Wednesday, May 16, 2012

10 Ways To Instantly Increase Profits In Your Online Business

10 Ways To Instantly Increase Profits In Your Online Business
You can increase your profits almost instantly and it doesn?t involve spending more on marketing. Your online business has profit leaks in it which is making you lose a lot of money. Get these leaks fixed and you could gain thousands of dollars quickly. Here are 10 ways how you can increase your online profits almost instantly.

1. Squeeze page

Have you tested your squeeze page to see if the conversion can be improved? A 5 increase in conversion rates mean an extra 500 leads added to your list per 10,000 visitors. 500 more people who you can regularly market to on your list.

2. Build your list virally

When people sign up to your list, give them a free offer if they refer 3 or more friends to your list. This will multiply the size of your list and give you more prospects to sell to.

3. Following up with customers on testimonials

Collect testimonials automatically by following up with your customers with your autoresponder. Place the testimonials on your website to increase the visitors? confidence and sales.

4. Recruiting affiliates

Continue to follow up with customers after asking them for a testimonial. Ask them to be an affiliate of your products and services. Automate this process to build your army of affiliates and increase sales.

5. Changing headline on sales page

Change and test your headlines on your sales page. See if you can improve the number of buyers with your new headline. If you manage to get a 2 increase in conversion rates, that?s an extra 20 sales with every 1000 visitors you send to your website.

6. Leveraging your thank you page

Customers will arrive on your ?Thank You? page after they bought your product. Use this ?Thank You? page by telling them about your other services, or other products which you?re an affiliate of. Since the customer is focused on reading your ?Thank You? page, don?t waste the opportunity.

7. Using your confirmed opt in page

Do the same with the web page confirming that your prospects are signed up to your list. Sell them your other services while they are on your website reading your confirmed opt in message. You have their attention so start selling to them.

8. Survey your list

With your list of subscribers, send them a survey asking for their opinion. Ask them what they think of your products and services and what they would like to buy. With the feedback, see if there are any new products you need to create or changes to be made to your existing business.

9. Monitoring your marketing

Make sure you monitor your marketing results. Know which adverts are effective and which are not. Focus on doing the type of marketing that is bringing you results and removing the ones which are not. You could be currently using a marketing channel which is not getting you any results.

10. Increasing your price

It is very possible that you can increase the price of your products and services and have no effect on the number of sales. Try it and see. Gradually increase your price until it decreases your profits. Look for the sweet spot where you have the most expensive price possible.

These 10 techniques won?t take up a lot of your time but they will give you almost instant results. Improving your online business internally is one of the best ways to increase profits before you consider spending more on your marketing.

online business,increase profits,online business model,improve online business,business operation


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