. What precisely are you wanting to do? Do you want a related job to the one you have been in or is there something in particular you've always wanted to do? Focus on what you really want, to steer clear of wasting time applying for openings you don't actually want.
2. Update your CV. Your CV is massively important when it comes to job hunting. You will be judged straightaway on your CV so ensure it's up to date, well presented and makes the correct impression. Ask friends or relative to read it through for you and give their impression of you.
3. Job seeking is 9 to 5. If you are unlucky enough to find yourself without employment then look at your job hunt as a job in itself. You should be prepared to spend all day seeking, applying and speaking to those in Chichester who can assist you. Sadly, job searching can be a time consuming process and the more time you can put in to it the more likely you are to get a good outcome.
4. Ask your friends. Remember that your friends and family can be a helpful job seeking tool. Ask around and see if anyone has any suggestions for you. It might be that there is an opportunity where they work that could suit you. You never know unless you ask!
5. Target Chichester organisations. If there is a particular area that you want to work in then research the local companies who could be requiring someone like you. Some personal experience for you: When I was looking for a job I decided I would like to give estate agency a try so I made a list of all the Chichester agencies and handed my CV in to them. Out of the 10 CVs I popped in I got 4 interviews and was offered 2 jobs, none of which were actually advertising roles at the time! This strategy could work for you as well so get on the telephone, in the car or have a walk round. Nobody is going to object to you dropping in a CV and may respect the fact that you came to them. They are also more likely to remember you when it comes to deciding on people for interview.
6. Visit Chichester Job Centre. The Chichester Job Centre is there to assist you so make use of them. Go in and speak to one of their advisers who will be able to help you with things such as your CV and you can also check their job database to see what's available.
7. Visit Chichester recruitment agencies. Chichester has lots of recruitment agencies so make use of them. Don't forget that they charge their clients not you so they are a free way of getting your CV out to employers. They can also advise you on your CV, interview techniques and other recruitment related matters. They may also be aware of openings coming up so you could have the chance to be the first to apply for a job.
8. Check The Chichester Observer / West Sussex Gazette. These papers display Chichester vacancies so can be very helpful in your job search. Large Chichester employers and The Chichester District Council / West Sussex County Council in particular advertise their openings in The Chichester Observer / West Sussex Gazette so make sure you check them every week and get your application in quickly.
9. Check Job Boards. Chichester dedicated job boards can be more helpful when searching for a opening in Chichester than popular large sites such as Monster. You are more likely to find a smaller local employer advertising in a local job board (which are usually much cheaper) then a multinational one.
10. Don't give up! Finally don't despair! There are lots of openings out there and it is often a matter of time. It could be that you have to think about retraining but there are lots of options and help available out there if you know where to look.
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