Commercial Interior Lighting
Interior lighting often defines the quality of a commercial environment. Office space very often depends on the quality of interior lighting to create an ergonomic and motivated workspace that will contribute to higher production and profit margins. Everything from morale to corporate culture can be affected by a change in the interior lighting. Commercial production facilities rely upon interior lighting directly for manufacturing and shipping. In their world, proper levels of glare free illumination are a must for safe and efficient process flow. Some environments, such as manufacturing and assembly, rely so heavily on commercial interior lighting that their very survival depends upon its quality.
The best way to approach commercial interior lighting design is to first get a general picture of industry standard needs in this area in order to formulate a basic plan of attack in proposing a new system.
Industrial Organizations
Most manufacturing and warehousing operations care little for aesthetics. They are far more concerned with safety and cost effective operations. Commercial interior lights in these environments play a major role in ergonomics and employee well being. Any dark areas or large shadows in a building represent major safety concerns to quality assurance. It is your first duty as a contractor in these environments to propose commercial interior lights that will evenly light all of a facilities floor space and provide sufficient foot candles in the vertical cube to allow for material handling tools such as fork trucks to be safely driven through the facility.
It is also important to consider the impact that heat can have on a large building. If you install commercial interior lights with poor thermal management designs, HVAC costs will be higher. RLLD Commercial Lighting has a number of fluorescent, induction, and LED interior lighting fixtures specifically designed to operate at cooler temperatures. This, combined with their innate power saving designs, helps greatly reduce overhead for industrial clients and can often tip the balance in favor of your proposal.
Keep in mind that industrial facilities are the most heavily regulated of all buildings, so it is crucial that you ensure that your client will meet with all OSHA and ANSI codes. If your client is interested in obtaining LEED certification, call an RLLD Commercial interior lighting expert to find out about the latest energy efficient technology ideal for earning points toward a certificate.
Service Based Organizations
Good morale is an essential ingredient to service based office environments. Commercial interior lights here should blend the task and the decorative to produce an ergonomically sound as well as decorative quality of light. Normally, you have to create multiple layers of both direct and indirect light to achieve such an effect, and you have to use a multiplicity of fixture types, mounts, and lamps.
One great way to minimize the number of actual light fixtures for a small company with a tight budget is to install commercial interior lighting controls. Dimmers and wireless remotes can make lighting customized to personal preference while simultaneously minimizing power consumption. The right commercial lighting controls can turn one set of interior lights into many by programming multiple themes into a central controller. These themes can be activated with wall boxes, and hand held remotes to create different moods and levels of luminosity.
Retail clients need commercial interior lights that render color equivalent to that produced by natural daylight. The reason for this is obvious: products on shelves must look as natural and good as possible to sell. Like offices, stores require multiple layers of light. Typically, one level of light illuminates the floor space for customers and staff, and the second layer of light focuses on product merchandising.
It is paramount that you choose the right commercial interior lighting fixtures that will accomplish these tasks do this as cost effectively as possible. Retail profit margins are normally rather slim, so the more you offer trim a store?s electric, the more readily they will embrace both the technology and the design you propose.
Hospitality Clients
Hotels, country clubs, restaurants, and resorts need you to take a very customized approach to commercial interior lighting. Virtually every location contains a variety of buildings whose interior architecture varies on a per room basis. Commercial interior lights create everything from general task lighting to special decorative and associative aesthetic themes. Most hospitality clients also expect you to use lamps, fixtures, mounts and accessories that specifically compliment the decorum and brand of the establishment. Usually, the more removed from mundane reality an organization seeks to be, the more elaborate and eclectic its commercial interior lighting system will need to be.
Lighting Design Services from RLLD Commercial Lighting
Our clients are contractors, architects, and commercial lighting design firms who range from sole proprietors to national corporations. To accommodate this broad spectrum of clients, we have investing in state of the art point by point lighting design software which we will use to help you develop your client?s system at no additional charge provided you purchase your commercial interior lighting fixtures from us. Small companies can appear equal to large ones through this partnership, and large companies can save money on training and staff development by outsourcing schematic design to our experts.
commrercial interior lighting, commercial exterior lighting, outdoor commercial lighting, area light
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