Friday, December 7, 2012

Do You Have A Hostile Workplace ?

Do You Have A Hostile Workplace ?
There you go again. Making yet another mistake. What did you do this time? Did you fail to clock in at exactly 8:05 a.m.? If you just don?t seem to be able to please your boss, no matter how hard you try, it may not be you, it may be your hostile workplace. Look around. Are your coworkers being treated the same way? Or are you the lucky one being singled out for special treatment? If this is a constant occurrence, you may be looking at harassment. You know there are laws against sexual harassment. Those cases make the news regularly but there are laws to protect you from other forms of harassment as well.

Here are some tips to help you turn that hostile workplace into a tolerable working environment taken from the helpful resources at Undercover Lawyer :

? Disarm them: If they criticize you, admit they are right, that you should have known better.

? Take opportunities to be nice to them despite their hostility: when sharing a picture of your latest grandchild include them, ask if they have pictures.

? Document the abuse: If you are being singled out for discipline, write down what happened, the date, time and any witnesses that could collaborate your story.

Maybe your boss isn?t the criticizing kind, at least not to your face. It is very demoralizing to hear bad things being said about you behind your back. If that is what is turning your employment into a hostile workplace, you may have to face your boss directly. Protect your sources while you confront your boss. Just mention what you have heard. If they said it, they will know it is true. There are workplace laws giving you specific rights. Your boss should know those laws and obey them.

What if your boss is a control freak? Take a look at yourself. Do you really need the level of supervision your boss is forcing upon you? Have you done something to indicate to the boss that you need it? Be honest. If the answer is no then the best way to prove to the boss that your way is actually better is to show increased profits from doing it your way or a lower accident occurrence. As long as your boss is a rational person, they can be convinced or your competence and your once hostile workplace will be transformed into the place you had hoped to work. After all most of us find employment at companies we want to work at the time we apply.

If none of these work or your boss is so off the wall, they are close to a mental case, consider getting help. Undercover Lawyer provides resources for learning your rights as an employee. You can turn your hostile workplace back into a reasonable place to further your career. If that is not possible, at least you will know your rights and how to move on.



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