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Teaching in the twenty-first century
Teaching in the twenty-first century is much more than imparting information to students. The way our society views learning and education has changed, and as a result, the role of the teacher now extends beyond the four walls of the classroom. Today's teacher is also a role model, a confidante, a mentor, a counselor, a sounding board, a mediator, an administrator, an advocate, a manager and a problem solver. These days it is not unusual for a teacher to be one of the few stable adult influences in a child's life. The structure of the school day is a source of comfort and familiarity for many students, and provides them with a sense of security. Practice versus theory, teachers definitely need training, and the study of child or adolescent psychology is important, too, but some of the things you need to be a good teacher can't necessarily be learnt at university. Of course you will be taught your subject matter there, and the theory behind it, but most of the skills required to be a good teacher are learnt on the job. No textbook can prepare you for the dynamics of a class, as each group of students is so different. Teachers rely on intuition and gut feeling, observation and a knowledge of human behavior. You will constantly face new situations, each demanding a different response. There are lots of mistakes ahead of you, and lots of times when you are going to 'get it wrong'. As a teacher you need to be open and flexible, because no two days will be the same; you will continue to learn and grow throughout your entire career. A true vocation, you have probably heard teaching referred to as a vocation. I believe this is true teaching is a calling, and requires special commitment. You will only be happy and effective as a teacher if you love your job and enjoy going to work. Teaching is not about the money (although we all need to live, and let's face it, it helps!); it is about your commitment to your students, about helping them to learn and flourish. The benefits you will enjoy are enormous personal growth and development. The best teachers are not necessarily those who know everything, but rather those who continue to learn and find wonder in the world. Teaching is a demanding and challenging profession even at the best of times, but the rewards and satisfaction are endless. Through this book, I wish to make these rewards clear to you, in the hope that you too may be inspired to teach.
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