Don't Put All Your Eggs In The Internet Basket
Everyone talks about the internet. You would think there is practically nothing that cannot be achieved online the way this new medium is promoted and praised. And, yes, it has changed the way we live and communicate and the way we exchange information. But is it the answer to every marketing problem? I would argue not.
Although the value of the internet as part of any serious marketing strategy cannot seriously be denied, it is not the whole answer to any marketing conundrum. The mantra goes that if you don't use the internet you are losing money. But how true is this? Well, there is an element of truth there. Every business should have a website, but not at the expense of offline advertising.
Until extremely recently there was no such thing as the internet and yet business people made millions through other marketing channels, from trade fairs to billboards, business cards to promotional gifts. I mention these because they are still extremely popular and productive marketing methods. I guess I'm trying to say that there is more to marketing than the internet, and never forget it. Don't rely on it solely: make it an important part of the mix but don't put all your eggs in the internet basket.
In this article I intend to bring your attention back to offline marketing. By that I mean non-internet marketing. Why should you do this? I say it is because it's cost-effective and highly profitable to do so. Even if you are an affiliate marketer online, consider offline strategies to promote your website and products. Go back to basics. Use the time honored ways and means of marketing, such as word-of-mouth, joint ventures, direct mail, promotions and sponsorships. Hey, you can publicize your URL on the back of all these campaigns.
Pay attention to your business cards. Hand them out as a matter of course to absolutely everyone you meet. Yes, they can have your website address on them. In fact, they should. But no visit to a website can compare with meeting the business owner, looking him in the eye and being handed his business card. Hand them to the people you meet in school, mall, restaurant and even people at the bus station. All of them are potential customers.
Send out news releases. This is the way to make news spread like wildfire through radio, TV and the print media. This strategy may take time but it definitely delivers customers. And stickers! Place them everywhere that's legal and fun. Place them on your bumper and the bumpers of friends and customers. Put your website URL on stickers out there. You will get more visits, more business and ultimately more revenue.
Become an expert and a specialist speaker. Speak at local events and get asked to speak as an expert in your field. Believe me, once you are perceived as being an expert customers won't even bother to look at your website. They will come straight to you to do business. So you see there is not reason to confine your marketing efforts to the internet. There are hundreds of ways to market offline. You are limited only by your imagination.
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