Thursday, May 31, 2012

4 Common Mistakes Made During A Digital Signage Deployment

4 Common Mistakes Made During A Digital Signage Deployment
Deploying a digital signage initiative is fraught with a number of potential pitfalls. We learn some of them the hard way. Often, the most frustrating and expensive problems are revealed only after a network has been fully deployed. In retrospect, it s easy to identify mistakes that were committed along the way, but costly to resolve the issues they cause.

There are a number of common blunders that new customers and administrators make when deploying a signage initiative. The good news is that upfront planning and foresight can help you avoid making them. In this article, I ll describe 4 mistakes that can lead to an ineffective deployment.

#1 Lack Of Scalability

It s likely that your signage program will expand over time. When you make the initial investment in the project, it s difficult to predict how its integration will encompass additional components and functionality as your needs change. Unfortunately, this lack of foresight can result in a network that isn t capable of supporting a seamless expansion. That can lead to costly upgrades. Even though there will always be a level of uncertainty, try to forecast how your network will grow in the future.

#2 Using Untested Content

While the individual components that comprise your system (i.e. media server, plasma screens, etc.) are important, the design and use of content plays a key role. The problem is that the content is often the last variable that operators consider. When pressed for time, it is often created hurriedly and deployed without being tested. Compatibility issues, effectiveness, and the manner in which the content supports sales efforts and other initiatives must be tested before being deployed.

#3 Lack Of Training

Too often, companies invest in a digital signage network without giving sufficient thought to training issues. In many cases, an untrained employee with little to no experience is given the task of spearheading the project. The problems that can occur may be obvious: ineffective design and deployment of content, gaps in security or functionality, and configuration issues. Before moving forward with the initiative, it s important to identify a team who will oversee the program. The members of that team should discuss training issues with the signage company.

#4 Lack Of Budget

A large network deployment can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars. Depending upon the retailer with whom you re working, they may be open to a progressive payment structure based upon tiered levels of completion. For example, rather than paying $50,000 upfront, you may be able to pay on a 40 30 20 10 schedule. 40 would be due after the contract has been negotiated; 30 would be due when the system has been delivered; 20 due after installation, and the remainder due at project completion.

Occasionally, a company will fail to properly plan their budget. Suffice to say that if you fail to make the payments as detailed in the contract, it can stall the installation and deployment of your network. This happens more often than you might think; plan conservatively to avoid budget related issues.

Ensuring A Smooth Deployment

The 4 mistakes that I ve described above ensnare many would be network operators. Fortunately, each of these mistakes can be easily avoided. Consider your long term signage needs in order to build sufficient scalability into your network. Test every piece of content that you plan to deploy. Discuss training issues with your signage company and prepare an airtight budget through contract completion. In an upcoming column, we ll explore a few more mistakes that can sabotage your digital signage network prior to its launch.

digital signage, signage, advertising, signage network, electronic reader boards

4 Big Mistakes People Make When Applying For Telecommuting Jobs

4 Big Mistakes People Make When Applying For Telecommuting Jobs
While it?s important to know what to do to help your chances in getting the telecommuting position you want; it?s also just as important to know what you should not do. Learning from others mistakes is the best way to do that.

Here are the top 4 mistakes that cost people the telecommuting jobs they apply for:

1. Don?t follow directions in a job ad

Some people tend to send off their resume without reading a job ad thoroughly first. A lot of job ads will say things like, ?don?t send attachments. Place your resume in the body of the email.? or something similar. Then what happens if the person applying doesn?t read through and see that?

They send an attachment and it ultimately gets deleted and the person is no longer considered for the position since they didn?t follow the potential employer?s instructions. Those employers are more impressed with someone who can follow directions, because then they could follow directions on the job.

2. Annoy the Prospective Employer

Believe it or not, this actually happens. Its one thing to be anxious; because you haven?t heard anything, but it?s another to bombard your prospective employer with one or two emails a day inquiring about it.

It?s okay to send an email making sure they received the resume a few days after you send it. It?s even okay to send an email a couple of weeks later to inquire to see how things are coming along, but it?s not okay to send oodles of emails to them on a daily basis. You?ll be seen as an annoyance and they probably won?t want someone like that working for them.

3. Monopolizing the Interviews with Personal Stories

It?s true that most employers want to know a little about you to determine whether you?re a fit or not for their company. However, they don?t need; nor do they want to know about all your personal problems. Say things like, ?I like to travel? instead of ?I?m desperate to work from home, because I can?t afford daycare anymore.?

Stay focused on the questions they ask.

If they want you to share a few things about yourself, then stick to positive things and leave your personal problems to your friends or family.

4. Lying on your resume

You might think that it increases your chances of getting the position, but in most cases, it increases your chances of losing it. Those who have lied on their r?sum?s tend to slip up in the interviews or get caught by the employer, because they do a little digging.

Be truthful when filling out applications or creating your resume. If you only have 6 months experience developing software programs or whatever; then say so. It?s better to be truthful with them, then to get caught in a lie.

These mistakes are easy ways to cost you the job you?ve worked hard to try to get. Learn from others and avoid making them yourself. The employers will appreciate your professionalism in the application process and you?ll be pleased too if they decide to hire you for the job.

telecommuting, mistakes

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

3 Ways To Define Viral Marketing

3 Ways To Define Viral Marketing
There are always many definitions to all words. When you think of a word and its meaning, it makes sense to figure out where the word is derived from. In the case of marketing, there are many approaches. One of the most common and popular approaches of our time is something called viral advertising. There are many ways to define viral marketing, as there are many ways to define other words.

Before you can define viral marketing, the person must consider what they want to accomplish in their viral marketing campaign. In a campaign to brand your product or company, the brander will have to identify what it is they are trying to make come across. The message you send will be carried for many people to come, so, it is best to make this first step thought out and practical.

Do not get stuck with an image your company did not want to portray. The power of viral marketing is strong and once it is let loose, it is hard to get the reins on. In other words, once it is done, it is hard or impossible to undo.

First Definition: The first way to define viral marketing is to describe it as an internet word of mouth. The concept of word of mouth was brought into the internet as an effective way to relay information. With sites such as MySpace, Digg, Facebook and Delicious, it is easy to see why viral marketing is so effective. Large social communities allow for people to exchange thoughts, feelings and information quickly and publicly.

Second Definition: The second way to define viral marketing is by the use of its mediums. Viral marketing uses mediums such as ads, pictures, videos, banners, flash animation, email and more to get their information across to a general audience. There are more effective mediums than others; however, they all help define viral marketing.

Third Definition: The third way to define viral marketing is by giving it an evolving factor. In order to be successful and define viral marketing closely, a campaign has to always be making it better. In other words, it needs to keep ideas new and exciting. This is where most viral marketing campaigns fall flat. The first attempt at a viral marketing campaign might work great. After a while, the buzz is gone. Instead of dropping another bug in someone?s ear, the company lets the campaign fizzle out. This is not a good campaign nor is it effective. People, especially in social networking settings, want more. It is all about the new and updated.

Take a look at other ways you have seen viral marketing around you and I am sure you can define viral marketing on your own terms. It encompasses a lot and allows for a broader marketing range unlike a traditional marketing and advertising campaign. Look to other sources such as the ones provided to increase knowledge where few, if any, mistakes are made on your companies behalf.

viral marketing, viral videos, video marketing, business strategy, business marketing

30 Client Referrals A Year: How To Get Them?

30 Client Referrals A Year: How To Get Them?
Most professionals don't because they're afraid. Afraid they'll hurt their client relationships. Afraid they won't cultivate any new business. Or afraid they'll appear cheap or salesy.

It's an imagined psychological line in the sand you're afraid of crossing with people. It's in a concept I teach called "D.V.", or Damage Verge. You're frightened that by bringing up the word "referrals" you'll push your clients, cross that line, and create damage.

Let me give you an example.

Of 5,200 investment and insurance professionals surveyed earlier this year by my firm Strategic Impact!, an overwhelming 79 percent said they rely on referrals as their primary source of new business. Eighty-three percent of those professionals had at least 100 clients. Yet the median number of referrals they received from their clients over a 12-month period was just 6 to 12! That means that, on average, only about 10% of their clients were generating referrals. That's horrible! And being passive causes it.

If clients are your best source of new business then the figure indicates a tremendous problem. The question is why? My answer is Damage Verge: A psychological barrier where you imagine the worst possible thing will happen if you ask a client for a referral.

Before you can even think about how to bring the subject up, your brain kicks into warp speed and says, "I can't ask them for a referral; they might get mad at me. . . feel upset. . . be uncomfortable. . . [insert your excuse here]. . . or worst yet, they'll just say, 'No!'"

What I'm referring to is nothing more than your conscious mind gets into the act, and you wrongly start envisioning that worst-case scenario coming to life. You see yourself offending someone, being presumptuous, asking the wrong way, feeling embarrassed, and finally ruining a prized relationship.

Four ways to break through

1.Be more in tune to your client's communication style. The Damage Verge is different for every client and customer, depending on that person's communication style. Still other clients get instantly turned off, regardless of what you try to discuss with them. Understanding your clients' varying styles of communication and receptiveness to your goal of building more business will go a long way in cultivating referrals.

2.Know how to 'ask' for referrals. Nothing evokes more fear in professionals than the thought of sitting down with a client and "asking them" for referrals. So don't! That's right--don't ask for referrals. Focus on earning personal introductions from clients. The key is that you must test and confirm with every client that they are finding value in you and your work. Use a monthly meeting, lunch, or quarterly review to touch base. I ask one simple, very powerful question: "Mrs. Client, tell me: How am I doing in my relationship with you?" The answer allows the referral door to swing wide open--or temporarily close tight. Either way, you've got a much better read on the relationship.

3.Practice with your C-level clients, and then move up. Practice on relationships where the stakes aren't so high. Take some of the pressure off yourself by building self-confidence and enthusiasm--and seeing results--with B-level and C-level clients. It's highly unlikely that you would ever offend someone who has confirmed your value. But, if you do upset someone, let it be a C-level client that wouldn't be irreplaceable if they should take their business elsewhere.

4.Give clients a reason to share you with others. I believe in the 80/20 Rule when it comes to client referrals. It says that 80 percent of your clients utilize only about 20 percent of the services you have to offer. One way to counter this is by bundling current services as "value-added" extras--this shows appreciation for your current client relationship while simultaneously giving your clients more reason to suggest your services to others. Remember, you want to introduce the subject of referrals with your clients without adversely affecting the relationship at all. You want to get near their damage verge, but you must never cross it. It's like stepping near thin ice--without ever falling through. Stay in the area where the relationship provides enough support for what you're saying--and don't overload it.

referral, referrals, client referrals, customer referrals, referral system, referral marketing

3 Ways To Get Started With Send Out Cards

3 Ways To Get Started With Send Out Cards
There are 3 ways to join SendOutCards and benefit from their wide range of services. They have developed an account to accommodate the needs of everyone whether looking for business use, personal use, or both.

Retail Account

The Retail Account has been developed to meet the needs of personal and small business uses. If you would like to send cards with the retail account you have two main options of joining.

1. Monthly Auto Order Account - This account is free but you must buy at least 20 points per month.

2. Annual Membership Account - This account costs $25/year and comes with 200 points to start with. You are not required to purchase any points to keep your account active.

If you would like to become a retail customer there are a few things that have been recommended by SendOutCards to get the most for your money.

1. Purchase the $99.00 Retail Package Plus to take advantage of the PicturePlus Program along with other beneficial features.

2. It is recommended that you purchase at least 50 points on Auto Order per month.

Wholesale Account

If you are planning to use SendOutCards to its fullest potential then the Wholesale Account will be just right for you. There are a few things that must be done to keep your account active.

1. When signing up for the account you will be required to purchase at least the System License for $199.

2. You are required to purchase a minimum of 32 points each month on Auto Order.

Once you have signed up and bought the system license you will be given 200 points, a handwriting font, and receive a 35% discount on points.

SendOutCards encourages you to purchase the Wholesale Package Plus ($298) which contains all you will need to fully benefit from their services.

1. PicturePlus Program

2. System License

3. Free Handwriting Font and 4 Signatures

4. 35% Discount

and many other important features.

Entrepreneur Package -

If you are looking to use the services offered by SendOutCards and make money along the way then this is definitely your best option. There are several benefits to purchasing the Entrepreneur Package.

1. You will gain access to all the features offered by SendOutCards with a value of over $600 for only $398.

2. You will receive a $100 bonus for every person you bring onto the SendOutCards team. All you have to do is show them how it works.

While this is the most expensive way to join it offers you the most for your money. Not only will you get an enormous discount on all features, you will have the opportunity to make your investment back through selling SendOutCards business opportunities to others.


360 Degree Scam

360 Degree Scam
Lock Your Spot 360 Degrees is a company that is in pre launch and has produced a lot of awareness to itself all over the network marketing Internet news wires. Why is this company creating so much publicity? Well, it is free to join until the launch date which is May 15, 2010 and there is no obligation to you if after that date you want to drop out of this opportunity that is aimed at changing your life 360 Degrees. This approach seems to be very appealing and promising to some, thus the average rate of sign ups is 2000 enrollments per day. But we all know that cost alone does not determine whether a company such as 360 will become a force to be reckoned with. Lets look at what matters in choosing a mlm company; Unique Products, Leadership,, and Strength of the Sales Force.


Since 360 is still in prelaunch, we have very little information to go on. Its claim is that its products will be 'smart' products 360 Degrees products are going to be in the health and wellness sector and look to be mostly weight loss products and nutritional supplements. They say that the products are backed by some super athletes and cutting technology used in the science of creating a healthy lifestyle products. Maybe the products will be bigger and better than we could ever imagine. Well one thing is certain. If 360 is going to stand the test of time it MUST have unique products in which there is little or no competition. I'm looking forward to seeing what this brand new company has in store for the world.


Any company, '360 Degree' included, has to have the right leadership standing behind the sales force. The owners should have years of experience in running network marketing companies. Owners with a long term vision for the sales force and the company. Reps want to work with a company that has a long term vision, a vision that has the benefit of the distributor out in the field in mind. Thousands of network marketing companies have come and gone, because the leadership within the owners was never there. If the leadership is not looking out for the well being of its people, the company will eventually fold. '360 Degree' has on its website the list of leader and Field leaders for you to look over. My self I have never heard of many on the site but that is not important.

Sales Force

You are the sales force!! With Pre Launches remember that in the first year most companies go out of business. If they survive the first year then within the next 5 years you will see if they will succeed. This is where you come in. You have to be the sales force that will keep this company in business. So now you need to be a leader. This company will not continue to be free for enrollment much longer so do you know how to market a mlm business. Do you have what it take to lead a huge team? Do you have access to a system that will help you to build a huge team?

Now, you may be thinking how can I reap financial security from this opportunity? Well, by locking your spot now anyone that joins after you will be part of your down line and you will benefit from all of them once the company officially launches. Commissions will be paid at 100% for the people you enroll and bonuses paid at every level. What this means is you will need to build a down line of possibly 100's of people, but you may all ready have them in place once the company officially launches since everyone who joins for free after you before launch will be placed under you.

As with any opportunity I suggest you due your research into the company, the products and compensation plan before you join.

There is a great potential to make a successful home based business with this company but 97% who start will fail within the first year. The potential is there if you know how to market effectively and can brand yourself as a leader. For those with little or no experience it will be essential that you learn online marketing techniques and keep in mind it will take work on your part to learn and become effective with these tools. Lock your spot now and be prepared to work at building your business once the company goes live. Come see what is being left out of the info being shared by 360 Degree Lock your spot. Come and learn how to market this and any MLM business online and offline. You are here on line reading this whay not learn how to use the internet to build this business. Click on the link below and take advantage today.

lock your spot pre launch scam,lock your spot pre launch,lock your spot lock your spot review,lock your spot scam,360 degree,360 degree review, 360 degree scam,lock your spot mlm scam,lock your spot 360 degree scam,lock your spot 360 degree mlm scam,make

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

3 Viral Marketing Ideas

3 Viral Marketing Ideas
Blogging is one of the most effective and popular viral marketing idea?s to come into existence on the internet. The effectiveness of blogs in regards to viral marketing can be incredibly high. A blog offers a number of key opportunities for any business whether it?s an online business or a traditional brick and mortar business. A blog offers you the opportunity to tell people about your company in an entertaining fashion.

It gives you the opportunity to create increase your own credibility. A well written blog will allow you to become an expert in your chosen field in the eyes of your viewers. All of these concepts are great and can lead to improved conversion rates. None of them is as important as what a blog can do in terms of viral marketing.

Like most great viral marketing ideas blogs are used extensively because they have the ability to be spread around the internet at an incredible rate if they provide useful, intuitive and even humorous content. A well written blog will provide just the right level of information and entertainment to lead people to want to share it.

One of the oldest and most popular viral marketing ideas on the internet is link exchanges. This is not only one of the oldest viral marketing ideas but also one of the most effective. Like any form of viral marketing link exchanges can spread and grow quickly.

This holds especially true if you can provide useful content on your site. As your site grows in popularity more and more people will want to swap links with your site. This is due to the fact that receiving links from sites which have a good position with the search engines counts for more than minor sites giving links.

With a bit of time but very little effort your site can gain status with the search engines making it a continuously growing target for people wanting links. As you swap links with these people your own sites popularity will grow. Eventually this can even lead to other sites linking to your site without receiving a link back simply because your site is deemed as important.

Electronic newsletters are another one of the fairly old viral marketing ideas. These newsletters are able to gain a lot of momentum extremely quickly if done correctly. Unlike your website a newsletter is presented directly to your viewers on your terms. They receive the email in their inbox and with any luck choose to read it.

A well written title and great content are the keys to making newsletters one of the functional viral marketing ideas. A poorly written or boring title won?t encourage your users to read the email. A well written title will increase the odds that they open this email. If the content is well laid out and both well written and interesting there?s a good chance they will pass it along to their friends.

Viral marketing idea?s are out there. Some of them are inexpensive while some of them can be quite costly. The key is to understand what will make people want to share what you have to say and that is something that can be learned.

viral marketing, viral videos, video marketing, business strategy, business marketing

3 Tips For Successful Interviewing

3 Tips For Successful Interviewing
It can be a nerve-wrecking prospect to think about your impending job interview. What will you say? How will you dress? What if the interviewer asks questions for which you don't know the answers? These are all questions you may run through your mind before ever meeting the prospective employer.

But while interviews can be intimidating, they don't have to be feared - especially if you come equipped with the right knowledge. So let's look at three tips that can help you place the job you want in the palm of your hands.

1. Conduct Practice Q A Sessions

Before you ever set foot on the property of your prospective employer, it is important that you mentally prepare for the challenge you're up against. Being that you've never interviewed before, it may seem impossible to prepare for the unknown. But luckily for you, there are bound to be some individuals in your life who have been on job interviews. So give them a job of helping you prepare.

A good way to start your preparation is by first conducting some research on the company you are interested in working for. After you've learned the company's overall mission, what they look for in employees, and most importantly, what they want in the hiring position, you can give this information to your helper. Then he or she can compose interview questions, have you show up for the mock interview in full attire, and ask the questions so that you can begin to feel comfortable with the process.

2. Dress for Success

This is probably one of the more important aspects of interviewing for any position, no matter how casual you think it might be. The prospective employer wants to confirm how serious you are about the job, something that is partially accomplished by dressing up in business attire for the interview.

While this may seem to be common sense to some, there are many newcomers to the world of interviewing who show up wearing khaki pants or low-cut tops. So if you already knew that wearing a business suit (clean with no wrinkles) is the way to go, good job. But if you were just about to walk out of the door in your T-shirt and khakis, you may want to go change your clothes.

3. Speak from the Heart

Starting off in your practice Q A session, and eventually transitioning into your actual interview, it is important that you place personal value on your decision to apply for the job. If you go into the interview thinking that you won't like the job, the interviewer might sense the apprehension and pass you up for the position. However, if you come in genuinely enthusiastic about the position, it will be much easier for you to find the right words to express that enthusiasm.

If you follow these three tips, you'll be that much closer to securing the job of your dreams. So practice, practice, practice with your Q A session, go buy a suit that makes you feel comfortable, and go to the interview with great passion. You'll see that your budding confidence in your interviewing skills will skyrocket in time for your very first interview.


3 Tips To Effective Viral Video Marketing

3 Tips To Effective Viral Video Marketing
Before you can use viral video marketing, it is important to know what viral video marketing is. The concept of viral video marketing is to create a video that is a short clip of something ridiculous, outlandish humorous, or all of the above. These are all qualities that make a good viral video. The point is to get the video to spread across numerous social networking arenas where millions will view it. If this is accomplished successfully, you will have created a wonderful marketing campaign for either yourself or a company.

The first tip to a viral video is to keep it simple. Have you ever heard the term keep it simple? This concept applies here. The main reason a video becomes viral is because it is quick and interesting to watch on a certain front. It is humor that wins out; and most of the time that humor might not make sense. Most viral videos that have spread like wildfire are very random and pointless.

Next, you want to make sure your video does not come to strong on promotion. The video should be aimed at entertainment, not like the person is getting advertised too. Trust in the fact that people will remember your name when they enjoy a video. How else do you think they search for it? Sections of interest get committed to memory. Even if they do not mean to store this information, they will unintentionally. This is why Viral Video marketing is so effective.

Place your video in places where people can see it. Do not just place it on one website. YouTube is not the only social networking site out there. In fact, there are many viral video marketing segments out there to place your viral video on. Get the video out as much as possible. Look at places outside of the big name social networks. Anywhere on the internet will get at least some hits. The more the video is out there, the more it will get noticed.

Viral video marketing is more effective than even the renowned word of mouth. In essence, it works in the same way. The main difference between the two is the fact that it can get to people not only faster, but in all areas of the world. Word of mouth is limited in area. The internet is a vast land for continual notoriety. Creating a viral video marketing campaign that creates buzz is essential.

Spend time working with your team to develop the most comprehensive video that not only makes a statement that is funny, but captures the attention of the viewer so much they will want to share. Moreover, you have to find an effective way to incorporate your advertising blurb. Most people and companies will do it at the beginning of the video, after the video or both at the beginning or the end. This way, it does not affect the flow of the video and the viewer?s experience.

viral marketing, viral videos, video marketing, business strategy, business marketing

3 Vital Steps For Consistent Online Business Success

3 Vital Steps For Consistent Online Business Success
There is nothing quite so exciting and empowering as the ability to make money online. There really are a few real and very doable ways to make substantial money online.

The purpose of this article is not to list the various pathways; there are actually only a few proven ones, that can be taken to make money online.

The goal of this article is to identify something even more important and foundational to anyone who hopes to have any success. If you are already successful with an online business, you will discover that you succeeded precisely because you have used these 3 steps, whether consciously or not.

Don t be fooled by how simple and a bit obvious these steps may seem. They have been proven to be infallible to everyone who has used them. They work every time...if they are applied consistently.

Here are the 3 Vital Steps for Consistent Online Business Success:

1 FOCUS. Success is the fruit of focused attention in any endeavor. You must plant the right seed in the right soil, you must care for it consistently, and you must wait for the harvest (sorry, get rich quick won t get outrageous results in one week, although they can come in a fairly short of time). A focused, patient, positive mindset will make sure you will be there to see a bountiful harvest!

2 IMITATION. You don t have to, nor do you even want to; come up with a totally new way or system of making an online income. This is too risky and takes to much time and money. The very best, quickest, and most effective way is to copy something that is already successful. Granted, when you are more experienced, you may want to experiment and tweak things, but you don t need to reinvent the wheel . Follow in the footsteps of the successful and you too will succeed.

3 MENTORING. It has been said that it is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own . Beat the learning curve by finding someone to teach you proven ways to do it right. You don t have the time or resources to waste in re learning what someone else already knows. Anyway, you can t get to where you want to be without someone else s help. This has always been true. The trick is to find someone who has the right experience and the know how to show the way to others in simple and clear steps.

BONUS STEP (the secret to making it all work!): Take ACTION. Nothing will work for you if you don t take daily consistent action...massive action.

You can have a great plan, a great system, and even a great mentor, but if you don t take action, you will not achieve success. That is the naked truth. Those who take action get results. Those who don t, are just dreamers...that is all.

Having a dream, having a vision, having a goal is extremely important, but you must move the dream, the vision, the goal forward...action by action, step by step. Take an action, however small it seems, every single day. That is all you can do ...and that is all you need to do.

Take action (you know what the next little step is for you). Be consistent. Be persistent. Don t give up ...and you will soon find that you have arrived!

Take these 3 steps for online success to heart. Take ACTION. Apply them. FOCUS, IMITATE and get MENTORING... and you will find yourself well on the road to success.

Be blessed.

online,internet,business,focus,imitate,mentoring,mentor,action,step by step, take action, secret

Monday, May 28, 2012

3 Things You Need To Understand BEFORE You Start A Business

3 Things You Need To Understand BEFORE You Start A Business
You probably have the drive and enthusiasm if your set on starting your own online business. But there's more to it. So if you've decided to jump in headfirst without testing the water....

Don't jump!

Take a breath and look where you're going... you'll get there a lot faster.

Before you find a web designer... or create a product... or waste any time and money on complicated software... let's start with the fundamentals.

1. Starting an Internet business means BUILDING the key components first... and that takes some elbow grease

Starting an Internet business takes time, motivation, and know-how. But when you put in the effort, the rewards can be everything you've ever dreamed of. Everything you've heard about starting your own business online is true: you can earn more money, have more free time, and spend your days doing something you love (and getting paid for it!).

However, don't let your positive attitude get you roped into a business that has no chance of success, and don't think you can just put up an "instant" website that someone sells you and instantly make a fortune.

There's no free ride.

But if you're willing to learn and you know where to look for information, you're already ahead of the crowd.

The truth is, there are more Internet business opportunities out there than any one person could possibly find, and some of them are perfect for YOU! You've got to be the one to find them!

2. Start your online business by giving the people what they want

I'll let you in on the number one secret of Internet business: know what your customers want BEFORE you build your website.

This one simple tip will save you more time and money than any other piece of advice. Don't think of the Internet as another place for you to sell widgets - it's so much more than that.

Search engines have made it possible for almost anyone, anywhere, to find what they're looking for online... if it's there.

Your job is to find out what people are looking for - and not finding - that you can then sell them. If people are searching for left-handed bowling balls, then give them left-handed bowling balls.

Your goal is to find your own underserved niche market and become their go-to guy before someone else does. And when you do that, you've got yourself a real business opportunity!

3. Do it right the first time -- get expert help

Experience is the best teacher, and that's the way I learned. IMC is built on the idea of trying something, learning from mistakes, and doing things better after every failure.

Butt you probably don't have the time to try, try again... and failure is expensive! That's why so much of what I do is trying to get people to learn from my mistakes instead of making their own.

Its absolutely essential to arm yourself with information and knowledge. You can read articles and blogs, join a discussion forum where experts share information, or get your hands on online marketing courses, videos, and guides that teach you what you need to know.

You're going to need to know the basics of website building, writing salescopy, and search engine optimization. Without a structured plan and a little help, that could take a while.

Now the good news: if you're willing to learn, you can find teaching tools and resources in every shape, size, and learning style. Whether you want everything you need in a book so you can learn at your own pace, or you'd prefer having a mentor looking over your shoulder every step of the way, it's up to you to choose the method that suits you best.

It can be a fun and rewarding experience. And when those rewards are sales, you'll be laughing all the way to the bank!

Internet business strategy,marketing,online business,internet business,BeBiz,how to start an internet home business,Business,internet marketing tips,internet home business,starting an internet business,website builder,home business,online business

3 Things On How To Prepare For A Job Interview

3 Things On How To Prepare For A Job Interview
You must always be prepared when you walk into an interview and act appropriately. If you are to come in unprepared you might as well just walk right back out because no one wants to hire someone who can't handle something as simple as an interview. I however am going to tell you exactly how to prepare for a job interview.

* You want to reassess yourself in your skills and talents, especially if you have not worked for quite some time. You want to build up on the positive things and go in with a good attitude

* You absolutely have to have your resume in hand in fact a few copies with you would be the best thing to do. If you do not have any experience meaning you don't have a resume then be sure to bring in character references. The character references should be typed up and you should have at least 3 but no more than 5.

* If you take your cell phone/pager in with you be sure and turn it off. It is an even better idea to not even take it in with you.

Those are the things that I believe will help you be more prepared going into an interview. With a positive attitude, resume/character references in hand, and no obnoxious cell phone interruptions you have a much higher possibility in getting the job. Even if you don't you can reflect on the interview and figure out what you can fix for your next interview.


3 Things People Overlook In A Postcard Design

3 Things People Overlook In A Postcard Design
There is no denying that more and more people are utilizing postcards in their personal or business needs. Because of this, printing companies on the web are constantly looking for ways to make postcard design easier to learn.

These companies have made it so easy to make postcards that even a child with no experience at all can design his or her own postcards with just a few clicks of the mouse. Yes, its relative ease has its advantages. But it also makes you overlook things that could improve and make your design more effective.

Number 1: Simple is not boring

People think that the word simple is synonymous to the word boring. They are wrong. Simple and boring are two different words with two different meanings.

? Being simple means communicating your ideas effectively to your audience and putting your message across in a very clear manner. While it is true that being simple can border on boring by some, being over the top as a solution never works well as well.

? Overpowering your message with clutter is one way of sabotaging your design. And this idea leads us to the next one.

Number 2: Exercise restraint

Some printing companies online offer free design tools that help you customize your very own and unique postcards. This gives you the power to tap unlimited potential and opens up endless possibilities in both your layout and your design.

? However, many people have yet to learn the value of restraint. Given the freedom to choose and do anything, people just tend to do too much. Often you see postcards with too many pictures or images that it masks the message that the postcard was designed to get across.

? Learn to control the urge to add more. Instead, think the other way around. Ask yourself, what part of the postcard is not helping with the design? Which parts can I take away?

? Peter Parker was right when he said that with great power comes great responsibility. You have the power to make any design but you are also responsible for making it effective.

Number 3: You can use the back

It is very understandable why designers focus much attention to the front side of the card. It is where the image or headline is placed. It is what makes the readers interested enough so that they will read what you have to say.

Because of this, many people tend to forget about designing the backside of the postcard. They dismiss the back side simply as the stamp side or the place where you could write your personal notes to the person you are sending it to.

The people doing this are depriving themselves of fully maximizing the capabilities of postcards. They forget that postcard have become more than just a piece of mail. It is your own greeting card, invitations card and more. Design both sides of your postcard or ably integrate the back side as a part of your whole design.

Elicit a response from your recipient and use the backside of a postcard to do so. You can put information about your company and the services you provide. You can include here things that normally would clutter up the front side.

The back part of the postcard is the most versatile part you can use in your postcard design. You can put anything you want in it and it will surely add to a goof, first impression.

Postcard Design, Postcard, Design

3 Things That Will Increase Your Sales

3 Things That Will Increase Your Sales
There isn?t any magic bullet in what you?re about to read, but there are always things that you can do that without a doubt will increase your sales. There are three things that will increase your business if you do them and work at it. No matter if you pick one or all of them, doing them only once in a while won?t have a huge impact. Consistency is the key. Not doing these simple things is the equivalent of waiting until the end of the month before realizing that you haven?t made any sales.

1) Increase New Business Generation Activities. This one is easy to ignore, since even good sales people often consider this part of the job unpleasant. To begin you have to dedicate more time to Prospecting. Prospecting for every person varies. It doesn?t matter if you are cold calling, dropping in to see new prospects or working referrals. Pick your method, make your plan and then go after them. Prospecting and lead generation does not have to take a huge amount of time, but the time you spend focused on it needs to be effective and productive. When it comes to finding new business leads, remember that no one you call is going to say yes the first time. Have a planned series of messages and offer for your prospects until you get a dialogue going. The fatal mistake most sales people make is saying, ?I called that guy once or twice and it never went anywhere.?

2) Increase your offers to existing customers. How many things do you sell? Great! Now that you know the number, how many of them are complimentary to what your customers are already buying? Things that go nicely with your core offers. In many industries these are the most profitable parts of the sale. If you?re not getting that piece of the business, then not only is there money being left on the table but you?re also letting the competition in the door. If you do this right, then there?s no downside to this. If they buy mops from you but don?t buy buckets, cleaning supplies and whatever else would go with it, then it?s your own fault if you are not asking. Along those lines, don?t assume they know or remember everything you do sell. Tell your customers, them remind them regularly and see the next point.

3) Actually follow up. Ok, now that you?re done calling me an assumptive jerk, let?s get down to business. Most sales people take down information during a sales call and then focus on the major points. What if you resolved the hot issues first because that is what any smart sales person is going to do and then kept coming back with all the little things that weren?t on fire. Things like ?remember when you asked about _____?, then give them the answer of what it can and can?t do. No need to lie or embellish anything. Stick to the facts. If it?s a fit?great! If not, I?m certain you?ve thought of something that can help them or a work around concept.

Nothing listed above is brain surgery. Chances are nothing you?ve read here today is all that new to you. Which means, if you have all the business you can or want to handle then odds are you?re doing these things in only one way, shape, or form. If you don?t then either you?re not doing them often enough or without the right message, intent and purpose. If that?s the case then it?s time for you to start religiously committing yourself to new business development and lead generation. Increasing your customer wallet share by telling customers about your products and services over and over again in a way that rings a bell, but isn?t repetitive. And you must follow up. Following up alone is a gold mine, since so few people really take the time to do it.

selling more, how to increase sales, sales training, increase your sales, product selling,

Sunday, May 27, 2012

3 Steps To Increase Your Sales In Forums

3 Steps To Increase Your Sales In Forums
Most new forum members often have difficulties selling their products or services in the forums due to their lack of experience or credentials. Most buyers will only engage services with those reputable traders that have been with the forums for quite some time. This article will highlight the 3 important steps to increase your sales in the forums despite your membership duration in the forums.

The first step is to ensure that you have an attractive headline so that members will click to see the detailed offer. If a headline is poor and not attractive, it is pointless to proceed to the following steps. One helpful advice is to leave out your products or service's price in the headline if you command a big price tag.

I have seen most headlines failed simply because the sellers do not understand the importance of creating an attractive headline. The other tip is to call for action in the headline. If you do not do this, chances are the members will forget about your listing while shopping around. One great example is to indicate that your offer is valid for today only. This type of headline will attract more clicks than normal listing.

The second step is to offer initial discount for the first few takers. This is especially critical if you are selling at a higher price. By offering discounts, people will tend to take up your offers sooner. You can also try selling in an auction format with a low starting bid to encourage sales. You can start off by offering as high as 50% discount to the first ten buyers.

Even after utilizing the above two steps, most sellers will still find it difficult to attract sales. The reason is because of their credentials. One solution to resolve this issue is to offer free review copies to the senior forum members. Their positive reviews will absolutely help your product or service. However, you must be aware that most senior forum members will post honest reviews, meaning that it may affect your listing negatively if you do not offer a good product or service.

To conclude, most forum members will not purchase a product or service from a very new forum member and the only way is to boost up your credentials or by helping the other members one way or another.

forum entrepreneurs, forum sales, forum marketing

3 Things Dr Oz Didn?t Tell Us About Resveratrol

3 Things Dr Oz Didn?t Tell Us About Resveratrol
Unless you live in a cave, there?s no doubt that you?ve heard of the amazing anti aging breakthrough called Resveratrol. Resveratrol ads are popping up everywhere and it?s been featured on 60 Minutes, Dr Oz amp Oprah, Discovery Channel, ABC, CBS, Fox News, and MSNBC. In this article, you?ll find the inside scoop about the effects of Resveratrol and tips on usage and how to purchase it.

Resveratrol is classified as a polyphenol and is naturally created by certain vines, pine trees, peanuts, grapes, and other plants. Polyphenols make up a wide variety of plant compounds. One of them, Polygonnum cuspidatum is used in various traditional Asian medicines which are prescribed for liver and heart conditions. Resveratrol activates the ?longevity gene? (sirtuin SIR gene). Harvard Medical School has done extensive research on Resveratrol and says that it is the biggest medical discovery since antibiotics!

1) What Will Taking Resveratrol Do For Me?

Resveratrol has many effects on the body. Plants create Resveratrol to help protect from bad weather, disease, and poor growing conditions. The same natural defense system can be activated in humans.

Resveratrol helps us burn fat and lose weight by naturally increasing the metabolism. The antioxidant compounds in it work as food inhibitors to the upper intestine receptors. This makes your brain think that your stomach is full.

Resveratrol also prevents the proliferation of various cancer cell types. It has anti inflammatory effects which stop the enzymes that encourage cancer cell growth. Also, it has a natural antioxidant that destroys cancer cells by attacking the mitochondria and arresting its ability to function properly.

The reduction of free radical activity is also a major benefit of Resveratrol. It reduces cell degeneration, boosts your energy levels, relieves IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), reduces wrinkles, clears up acne, and much more!

2) Resveratrol Usage:

Resveratrol should be taken three times a day about twenty minutes before meals. This helps your body absorb the nutrients most efficiently. It can come in two different types of isomers: trans Resveratrol and cis Resveratrol. The ?trans Resveratrol? is the biologically active of the two and therefore is the only one you want to use for health benefits. When purchasing Resveratrol, make sure it is ?trans Resveratrol? to receive all the wonderful effects that people are raving about.

3) Get Resveratrol Today!

Tens of thousands of people have been benefiting from the wonders of Resveratrol. The uses and benefits keep growing everyday. If you want to look younger, naturally lose weight, reduce the risk of cancer, have more energy and increase general health then try one of the many Resveratrol products available. Many companies offer a free trial or free bottle because they know you will fall in love with Resveratrol and come back to purchase more.

With all of the variations of Resveratrol available which one should you choose? It?s always a good idea to stick with reputable manufacturers like Market Health, Health Buy or Pacific Naturals. So now, with your new found knowledge, you can pick a good Resveratrol product and start enjoying better health today!

resveratrol, resv, effects, anti-aging, weight loss, red wine, wine pill, supplement, natural

3 Techniques For Improving You Affiliate Marketing Results

3 Techniques For Improving You Affiliate Marketing Results
The ideal world of affiliate marketing does not require having your won website, dealing with customers, refunds, product development and maintenance. This is one of the easiest ways of launching into an online business and earning more profits.

Assuming you are already into an affiliate program, what would be the next thing you would want to do? Double, or even triple, your commissions, right? How do you do that?

Here are some powerful tips on how to boost your affiliate program commissions overnight.

1. Know the best program and products to promote. Obviously, you would want to promote a program that will enable you to achieve the greatest profits in the shortest possible time.

There are several factors to consider in selecting such a program. Choose the ones that have a generous commission structure. Have products that fit in with your target audience. And that has a solid track record of paying their affiliate easily and on time. If you cannot seem to increase your investments, dump that program and keep looking for better ones.

There are thousands of affiliate programs online which gives you the reason to be picky. You may want to select the best to avoid losing your advertising dollars.

Write free reports or short ebooks to distribute from your site. There is a great possibility that you are competing with other affiliates that are promoting the same program. If you start writing short report related to the product you are promoting, you will be able to distinguish yourself from the other affiliates.

In the reports, provide some valuable information for free. If possible, add some recommendations about the products. With ebooks, you get credibility. Customers will see that in you and they will be enticed to try out what you are offering.

2. Collect and save the email addresses of those who download your free ebooks. It is a known fact that people do not make a purchase on the first solicitation. You may want to send out your message more than six times to make a sale.

This is the simple reason why you should collect the contact information of those who downloaded your reports and ebooks. You can make follow-ups on these contacts to remind them to make a purchase from you.

Get the contact information of a prospect before sending them to the vendor?s website. Keep in mind that you are providing free advertisement for the product owners. You get paid only when you make a sale. If you send prospects directly to the vendors, chances are they would be lost to you forever.

But when you get their names, you can always send other marketing messages to them to be able to earn an ongoing commission instead of a one-time sale only.

Publish an online newsletter or Ezine. It is always best to recommend a product to someone you know than to sell to a stranger. This is the purpose behind publishing your own newsletter. This also allows you to develop a relationship based on trust with your subscribers.

This strategy is a delicate balance between providing useful information with a sales pitch. If you continue to write informative editorials you will be able to build a sense of reciprocity in your readers that may lead them to support you by buying your products.

3. Ask for higher than normal commission from merchants. If you are already successful with a particular promotion, you should try and approach the merchant and negotiate a percentage commission for your sales.

If the merchant is smart, he or she will likely grant your request rather than lose a valuable asset in you. Keep in mind that you are a zero-risk investment to your merchant; so do not be shy about requesting for addition in your commissions. Just try to be reasonable about it.

Write strong pay Per Click ads. PPC search engine is the most effective means of advertising online. As an affiliate, you can make a small income just by managing PPC campaigns such as Google AdWords and Overture. Then you should try and monitor them to see which ads are more effective and which ones to dispose of.

Try out these strategies and see the difference it can make to your commission checks in the shortest of time.

affiliate marketing, internet marketing, affiliate programs

Saturday, May 26, 2012

3 Steps To Creating A Viral Marketing Program

3 Steps To Creating A Viral Marketing Program
A viral marketing program is easy to create. Does this sound like you? Probably not if you are here reading these articles. It is funny, when you set out to create a viral marketing program, you think to yourself, ?this isn?t so bad?, yet, when you sit down to make a game plan, it all falls apart. Even if you get past the game plan, implementation sometimes seems a fruitless attempt.

So how do you overcome the big viral marketing program beast? You take it one careful step at a time. It is best to break the viral marketing program down into steps where it is then easier to manage. Looking at it as a whole can be overwhelming, but following the steps below will work out just fine.

1. It is first important to know what group you are targeting. Do you know your target market? Just as in traditional marketing strategies, a viral marketing program online is just as tactful. Although there are some distinct differences among traditional and online marketing, they still have the same base.

First off, a viral marketing program is going to allow you to reach many more people than a traditional marketing campaign. Like the word of mouth concept in a traditional marketplace, a viral marketing program allows the same concept, just to a larger group of people.

2. Understand the different social niches. If you have not heard of MySpace by now, you have a lot to learn. It is one of the biggest social networking sites online. Almost everyone, including those who normally wouldn?t look like they knew, knows about Myspace. This concept portrays a large group of people that get marketed to every second they login and not even know it.

When first taking on Myspace or Facebook or even Digg and Delicious, it is important to keep in mind they are a vast area. You will not be able to cover the whole area all at once nor will you ever be able to reach everyone. This is why viral is so important. Drop your brand in a few ears and watch the bug run around.

3. After you have created some buzz, follow up and keep it fresh and new. The best thing about a viral marketing program is the fact you can renew it almost instantly. Why? Because there are millions of people that have not seen it yet. Moreover, if you switch it up a little, the people who saw it before will recognize it again and this time might pay more attention or even click the link. You will continue to build a brand while creating repetition and fresh views and ads.

Do not get discouraged when you are starting your first viral marketing program. It can be challenging, unlike you might have thought at first, but in the end, you will develop a brand you will be proud of. Never rush an idea and be sure to read more information include in this post.

viral marketing, viral videos, video marketing, business strategy, business marketing

3 Steps To Getting Employed As An Animator

3 Steps To Getting Employed As An Animator
Getting employed as an animator can be broken down into 3 broad steps. There are more intricate details but I will cover those later in another entry.

The Cover Letter

Be polite, concise and purposeful. Make sure you do ample research on the company you are sending your letter to. You will want to know what kind of work they specialize in and you should state in your letter how you think you may add value to the establishment. Talk about all relevant experiences and be sure to send some links to your works. Include your resume and request for an interview politely.

Emails are fine. But never, ever, send out your mails to more than one company on the same email! You might laugh at this stupidity, but I've met a number of instances where I've seen this happened. It is absolutely dreadful and I immediately lose some interest in the applicant.

Demo Reel

It is important to show a good reel. In fact, you should include a link to showcase your reel in your cover letter. This is often the ticket to an interview. Never send your demo reels over by email. You can send the links to download or view your reel, but just don't send over the reel itself in an email unless you want to piss your perspective employer off by clogging up his server.

The best is to send the demo reel in a DVD accompanying your cover letter and resume.

Do not include in your reel everything you have ever done. Send only your best work. It's better to send 2 minutes of something good than to send 10 minutes of something mediocre.

The Interview

Once you are called up for an interview, congratulations! You've reached an important milestone. Somehow you've managed to impress the Creative Director in the company enough with your materials to grant you an interview. First impressions count a lot. Dress well, behave professionally and smile often.

Bring hard copies of your reel and resume even if you have already sent a link or disc over before. Do not assume they do not want to see it again. You will score points for being so meticulous.

Listen to comments and feedback about your reel. Do not be argumentative. If a misjudgement is made, wait until the interviewer finishes his sentence before making your explanation. Maintain a pleasant attitude and take everything positively.

Even if you do not get the job in the end, be positive and thank the interviewer for his time. If possible, try to find out how you can improve yourself so that you can prepare yourself for the next interview better.

Good luck job hunting!

3d animation studio, free animations, animation, 3d animation, funny animations, betty boop

Friday, May 25, 2012

3 Side Effects Of Resveratrol

3 Side Effects Of Resveratrol
Resveratrol is a brand new anti aging formula that helps you lose weight and look younger. It has been featured on CNN, New York Times, Barbara Walters, Fox News, WebMD, Dr. Oz, and Oprah. The Resveratrol craze is because of the profound effects it has on humans. Listed below are three main side effects and explanations for each:

Remember, side effects aren t always negative are they? Resveratrol is an all natural supplement that provides high levels of one of the most powerful natural anti oxidants. Out of all anti aging supplements, creams and pills on the market, Resveratrol is the best thing available today. Here are some of the benefits:

1) Lose Weight And Burn Fat

Resveratrol activates the longevity gene the (sirtuin SIR gene). It mimics the effects of calorie restriction which calls in the body s natural response to increase metabolism and burn fat more efficiently.

Thousands of testimonials have shown that people who were obese have slimmed down to a normal weight after taking Resveratrol twice per day, without changing anything else in their lifestyles or diets. Although it came as a shock to the scientists, antioxidant compounds found in Resveratrol work as food inhibitors to upper intestine receptors; in other words, they make your brain think that your stomach is full. This has been extensively tested on animals, and the outcome showed that they decreased their food intake by around 10 .

2) Prevent and Fight Cancer

In a widely publicized report, researchers at Harvard Medical School and BIOMOL Research Laboratories have demonstrated that Resveratrol inhibits the proliferation of a variety of human cancer cell lines.

Also, Stanford University School of Medicine researchers have concluded that the Resveratrol s natural antioxidant that s found in red grapes can destroy cancer cells by attacking the mitochondria and seizing it s functionality. With Resveratrol s anti inflammatory effects, it also stops the activity of enzymes which encourage cancer cell growth. In addition, Resveratrol has been proven to put and end to the growth of tumors in mammary glands, which is revolutionizing the medical research of breast cancer.

3) Anti Aging Miracle

Ponce de Le?n s search for the fountain of youth ends here! The anti oxidant properties of Resveratrol slow down the effects of aging. Resveratrol slows down the aging process, helps eliminate wrinkles, and adds years to your life. Imagine taking a single anti aging pill daily and adding 25 years to your life! It arrests free radicals in the body and reduces the amount of wrinkles while repairing sun damaged skin at the same time.

Resveratrol reduces cell degradation. Animals that have been fed with Resveratrol supplements have a higher life expectancy than the ones who were not. Also, it works extremely fast, Resveratrol face creams are known to reduce superficial wrinkles within days. This is a huge benefit for people who want better skin but don t want to have to wait for weeks to see the effects to show up.

More and more uses and benefits of Resveratrol are being discovered every day. Resveratrol is also known to boost over all energy levels, clear up acne, reduce IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) as well as give you a greater sense of self, and much, much more!

resveratrol, resv, effects, anti-aging, weight loss, red wine, wine pill, supplement, natural

3 Simple Ways To Save Money When Buying Photocopiers

3 Simple Ways To Save Money When Buying Photocopiers
Are you thinking of purchasing photocopiers for your office? Those days are gone when the copiers were used only to make copies, as with time, the office copiers too have developed into multifunction document handling systems. With numerous features, and a variety of options of copiers available in the market, it becomes difficult to decide what should be the perfect choice, and at a reasonable cost.

Here are some questions, whose answers might lead you to the right product and save money as well.

What is your purpose of buying copiers?

Buy what you need. Be very clear about the specific reason behind the need of a copier. If your office work requires copying work, which mainly involves more of simple black and white letters, documents, and you rarely have the need of copying color sales brochures or color business projects, then you may not need a color copier. Instead, you can save on money by purchasing a black and white copier. Color copiers are far more expensive in terms of purchase cost, and in cost per copy. You can meet the minimal color printing needs of your office by buying color printers.

You also need to assess the volume of printing; based on the frequency and amount of copying work, how fast or how many copies per minute should the copier produce. High c.p.m. photocopiers are surely going to cost more, but may also bring more efficiency and save on time. Some copiers come with advanced features like collating, duplexing, and paper handling and you need to decide if these will be used much. After wise reasoning, these features can be opted out, which will significantly reduce the cost of the copier.

Do you really need brand new color copiers?

Go for a cheaper alternative. There are used photocopiers available in the market these days, which are cheaper and an alternative to the costly new color copiers or other expensive new copiers. The used photocopiers are like the used cars, branded and renewed. You can find all the brands, and expect the same performance and results. They are quality products as they are refurbished, rigorously tested, thoroughly cleaned and serviced. Most used photocopiers are in good condition, have good service guarantees, and work as well as the new ones.

How do you plan to make the payment for your photocopiers?

Use the cash option. You always have the option to pay in cash or credit. If you plan to pay using credit options, high interest rates are automatically added on to the product price, making it a costly affair. Whereas, purchasing the copier out rightly by paying cash would save you all the money.

Some deep reasoning and understanding of your needs, wise selection of the various options in hand, and a proper market survey can help you find cheaper alternatives and solutions, when buying photocopiers. This will save you money, not only at the time of purchase, but also in the long run.

So when are you going to start?

printers, photocopiers, copiers, office printers, document management software, it support

3 Reasons Traditional Advertising Fails For Law Firm Marketing

3 Reasons Traditional Advertising Fails For Law Firm Marketing
If there's one truth in operating a successful, profitable law firm, it's this: you have to make more than you spend. In order to achieve this, you need clients cycling through your practice on a continuous basis; both new and repeat alike. While that's obvious enough to see, making it happen is often another story.

Law firm marketing isn't that much different than marketing any other kind of service business. With that in mind, you set about the task of getting the word out about whom you are, where you can be found and what services you offer. You place ads in local papers, several popular magazines, on the radio and even a few late night television spots. The consummate law firm marketing plan. Much money and time have been invested and anticipation is high. Then it happens: nothing.

Maybe it's just a time factor. Give it a little more time and you'll start to see some real results from all your time and money invested in advertising. But today is just like yesterday and after a while there are no real expectations that tomorrow will be any different. Many of your colleagues are doing well. You went to law school with some of them and know first hand they are no smarter than you. What is it they know that you don't? What is it in their law firm marketing plan that sets them apart from you?

Traditional advertising is one of the least effective forms of law firm marketing. Unfortunately, most lawyers equate marketing with advertising. The result is that you have wasted money and have no new prospective clients to show for it. Here are three major reasons why advertising in the traditional sense does not work.

1. It does not move people along in the sales cycle. It's only effective in the first stage when the client is getting to know you. It will not increase your likability or sense of trustworthiness.

2. Frequent advertising is too costly for most budgets. In his book "Guerilla Marketing Attack," Jay Levinson discusses a study conducted on advertising research quoted here in part: "Following a year-long study, researchers concluded that a law firm marketing message must penetrate the mind of a prospect a total of nine times before that prospect becomes a customer.

That's the good news. The bad news is that for every three times you expose your prospect to your marketing message, it gets missed or ignored two of those times. So you've got to put out the good word about your company a total of 27 times in order to make those nine impressions."

3. Most ads are often poorly designed or written, even to the point of being boring instead of influencing your target market.

With so many other forces vying for the time and attention of your target audience, advertisements live and die by the quality of the ad and the offer it extends. Most law firms list their services or give a couple "reasons" why they are the better law firm. Neither of which does anything to distinguish them from other lawyers in the same practice area.

There are certain advertising strategies you must remember when conducting any form of law firm marketing. For example, the size of your budget must be adequate to meet the demand. Be sure you have a large enough budget to expose your marketing message to your ideal target market. You need to be able to do this repeatedly over the course of the year using the same advertising medium.

In other words, if your advertising medium of choice is the radio, your budget should allow for weekly advertising on the same radio station for a full year. If this is out of your budget range, reduce the size of your market, increase your ad budget or change your advertising medium to a less expensive one.

For example, if you plan to advertise weekly in a local paper, but the largest one in the area is beyond your present budget, start with the weekly suburban paper instead.

What does all this mean? Focus your law firm marketing efforts on methods that actually work. Don't waste your time and budget on marketing that is not designed to produce the right results. Focus on your target audience, the best way for you to reach them and the most attractive way to present your services in order to keep them.

law firm marketing, marketing law firms, law firm marketing programs

Thursday, May 24, 2012

3 Powerful Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Job Fast

3 Powerful Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Job Fast
Job hunting is probably one of the least desirable things you can pursue as it ranks right above having a root canal. Fortunately, it does not have to be if you can remember these 3 powerful tips that can help you land the job of your dreams.

Job Hunting... Be Prepared

Here are some specific tips to help you with your job hunting

1. Be prepared

Prior to looking for a job, make sure that you are armed with a good working knowledge of the industry as well as the company you are looking to work for. This is of course made easy with the technology that we have at our disposal nowadays. A simple check on a search engine will usually yield the results you need to be prepared to complete the cover letter and resume.

2. Make your cover letter is inviting

So many job seekers make the mistake of throwing together a poorly written cover letter and then wonder why they did not get an interview. The truth is that their resume was not even looked at in most cases. If you want to get the job you must start with a well written cover letter that makes the potential employer want to read your resume.

3. Pack a powerful resume

The main purpose of the cover letter is to act as a sales page leading the potential employer to your resume. The main function of the resume is to serve to convince. The resume is the instrument by which you win the reader over. So, just how does this happen?

Job Hunting Advice...This Is Just The Start!

First, you should make sure that your punctuation and spelling is correct because a resume with bad grammar will kill the job pursuit cold. Next, you should make sure that a clear and concise outline is completed before actually writing up the resume. Do not try to say too much in the resume but submit that which is relevant to the actual job you are seeking. Be sure that you do not ramble and go off on tangents. Last, make sure you do not let the resume become too lengthy. One or two pages should usually do the job.


3 Poster Printing Tips That Can Help In Your Marketing Campaign

3 Poster Printing Tips That Can Help In Your Marketing Campaign
Poster printing is now very easy to do thanks to different technological advancements that is made available to people through the internet. The internet has spawned many poster printing companies that offer their services through online printing technology. However, no matter how easy it is to make posters, you still need to have a keen eye for detail and design in order for you to have effective poster printing materials.

Here are some tips to help you with you make posters that will be effective marketing materials.

Choose a printer that has both digital and offset printers

You need to choose a printer that offers both digital and offset printer so that you can have greater flexibility in how you want your prints done. Offset printers are known for their efficiency in producing massive amounts of copies at a fast turn around. However, their effectiveness is limited to such and using offset printers in printing short run prints is very costly. This is where digital printing comes in, digital printing technology has mastered the art of short run printing and printing on demand. Now you can have prints even if you want to print just small in small amounts. Through digital printing, your materials can be cost effective even at short run. Also, digital printing allows you to print on demand and specify the urn around time of your prints.

Decide where you want to place your prints

Poster can be used indoors and outdoors. In order to have effective marketing materials, you need to determine where you want you place your posters and make your design accordingly. Outdoor posters should be made with more durable materials like a thicker paper stock and a stronger coating or finish. When making outdoor posters, you may consider using vinyl as your substrate along with archival inks and UV coating in order to maximize the protection of your materials. Vinyl is flexible yet sturdy while archival inks take a long tie to fade. The use of UV finish on the other hand, makes your prints resistant to water and color fading. Also, in using UV coating to finish your materials, you are effectively prolonging their life span and minimizing the harmful effects of weather to your prints.

Choose the right size

Size is also an important element that you want to determine first before making your design and submitting it to printers. Large format posters need special considerations in terms of the inks used, the size of fonts and image resolution. When printing in large format, your images should have a high resolution in order to maintain the crisp and lively nature of your prints. Images of low resolutions will be fuzzy and blurry. Also, keep in mind that in printing, there are two kinds of black - normal black and rich black. You use normal black when you are printing in regular sized posters. However when printing in large format, you need to use rich black in order to avoid having gray tones in your images.

poster, pritning, offset printing, digital printing

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3 Lessons On Making More Money That Your Mother Never Taught You

3 Lessons On Making More Money That Your Mother Never Taught You
If you are looking to earn more money working for an employer, there are lessons you learned that may be getting in your way. Do these warnings sound familiar?

-Don't brag about yourself

-Don't be a job hopper

-Don't be a "social climber"

The sad thing is that these beliefs might have worked for your mother but in the work world they are counter productive. You are about to discover 3 keys that can propel you and your career to greater financial rewards.

I don't know about you but my mother often told me not to "toot my own horn". When I was proud of an accomplishment, she always praised me but then told me that the accomplishment was its own reward. Telling others about it was in bad taste.

In the work world you must let others know of your accomplishments. In fact you should be looking for successes you can highlight. Be sure to show how you were an integral part in that success. There is nothing like having a list of accomplishments available before a discussion of salary.

Not getting the increase in salary you wanted. Maybe it is time to change jobs. Often the only way to get an increase is to take a higher paying job at another company. Years ago people frowned on "job hopping" but today it is done all the time.

To do it you must stay connected to a network, keep updating those outside your company about your accomplishments, and check out every new opportunity suggested to you. Finally don't burn any bridges when you leave your present job. People do return to companies they left and many come back at a higher level and salary!

In every job you take there are those who stand out in their ability to get things done. I call them the movers and shakers. Identify those in a position to help you and find ways to get them into your network.

This would be what my mother would call "social climbing" i.e. making friends in order to move up in the organization. Well, watch those in your organization who move ahead. This is how business works. Those that have the power to move the work forward do it by asking those in their network to help.

Those mover and shakers have the ability to shine a light on you and your career. If you are helping them they will help you. Getting a raise is easier with others promoting you and your work.

It is sad to me to see how many employees still believe that if they do good work they will be rewarded by their employer. They put their trust in their company and their manager. No wonder so many get cynical after a few years!

If you are serious about getting more money, try these suggestions. They are the key to having a lucrative career. The promise of more money is real. You have the tools to make it happen.

Make more money,toot your horn,change jobs,movers shakers,beliefs,accomplishments,successes,network

3 Main Important Parts Of Network Marketing Business

3 Main Important Parts Of Network Marketing Business
Network marketing business is made up of 3 parts and they are the distribution of products and services, the compensation plan and the company. Network marketing business is to find, sponsor, and retain. For many people, having home business network marketing is their only realistic hope of making an extraordinary income. And he basics of Internet home business network marketing is nothing but "duplicating yourself many times over. If you are one of those people who have always wanted to stay and be your own boss, the home business network marketing is just right for you.

Distribution of Product and Services

Here are network marketing business opportunity:- between 70-80% of distributors will "throw in the towel" in the first three months- over 95% never make it past the 12 month mark- almost 80% will not know the feeling of sponsoring someone into their business. So with statistics like that, why would anyone consider MLM. I know you have heard this before, but how many distributors continually think in the now and frustrate themselves when they don't achieve immediate results.

Many successful distributors have studied books on visualization and positive thinking and have attributed their success to having learned to reprogram their thoughts. As a beginner, you will have an easier time learning the business with a company that is established and has in place many tools and systems for supporting its distributors.

Compensation Plan

With a little planning and analysis, you can start a successful home business; millions of people are doing it everyday. As with anything else, when you are looking for this type of thing for your home business network marketing plan, proceed with caution. Home business network marketing has the same components of a marketing plan as any business. That?s another good reason to become involved in your community as you make your plans for home business network marketing.

There are many different types of network marketing programs and a vast array of products available through them. At the same time, some programs have restrictions on an individual. Most of the Internet marketing programs typically promote expensive advertising campaigns and buying costly ad packs, buying expensive leads, giving out costly print ads, etc.


If you are doing this, thoroughly check out the company to ensure that theirs is a legitimate business. However, if you have chosen an MLM company as the primary focus of your home business there are a number of principles to be aware of when marketing it. You have to find out the company that is right for you, with good plan and getting started.

If you work hard you can make significant amounts of money every month once your network marketing business is on track. A network marketing business is a teaching and coaching business. Having your own network marketing business is extremely profitable and the secret to great lifestyle income with any network marketing business is to come upon something you can get really frenzied about.

For more information about Network Marketing, make sure you follow the link in the recourse box below now.

mlm,network business,mlm lead,mlm marketing,mlm business opportunity

3 Necessary Tools

3 Necessary Tools
What does it take to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? What are the ingredients of an affiliate marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to Affiliate Marketing glory? All these questions play around in the minds of affiliate marketers who want to make it big in this business.

Although affiliate marketing is touted as one of the easiest and most effective ways to earn money online, it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise affiliate marketer plans every action and executes it the best way he can. He should also maximize the potential to earn by utilizing the right tools necessary for a successful Affiliate Marketing business. We have consulted some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business and below are the top three necessary tools for a successful affiliate marketing business.

Important Tool #1: Your Own Website

The most important and indispensable tool in Affiliate Marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. Your website is the jump off point of all your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first build a user-friendly website, which will appeal to your prospects and encourage them to click on the links to the products and service you are promoting and make a purchase. Therefore, you must first concentrate your efforts in building a website that will cater to what your prospects need.

The most important thing you should consider is that almost all web users go online to look for information, not necessarily to go and buy something. Above all else, make your website full of original, relevant and useful content. People will love articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, in the internet, content is still king and good quality content will not only build your credibility, it can also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful articles, you establish yourself as a credible expert in the field, making you a more trustworthy endorser of the product or service you promote. Establishing a good reputation is a good step in building up a loyal consumer base.

Important Tool #2: Incentives

Competition is extremely tight in the internet world. You must always be one-step ahead of your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of your target market. Therefore, you must use every possible means to encourage people not only to visit your site but also to click and proceed to the websites of the products and services you are promoting. Building an opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine. Better yet, offer incentives to your prospects to encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can present free softwares, access to exclusive services and other freebies that will be helpful to your prospects.

Important Tool #3: Link Popularity

The importance of driving highly targeted traffic to your website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-important web traffic is at the top of the list of the most important entities in the internet world. Attracting people to your site should be the first step you should carry out. Do everything to achieve a high search engine ranking. Link Popularity is one of the factors that search engines use to determine search engine rankings. Therefore, to enhance your link popularity, you must launch an aggressive reciprocal link campaign.

One of the best ways to do this ? at no cost at all ? is by submitting articles, with your website's link at the resource box, to e-zines and free article sites. You will not only gain exposure, you will also have the opportunity to advertise for free, just include a link back to your site. The more sites you submit your articles to, the better your link popularity is. Make your articles original, relevant and useful so that more websites will pick it up and post it.

These are but three of the many tools that an affiliate marketer can use to maximize earning potential. The possibilities are endless and are limited only by your imagination, creativity, resourcefulness and determination. You can always explore other ideas and adapt other strategies, which you think might help you become a high rolling affiliate marketer.

Affiliate, Marketer,Online Advertising

3 Offline Advertising Techniques That Work

3 Offline Advertising Techniques That Work
Many marketers these days have changed their focus from offline marketing to online marketing. But leaving offline opportunities is a big mistake. Offline marketing strategies are generally more personal, and if you?re more personal with people, they?ll feel like they know you and will be more apt to buy your products or services.

Several low-cost options in offline advertising are effective and easy to implement. Here are three of them that you should be using.

1. Business Cards. One of the first things you should do once you establish a business is get business cards. They are relatively cheap to print and are easy to distribute. This is one of the necessary marketing devices you need. Of course, an effective design is key. It should be simple, with no more than two fonts and your logo clearly placed. Your logo should be the main element on your business card.

Business cards are easy to transport and easy to distribute ? just hand them out to people you meet at conferences, trade shows, restaurants, anywhere! If you provide a product or service a waiter might need, leave your card on the table with the tip. I?ve even heard of someone who leaves his business cards in bathroom stalls or on bathroom sinks.

2. Flyer advertising. Flyers are extremely easy to create ? at home or you can pay a printing company to do it for you. You can create your flyer in many software applications, the most common being Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher.

You need to decide whether you want to use color printing or black-and-white. Color printing is more expensive, but the colors attract people to the flyers and you?ll have a better chance of bringing in more sales. When designing your flyer, keep it simple.

Don?t use more than two fonts if possible, and one main photo (you don?t have to use a photo, but it?s a good idea). If you use multiple photos, be sure to choose one as your main focal point ? it should be bigger than the rest and placed on the top half of the page.

You can distribute your flyers to people on the street walking by; hang them up in supermarkets and other stores; or hang them in banks and community centers. Be sure to check the local ordinances so that you don?t break any laws by hanging your flyers in community spots.

3. Vehicle advertising. This one isn?t quite as conventional as the previous two, which is precisely why it works. People don?t expect it. If you commute in a city, you drive past thousands of people every day. If you?re stuck in slow or stopped traffic, people will want something interesting to look at. You might as well be that something!

You can stick magnets that have your company name and Web site address to your car. If you want something more permanent, you can have decals or an ad painted onto your vehicle.

You could also use your license plate holder as advertisement space. Many car dealerships do it, and you can too! There are many Web sites that will make custom plate holders for you. Vehicle advertising is on the rise, so get in on it while it?s still new so that you get noticed!

color printing, commercial color printing

3 Important Steps To Help You Deal With Recurrence Of Mesothelioma Cancer

3 Important Steps To Help You Deal With Recurrence Of Mesothelioma Cancer
Cancer recurrence is defined as the return of cancer after treatment and after a period of time during which the cancer cannot be detected. (The length of time is not clearly defined.) The same cancer may come back in the same place where it first started or in another place in the body.

It is important to eat right, exercise, and see your doctor for follow up visits, but please understand that you cannot prevent a cancer from recurring. Do not blame yourself for missing a doctor visit, not eating right, or postponing a CT scan for a family vacation. Yes, there are times when it is crucial to keep follow up appointments, especially if you are having symptoms that you have not had before, because these could be signs that your cancer is back. But even if you do everything just right, you cannot totally prevent recurrence if it is to occur in your case.These three steps might be of some help though in delaying recurrence of mesothelioma.

1 Diet modification

After completing cancer treatment, many people decide to eat better and exercise in the hope that these changes will improve their quality of life and their chance for survival. Though current research does not show that nutrition can influence cancer recurrence, it still is wise to eat well and do what you can to be as healthy as possible.

The American Cancer Society recommends that cancer survivors follow the same nutrition guidelines as those recommended for cancer prevention. The same factors that increase cancer risk might also be important in promoting cancer recurrence after treatment.

2 Use of Vitamins and supplements

Sometimes people think taking certain vitamins, herbs, or other dietary supplements will give them an extra edge in preventing recurrence. Available research does not support this belief. In fact, some research has shown that supplements containing high levels of single nutrients (greater than the Dietary Reference Intakes and the tolerable upper intake limits) may have unexpected harmful effects on cancer survivors.

There are supplements that improve your level of certain vitamins which may, over time, lower your risk of developing a cancer. But this evidence is weak at best. Even if it might help, it could take many years of use to alter the chance that cancer will progress or show up again. Talk with your doctor before starting any vitamin or other dietary supplement.

3 Physical activity

There have been a few studies of the effect of physical activity on survival of people with cancer. Researchers have not yet been able to find out whether physical activity can prevent recurrence of cancer or slow the progression of disease. But studies have shown that regular physical activity can reduce anxiety and depression, improve mood, boost self esteem, and reduce symptoms of fatigue, nausea, pain, and diarrhea. These benefits can be gained through moderate physical activity on most, if not all days of the week.

Moderate activities are those that make you breathe as hard as you would during a brisk walk. Activities like walking, biking, and swimming are considered moderate, and so are activities like yard work and brisk house cleaning. Ideally, you should take part in at least 30 minutes of moderate activity each day. Cancer survivors can find many ways to work physical activity into their daily lives. Parking further away and using stairs instead of elevators are easy ways to be more active throughout the day.

A little bit of physical movement is far better than none. It helps more if you start easier and slowly build up to greater amounts of physical activity. In choosing a level of activity, it is important to keep in mind your physical abilities and your recent levels of activity. It is also important to talk to your doctor before changing your level of physical activity.

Final note

Presently medical science does not have a real weapon to totally and completely cure mesothelioma,there is no known cure, both doctors and patients are hoping that someday a permanent solution will be discovered. At this time there is nothing you can do to be sure the cancer will not come back. Even with our current understanding of how cancer develops and grows, cancer is still a mystery in many ways.

malignant mesothelioma,mesothelioma,mesothelioma cancer

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

3 Easy Steps To Starting A Business With Practically No Overhead Costs

3 Easy Steps To Starting A Business With Practically No Overhead Costs
It has always been the American dream to start a business and have it become extremely profitable with little work. The fact is, it?s not only an American dream, but actually a world wide dream. Nearly everyone wants to find some way of making money without having to deal with bosses, schedules, or having to commute to work. People want to stay in the comfort of their own home and work as little as possible to be able to live life to the fullest.

In this article, I will let you know 3 simple facts to starting a business. If you play your cards right, it is very simple to start making a lot of money with minimal work and minimal costs.

The first step is finding or making a plan. You will have a very small chance of success if you jump into starting a business without a plan. One needs to know where they are going and how to get there. The best thing to have when starting a business plan is a coach. Someone who has been down that road before and that has become successful doing it.

It may be hard to find a coach or mentor that is willing to put their time and energy into helping you. If you follow the link below you will find that I have found someone that was willing to put his time and effort into helping you out. He has spent years upon years perfecting his plan. All you need to do is carbon copy what he is doing and you are sure to succeed.

The second step is to make sure you follow through with the plan. Do not make a plan and decide to quit. A lot of people get bummed out after the initial planning and give up. A lot of those people probably could have made a lot of money, but instead they quit. It can be a variety of different reasons. Maybe a friend or family member telling you that you will not succeed or maybe you think it will cost too much money. Whatever the case may be, you need to stick to the plan and execute it.

Step three is simply keeping the ball rolling. Lot?s of people start out with a great plan, continue to follow through with it, but somewhere down the line decide that they don?t wish to continue. A large percentage of these people are either impatient or they want the money to fall into their lap without any work whatsoever. I?m sorry to break it to you folks, but there is no get rich quick scheme. There is no way of making money without any work whatsoever. BUT there is a way to make a very decent living with minimal work so that you can enjoy life instead of working through it.

Follow these steps and wealth will be sure to fall upon you. Step one has already been done for you. All you need to do is follow the link below.

money, internet business, affialiate marketing, marketing, home based business, starting a business