Develope Better MLM Skills
You may not have considered some Key secrets to marketing your MLM business better
As you run into challenges and make decisions in your network marketing business, who are the people you look towards for advice? Are you going it alone or do you have a group of people accessible to help steer you? If you don't, here's a great technique you can use to start putting an master mind group in place and it's a method you can start using right now, regardless of the number of people you may know or have in your group. Join a group like MLM Dynasty Leads for your online group and support.
I very much believe that you own the responsibility for becoming your own guru in your network marketing business. It's time that you stepped up and owned your leadership in your business None the less, there are times when you do want some additional guidance and it's important for you to be able to access the experience of others.
Ewon Whynes is the owner and Trainer of "MLM DYNASTY LEADS" and is one of the most powerful and passionate speakers I've ever seen. The notion of having your own personal board of directors is an idea Ewon speaks about.
Your Board of Directors is a group of people who you can mastermind with and from which to seek counsel when it comes to areas of your business. They are there to advise you in the affairs of your business.
So how do you decide who you want to serve on your board of directors? With respect to your business, one of the key considerations is your income goals. It is said that your income will tend to approximate the average earnings of the five people you spend most of your time with. Let us suppose that your goal is to earn $1 million in the next 12 months. If that is the case who are people that you are going to put on your board of directors, who are already earning $1 million or more in a year?
If you are sincere about your goal then you want to identify those five people and place them onto your board. The cool thing about this is that they need not necessarily even be aware that they are a part of your board of directors. You can take counsel with them even if you have never met them , simply plug into our weekly webinars and training calls.
For example, perhaps you would like to have Donald Trump on your board of directors. There are many ways to plug into Donald Trump and benefit from his experience. You can do that through books that he has written , audio he has recorded and interviews he has granted. These are all ways of tapping into and masterminding with a member of your board of directors even though you may never have a personal conversation.
What that means is that you are not limited in terms of who you can place on your Master mind. Indeed you can let your imagination run wild and really put a lot of creative thought into who you would like on your board. Once you have established your board of directors ( or master mind group), the key is to ensure that you consult and meet with them regularly. Which ever medium by which you choose to use to do that, make a habit of plugging into their teaching and advice regularly.
This idea need not only be used for your business. Take the time to identify each of the key areas in your life where you would benefit from having a Master mind in place. For each area you have identified, start brain storming the names of advisors you would like to have on your board. Then go about selecting the five people who are going to sit on that particular board based on the knowledge base and level of demonstrated competence for that particular subject area.
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