Monday, November 26, 2012

Discover A Doctor With A 92.3 Success Rate With Cancer

Discover A Doctor With A 92.3 Success Rate With Cancer
Hey, guess what? In today s world we are finding more and more problems with people? Do you know why? Could it because our early detections are not working as well as we planned? Is it our health care system and the 45,000,000+ people with out health insurance or un adequate insurance?

Maybe it s it because you and I are sucking down more poison then any other time in history. People find it humorous almost to say, yeah this hamburger isn t good for me but screw it! Well you and I can that see this type of position of your health, is unhealthy in itself. But what about those who seem to try to stay in good graces with their health and yet they still find themselves getting cancer or other diseases?

Well it s not as far off as someone who says, the hell with it. The only difference is, they don t know what s hurting them. Foods and artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame (or AminoSweet) Trans fats, bad water amp EMFs (Electro Magnetic Field (or Electro Mangentic Chaos) from microwaved food, cell phones and power lines) are killing people and they don t even know it!

It s amazing that what most people today are thinking about health is still just another way to yank a buck from you. Just receiving Mammograms increases your chances of having cancer by 2! Chemotherapy is nothing but a poison your better off not having it! When it comes down it, it s the money and control these health organization have over you, some doctors are given bonuses for recommending chemo or turning their backs on people who need help and not telling them the truth about a disease they might have.

In no way do I say doctors are criminals, but perhaps some of them are not quiet consciously aware as of yet of what they do to you and I to continue their practice! Legal drug pushers! But what if I told you, there is a doctor. WHO, knows all of this and has seen over 35,000 cancer patients in his career?

Would you happen to believe that this Doctor has never treated any of these patients with conventional means? Not only that, with a success cure rate of 92.3 would almost seem unbelievable wouldn t it? Out of 35,000 people that mean only 2695 had lost the battle of cancer while under his care... Meaning that out of the 35,000 32305 LIVED and we re successfully cured from cancer.

Isn t that just unbelievable? It s shouldn t be though, we all have DNA strains in our bodies right now that could grow limbs back, fix any type of illness and genetic issue as well as DNA strains for immortality. This is proven.

Now how hard could it REALLY be to be cured from cancer? Perhaps try balancing the body? Maintain stress levels, be happy and excited about life. If we labeled sun rays as love, isn t that what a plant reaches for? In the darkest of places plants will find a way to receive this love and be the healthiest they can be.

This is what excitement of life and balancing ones body through cleanse and other means will do for the human body. This doctor with this 92.3 success rate with cancer is Dr. Leonard Coldwell from Germany! He has just written a book called The Only Answer To Cancer. Which if you get a chance buy and share this knowledge with friends!

So now you know Dr. Coldwell is out there and his techniques are becoming worldwide, support this cause by finding out that YOU too can become cured of any dis ease you truly want. The age of information is here, don t let people pour honey in your ear. It s time for you to understand and become enlightened about the miracle of health. You can have it if you truly want!

cancer, cure, disease, illness, treatment, chemotherapy, medication, death, life,


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