Friday, August 31, 2012

Common Causes Of An Office Fire

Common Causes Of An Office Fire
The acute ?beep, beep, beep, beep...? of the office fire alarm resonates around the room and a momentarily look of concern presents itself on every face that has risen in unison. This, for the incalculable time, is a test alarm and one that arrives each week with wonderment. We are all aware, however, that this scheduled blast has a serious agenda; a job that we can?t resent and a role that could save our lives. The fire alarm is possibly the most understated colleague in any office.

For anyone who?s experienced the horror of a real live, raging fire ? whether in the office or at home ? it is something I?m sure they will not want to experience again. Businesses across the UK have introduced additional safety equipment, upgraded facilities and implemented more coherent training for their personnel to prevent such incidents meaning fire safety in the work place has never been more prominent, with more vigorous checks being recommended by fire officials to make properties impervious to fire.

The First Statistics Monitor, which is published quarterly by Communities and Local Government, encompasses provisional figures on fires, fire fatalities, injuries and false alarms. During 2007/08, The UK Fire and Rescue Services attended 799,000 fire and false alarm incidents (at both domestic and commercial properties) ? noting an 8 per cent decrease on the previous 12 months. The total number of UK fires fell by 11 per cent to 382,000 and are at their lowest since 1988. The figure for UK fire deaths, however, increased by 8 per cent to 500, and embedded within this statistic, 373 deaths occurred in England; the latter being contrary to the long term downward trend.

In July 2003, over 100 fire fighters spent hours contending with a fire that broke out in a prodigious office block behind Paddington Station. Resilient fire crew tackled the blaze continuously for two days, and five were treated in hospital for injuries. It later emerged that the building had recognised electrical problems and insufficient fire safety appliances, mainly fire extinguishers and blankets. Five floors of the structure were lost that day, but fortunately no lives.

In May 2007, Council headquarters in Leicestershire were obliterated by a fire which was caused by an electrical fault on a light fitting. The building hosted over 150 staff, and although every staff member was safely evacuated successfully, over three quarters of office space was lost. Local emergencies praised the speed in which everyone left the building and the manner and organisation they did so. After a rigorous post mortem check of the buildings smouldering carcass, fire officials applauded the overall safety equipment that was in place at the time. Malise Graham, Leader of Melton Borough Council, made the irrefutable point: ?We may have lost most of the office, but we still have all our staff in one piece. I?m glad that we can plan for a new building and not for human loses.?

The office is a perfect breeding ground for a fire. Electrical equipment such as fax machines and photocopiers are both potential heat generating threats, and although there are constant warnings about monitoring and upgrading fire safety devices, often old or defective machines like the humble photocopier can be fire hazards. Even a kettle or fridge should be considered and documented.

?Appropriate fire training for all staff is essential to ensure that the correct action is taken in the event of a fire,? says Active Fire Management, who provide a professional fire consultancy service for all aspects of fire safety and training requirements. ?The Fire Safety Order 2005 requires timely and effective training for all personnel. Any training provided should also be repeated at regular intervals. Organisations should ensure that details of training and names of those who have received it is recorded in the fire log book.?

Combustible objects such as books, magazines and bags of materials waiting to be recycled act like fire lighters on a log fire, and should be stored properly and not piled up around the office. All storage areas should be adequately located away from heat sources, for example; servers, computers and plugs. Be extra conscious of having excessive electrical outlets and try to reduce the amount of extension cables that weave across the floor.

?Effective management of electrical cables in the workplace is essential in order to avoid trip hazards to staff, but also to reduce the possibility of an unwanted fire,? continues Active Fire. ?Ensure that all electrical equipment undergoes a regular PAT test and maintain appropriate records.?

If you are sat at your desk as you finish reading this, take a few minutes out of your busy day to distinguish who is one of the most undervalued team mates in the office. The fire alarm? And let?s not forget your other assistants: fire safety equipment. All of you are in the same team and one day may really depend on each other.

For more information visit

office fires, fire safety, fire regulations, fire consultants

Common Duties Of A Paralegal

Common Duties Of A Paralegal
The duties of a paralegal will differ depending on where the paralegal works. Paralegals work in places where legal related issues are frequent; this may include law firms of all sizes, federal, state, or local agencies, large corporations, and even non profit organizations.

Other paralegals may specialize in a particular type of law such as family law or litigation. A paralegal who specializes in a type of law will likely have duties that are common to cases and legal issues pertaining to that legal arena.

Common duties of a paralegal may certainly include legal research. Legal research is a frequent duty for most paralegals because new cases will need specific types of research that relate to particular issues. Most paralegal certificate programs include extensive training on legal research.

Legal research includes the ability to effectively use online resources, such as LexisNexis and Westlaw, to find information. Legal research also includes learning how to correctly make citations to a number of different types of resources. Citations are paramount to research because it gives attorneys, judges, and other legal professionals who read the research the ability to quickly locate the resource being noted.

Another common paralegal duty involves legal writing. As a paralegal, you will be drafting a lot of different types of legal documents, and the types of legal documents may be specific to the type of law in which you work.

For instance, a real estate paralegal may need to draft lease agreements, contract negotiations, and sales contracts. A family law paralegal may need to draft prenuptial agreements, divorce agreements, and custodial agreements. A solid grasp of English spelling, grammar, and legal terminology, especially legal terms common in your area of practice, is important for becoming a successful paralegal.

Common duties of a paralegal may also include professional interaction with clients. While a paralegal may do a lot of the same duties as a licensed attorney, they are not licensed attorneys, therefore, there are boundaries and legal guidelines that they must follow. For instance, a paralegal is never allowed to give clients legal advice under any circumstances. Paralegals must understand and respect the ethics and legalities of their position and become skilled at communicating with their clients in a way that does not cross the line.

In addition to the legal guidelines, paralegals must learn how to effectively communicate with clients in situations that may be common to their type of work environment. Litigation paralegals may become quite skilled in interviews and interrogations because that area of law requires a lot of communication of that nature between the law firms and its clients. Family law paralegals will often speak to clients who may be going through very difficult and emotionally charged situations, such as divorce or probate.

While there are some common duties among the various paralegal specialties, there are also many differences based on the different types of law. If you are considering a career as a paralegal and are interested in the types of paralegal duties specific to your interests, then consider doing research into what type of cases and conflicts are common to that type of law. This should give you a clearer idea of the duties you can expect.

duties of a paralegal, paralegal duties, paralegal profession

Common Executive Resume Mistakes

Common Executive Resume Mistakes
When you reach the executive level in your career, there is no room for error. You must exude perfection with everything you do. This is especially true with your resume, which is why the last thing you want to do is submit a resume with glaring errors.

So what can you do to make sure yours is not filled with mistakes? Let?s take a look at some common executive resume errors that you want to avoid as you?re creating or updating yours.

Forgetting a Clear Job Target

It?s never acceptable to submit a resume that looks like a generic template that you downloaded from a free website. At the executive level, there is absolutely no excuse for creating something that doesn?t focus directly on the position you?re interested in. You?ve accomplished too much, and should have too much to say, to not be able to sculpt a masterful resume filled with your accomplishments. By submitting a resume that doesn?t tell your story, or define a clear position objective, you?re telling the hiring manager that you really don?t know who you?re applying with or why you really want the position.

Excluding Personal Branding

Once you?ve reached the executive level, it is important that you have already begun to differentiate yourself from others by creating your own personal brand. Companies are not looking for carbon copies at this level. They want to know that you can bring your own personal touch to their business in order to take it in a direction they have yet to imagine. As you create your resume, show how innovative you are. Show that you?re able to breathe new life into their organization. You can?t do that if you don?t breathe life into your resume by including your personal brand.

Not Keeping Up With the Times

As an executive, you probably already know that half of how other executives function is through some type of portable device, be it a PDA or smartphone. It?s a good idea to keep this in mind as you create your resume. Why? Because many hiring managers will be checking resumes through their portable devices and may not feel good about trying to read densely populated sentences on a tiny screen. That said, when creating your resume, write short, value driven statements that get to the point but leave enough whitespace to not overwhelm busy managers.

Missing the Obvious

There is no excuse for having typos, grammatical errors or poor formatting in your resume. Again, you have to exude perfection even if we all know that no one is perfect. Since you know you?re not perfect, it?s important to have someone read through your resume for errors. Then have someone else read through it. Keep going until you feel sure that it?s as perfect as it can be. This way, your fabulous qualities won?t be overlooked because you wrote ?objetive? instead of ?objective.?

Don?t let common resume mistakes ruin your agenda as you?re trying to create a reputation as a quality executive. As you craft your resume, work to carefully create perfection to increase your odds of making the impression you want.

resume, resume writing, executive, executive resume, mistakes, common mistakes

Common Questions About Tanning Salons

Common Questions About Tanning Salons
Some individuals have gotten their deep golden tan for years by frequenting their local tanning salon on their lunch hour. They love the results and it is very convenient for them to do so. Even though so many people do tan indoors annually, many are hesitant to do so. They have some concerns that result in them holding back.

Will I get skin cancer if I go to a tanning salon? There is evidence to suggest that using tanning equipment that offers UV rays can lead to skin cancer in people of all ages. There are some types of sunless tanning equipment out there though. If you are worried about skin cancer or if it runs in your family then you may find this to be a better option for your tanning needs.

The amount of time it is going to take for you to get a tan will be different than for your friends. Don't be discouraged if it takes you longer than it did for them. You may have fairer skin and that means you can't tan for as long each session. You may be going to the tanning salon a couple of times per week while they go in every day. It can also depend on the products each of you use.

You should be evaluating your own progress though from the tanning sessions. A good way to do this is to tan with some article of clothing on. Then you can compare the skin under the clothing to the surrounding areas. A good tip to help you get a great tan is to stay moisturized. When your skin is dry you won't be able to hold the color as long.

Nothing is going to look worse or hurt more than getting a sunburn due to being in the tanning bed too long. If you have very sensitive skin then let the person at the facility know this. They can recommend the right products for you as well as a good starting time. As you get used to the tanning and aren't turning red you can add another minute to your sessions.

Continue to do this until you reach a limit where your body doesn't do well with more or you are at the maximum time. It isn't good to do more than 15 minutes per day. Keep in mind that the equipment at a tanning salon offers accelerated methods so it will be like being outdoors for longer than that.

Some tanning salons are very affordable while others are very pricey. Make sure you evaluate what you get for the price they charge. If you want the more advanced technology and equipment then it is going to cost you more. If you go with a more moderate price just make sure they offer safe and effective tanning equipment.

It is the wise consumer who finds out all they can about a tanning salon before they get such services. It is important to understand that not all tanning salons offer the same services. You should therefore allocate specific questions to the staff at that particular tanning salon. If you aren't happy with the answers you get then you should find another location to tan at.

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Common Mistakes Most MLM Marketers Make Promoting Their MLM Business On Social Media Sites

Common Mistakes Most MLM Marketers Make Promoting Their MLM Business On Social Media Sites
This MLM Network Marketing training Advice article was designed to help you with you online prospecting using social Media.

Great places to generate leads for you mlm business are placeslike Facebook,Twitter and Myspace. It's free and there is allot of traffic that can come from those sites. The only draw backis that most people in MLM go onto those site and start off spamming and pushing thier business to all the people there

The one thing that has to be realized when using Social Media is that people are very sensitive to someone trying to sell them on any MLM opportunity or product. Twitter, Facebook and My Space is not a place where you promote your MLM business it is where you promote yourself first. By branding yourself and building connections with people and never ever pushing your MLM business on any one you connect with. Unless they ask you about the business and even then it should just be mentioned in a causal way just to create more interest and curiosity where they ask for more information on your site and have there name added to your list.

So you may ask your self "How am I supposed to promote my MLM business if I can't do it on a Social Media network?" The answer to this is using your blogs where you have useful information that will interest people that click on your website links. Never send people directly from Twitter or Facebook to your MLM capture or company page. Direct them to your blogs or your You Tube channel. On your blogging websites you can have links to your MLM capture pages and other money making opportunities that you may be promoting.

On Social Media sites it's mostly about branding yourself as an expert and a leader. No one on a social media site cares about your MLM business, most of them has their own business and is trying to promote them. The main objective is to stand out of the crowd as a person of interest that has value to offer. Not just another MLM distributor. You have to remember that people join you not the business, the business is just an avenue to make money. Let's face it being up front and promoting your MLM opportunity doesn't work on your friends or family. Why do you think it would work on a stranger?

People do business with people they trust. For this reason we use social media to develope a level of trust.

Unless you are promoting your business in classifieds where people are actually open to looking for MLM business opportunities that is expected because this is what they are looking for. If you do promote your business openly on these sites using DM's or privet messages or tweets you will be seen as a spammer and lose your network of friends, your network of friends is not something you would ever want to lose because they are a powerful lead generation tool if you do it right.

To make money in MLM Network Marketing you need to show your business and your product. So the faster you learn to master the skills the greater your success.

So remember become a person of value and brand yourself not your MLM business, drive traffic from Twitter and Facebook to your blogs or YouTube channels that contain useful information about yourself and your business along with links to your MLM capture pages. This way you are able to build trust and be branded as an expert and leader. That is when you will get more leads for your MLM business and you will have prospects calling you with a credit card in hand wanting to follow you, being a leader, and join your MLM business.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Commercial Printing Paper: Brightness Weight And Coating

Commercial Printing Paper: Brightness, Weight, And Coating
The commercial printing industry has a language all to itself. For anyone diving into their first commercial printing project, this language barrier can be intimidating at best. For example, the type of paper you choose to print on has a number of key descriptors: brightness, weight, and coating. Each of these describes the different aspect of the paper and will help you choose which kind of paper you need for your printing project.


In commercial printing, the term ?brightness? refers to how much light is reflected off of the paper. Paper brightness is on a scale from 0-100, with 100 being the brightest paper. The brighter the paper, the more vibrant your colors will appear. Do not confuse brightness with the whiteness. Whiteness refers to the shade of your paper and has little to nothing to do with brightness.


Commercial printing firms refer to the weight of the paper based on how much 500 sheets of paper weighs in pounds. If 500 sheets of paper weighs 120 pounds, then the paper will be referred to as having a 120 pound weight. As precise as this may seem, paper weight is not an exact science. Treat weight as a ballpark term with the final decision being made only after examining the paper yourself. For instance, don?t assume that 120 pound paper, typically considered a heavier stock paper, will actually meet your needs. When in doubt, ask your printer and don?t be afraid to request a sample.


Coating or coated paper refers to a film that improves how light reflects off of the paper. Coating can either be on both sides or only one side of the paper. The most common type of coating is called glossy paper, and is used for pictures and other graphics that really need to stand out.

Now that you know a little bit more about paper attributes, dealing with a commercial printing firm will be that much more painless. But don't stop here. There is a whole language to be learned and the more you know, the better you will be able to communicate your needs.

commercial printing

5 Fabulous Benefits Of Becoming A Registered Nurse

5 Fabulous Benefits Of Becoming A Registered Nurse
What is your dream profession? Must a good job only pay well? Yes, we all have bills to pay. However, if going to your job becomes excruciatingly unbearable, is it worth the money? A decent salary should be one criterion, but not THE criterion, when choosing your first career or a new career. Here are some benefits of becoming a nurse, which you should certainly consider when selecting a career:

1. A good salary

Of course, money is not everything. However, it can come in handy when you have bills to pay. A starting base salary for staff RNs, is $37,000; for RNs, it is $37,000, and for masters level RNs, it is nearly $50,000. Nurses with at least three years of experience, tend to earn about $10,000 more at the masters level. Right now, healthcare and technology jobs are the hottest. So the simple rule of supply and demand is applicable nurses are needed, so their salaries are excellent.

2. Personal fulfillment

The work of a nurse can be quite fulfilling. They are on the front lines in the war against illness and disease. While the results are not favorable 100 of the time, it is certainly fulfilling to know that you have improved someone s life, or made their battle with ruthless diseases, just a little more bearable.

3. Helping to save lives

From distributing important medication to providing a helping hand in major surgery, nurses are constantly working no only to make people healthier but to save their lives. While it is certainly rewarding to make someone s life brighter, giving him or her another day on Earth can be the best on the job reward.

4. Flexibility in career options

As a nurse, you can work in various positions, and in various places. The sky is the limit. You can work in Timbuktu or Kalamazoo. You can work in critical care or you can work in home care. You can be a coordinator, editor, or educator. If you are looking for a career that offers you lateral and geographical movement, consider nursing. This element of nursing can be particularly appealing in a world that changes as fast as you can zip off an e mail!

5. Scheduling that is flexible

Nursing could cause you to work some whacky shifts, including nights and weekends. While this can be problematic for some people, it can be a plus for others. Working in the evening can provide you with several options:

?Daytime classes

?Caring for children in the daytime (and saving on daycare)

?12 hour shifts that give you extra days off during the week

In most professions, a 9 to 5 means, well, working 9 to 5. However, the flexibility of nursing schedules provides you with more options.

Why should you become a nurse? The five aforementioned reasons are some of the main ones. When selecting your first career or a new career, consider becoming a cheap urbane scrubs clad nurse. Nursing can certainly be one of the most rewarding jobs on earth. It nurses the needs of you and those you need your assistance.

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Commercial Pilot Training

Commercial Pilot Training
Commercial Pilot Training is a course of study used when learning to pilot an aircraft for commercial purposes i.e. for flying passenger aircrafts. The overall purpose of such pilot training is the acquisition and honing of basic airmanship skills. Commercial pilot training has found a lot of interest among people in recent years. This is because of the coming up of many airline services (especially low cost airlines) and growing globalization, economic liberalization and a boom in the aviation industry which has resulted in plenty of job opportunities in airline companies both within and outside India. With the highest number of airlines, the US is the most desired destination for most commercial pilots. Even UK, Australia and some European countries can also be happy hunting grounds for ambitious commercial pilots.

How to become a Commercial Pilot?

One can become a commercial pilot only after he has obtained a Commercial Pilot License (CPL). Commercial Pilot License authorizes the pilot to fly both passenger planes and cargo planes. A Commercial Pilot License may be obtained only after a Private Pilot License (PPL) has been acquired. To obtain a Commercial Pilots License, 250 hours of flying (including 60 hours for the PPL) is necessary. Besides that, one has to undergo a Medical Fitness Test and an examination.

PPL is acquired to a student only after a specific number of flying hours. Its training includes sixty hours of flying of which about fifteen hours are dual flights, that is accompanied by the flight instructor and at least 30 hours of solo flights apart from five hours of cross-country flying. This makes one eligible for the Private Pilot License exam. The prescribed age for appearing for this exam is 17 years and an educational qualification of 10+2 along with a Medical Fitness Certificate issued by the Armed Forces Central Medical Establishment (AFCME). Only after clearing this exam does one get a PPL.

Commercial pilot training is provided by many aviation academies all over India. However, only few of them provide quality training. Chimes Aviation Academy is one of them. It has first of its kind preliminary pilot training course aimed at young aspirants who would want to understand nuances of being a pilot in a practical scenario. Aim of this course is to enable aspiring pilots to test their aptitude for being a pilot become eligible to appear for CPL (Commercial Pilot License) examination.

To enroll in this institute and get a Commercial Pilot License, one needs to fulfill some basic criteria. It is as follows:



One can join this course while studying in class Xth or above. However for grant of CPL license eligibility is Class XII with Physics Maths as subjects

Medical Basic health fitness, for regular CPL course, Class II is mandatory and for grant of CPL license, Class I is mandatory.

Age 16 years and above. Please note for grant of CPL license one should be 18 years old on date of issue of license

Nationality As of now this course is offered only to Indian Nationals

Other Adequate competency in English Language.

Aviation Qualification NIL

Aviation academies like Chimes Aviation Academy teach a pilot the process of flying an aircraft through the air with proper direction and control. It also teaches the students to understand the weather forecasts. A qualified pilot is supposed to be an expert in leading his crew and the passengers even in trying circumstances and a leader par excellence. Thus to become a commercial pilot, one should have a sound mind in a healthy body, lot of courage, determination and self-confidence besides academic qualification.

This article is based on my experiences and knowledge as a commercial pilot training student at Chimes Aviation Academy (CAA ?

Pilot Training, Aviation academy, Commercial Pilot License, CPL, Private Pilot License, PPL, Chimes Aviation Academy, aircraft, pilot.

Commission Blueprint Review

Commission Blueprint Review
Commission Blueprint by Tim Godfrey and Steven Clayton is the latest internet marketing product to arrive at the internet marketing scene on 27 August. What is it? And how can it help you in your business? Is it another fly by night product that works today but will fail in another month's time? Read this full commission blueprint review for the facts.

The Commission Blueprint in summary is a complete profit system to make money promoting Clickbank products using Google Adwords. There have been many similar predecessors like Google Nemesis, Affiliate Conspiracy and so on but nothing really comes close to this.

Tim Godfrey has been marketing since 2003 and has years of experience in the online gambling industry. His websites have been able attract wagers of up to $30 million dollars. Recently, his Profit Praxis system has clearly shown the depth of knowledge this man has about marketing online. The same goes for his partner Steven Clayton, an experienced Adwords marketer who runs his own marketing company.

The earnings of over $524,000 in a short 7 month period are testament of the Commission Blueprint's success. No stones are unturned as they reveal every single trick and tip they applied to reap such results are disclosed in the product. The beauty of this is that they managed to achieve such fantastic sales figures selling in non-money making markets. This surely has vast potential in niche marketing.

What is in the package? There are videos, PDFs, flow charts and ready made and tested landing page templates. All in all, this is a comprehensive and complete A to Z system that anyone can use to dominate niches - the perfect tool for a niche marketer.

The tutorials, tips and tricks cater to marketers of all levels from the newbies to the more advanced PPC marketer. You will discover the systematic ways of how these guys choose hot sellers and the right and cheap keywords, what kind of templates convert like crazy (and they are giving out their top 3 best templates), pick the correct domains and how to sieve out and maximize earnings from winners.

Within this whole package, you will find more than 14 videos, 5 PDFs and 3 killer templates. Read about how to increase opt-ins and create solid review landing pages.

How would I rate it alongside a product like Google Nemesis and Affiliate Conspiracy? If the 2 products are 8, this deserves 8.5 or 9. It is not perfect as it falls short of more case studies. It covers practically everything you need to know about marketing niche products using Google Adwords. You get the training and the tools! What other easier way is there to start profiting, other than with Commission Blueprint?

adwords,marketing,commission blueprint,commissionblueprint,commission blueprint review,commission blueprint bonuses,steven clayton,tim godfrey,profit praxis,google adwords

Commercial Loans Are They Still Available?

Commercial Loans Are They Still Available?
If you are looking for a loan for commercial real estate you had better be ready for some sticker shock. Although some banks are still lending, the vast majority have tightened their credit requirements so drastically, you may be forced to go to Hard Money in order to get the money you are seeking.

What is Hard Money? Typically not attached to credit scores, these types of commercial loans are equity driven. If you have lots and I mean lots of equity in a deal, you can expect to get a hard money loan which will require a minimum of 50 equity.

Ultimately, this means you own the commercial property outright and want to use your equity to finance something else. Perhaps you re in a tight spot because other properties need a cash infusion and there is nowhere else to go but to tap the equity in preforming assets. This type of gamble is where Hard Money lenders step in.

If the property appraises for $500,000, you can expect to get $250,000 if the hard money lender will be in first position. That means no prior liens exist. Most of these types of lenders have no loan committee and make decisions based on how quickly they can dispose of the property if they have to foreclose. Deals usually close in two weeks and you can expect to pay up to 6 percentage points as an origination fee.

Anything over 50 loan to value is rare, but there are cases when rents remain high, long term tenants have been in place, and the property is something the lender feels will sell easily if they have to foreclose.

Hard money loans may be the answer when you have no choice but to locate enough money to close a deal. Many investors make commitments based on past histories of loan qualifications with their lenders but those days have gone south as lenders scramble for ways to cover losses.

Borrowers of these types of loans are almost always commercial investors, but can also be business people looking for alternative ways to finance their business and as a way to generate cash flow. It is not for the weak at heart and must be entered into with a stern conviction of careful spending while looking for ways to roll the loan into some more permanent and less expensive financing.

If you think this type of financing is too expensive for you, calculate what you would lose if a deal fell through or what the cost of holding a vacant building would be. Many considerations and calculations go into making financing decisions, but the alternative must always be weighed.

We are seeing a lot of these types of deals coming our way because traditional lenders simply have closed their wallets. If you decide on borrowing money this way remember that this is short term money and should be used to get you through a deal or over a rough spot in your life. When you need money hard money may be the answer.

hard money loan,commercial financing,commercial loan

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Commercial Interior Lighting

Commercial Interior Lighting
Interior lighting often defines the quality of a commercial environment. Office space very often depends on the quality of interior lighting to create an ergonomic and motivated workspace that will contribute to higher production and profit margins. Everything from morale to corporate culture can be affected by a change in the interior lighting. Commercial production facilities rely upon interior lighting directly for manufacturing and shipping. In their world, proper levels of glare free illumination are a must for safe and efficient process flow. Some environments, such as manufacturing and assembly, rely so heavily on commercial interior lighting that their very survival depends upon its quality.

The best way to approach commercial interior lighting design is to first get a general picture of industry standard needs in this area in order to formulate a basic plan of attack in proposing a new system.

Industrial Organizations

Most manufacturing and warehousing operations care little for aesthetics. They are far more concerned with safety and cost effective operations. Commercial interior lights in these environments play a major role in ergonomics and employee well being. Any dark areas or large shadows in a building represent major safety concerns to quality assurance. It is your first duty as a contractor in these environments to propose commercial interior lights that will evenly light all of a facilities floor space and provide sufficient foot candles in the vertical cube to allow for material handling tools such as fork trucks to be safely driven through the facility.

It is also important to consider the impact that heat can have on a large building. If you install commercial interior lights with poor thermal management designs, HVAC costs will be higher. RLLD Commercial Lighting has a number of fluorescent, induction, and LED interior lighting fixtures specifically designed to operate at cooler temperatures. This, combined with their innate power saving designs, helps greatly reduce overhead for industrial clients and can often tip the balance in favor of your proposal.

Keep in mind that industrial facilities are the most heavily regulated of all buildings, so it is crucial that you ensure that your client will meet with all OSHA and ANSI codes. If your client is interested in obtaining LEED certification, call an RLLD Commercial interior lighting expert to find out about the latest energy efficient technology ideal for earning points toward a certificate.

Service Based Organizations

Good morale is an essential ingredient to service based office environments. Commercial interior lights here should blend the task and the decorative to produce an ergonomically sound as well as decorative quality of light. Normally, you have to create multiple layers of both direct and indirect light to achieve such an effect, and you have to use a multiplicity of fixture types, mounts, and lamps.

One great way to minimize the number of actual light fixtures for a small company with a tight budget is to install commercial interior lighting controls. Dimmers and wireless remotes can make lighting customized to personal preference while simultaneously minimizing power consumption. The right commercial lighting controls can turn one set of interior lights into many by programming multiple themes into a central controller. These themes can be activated with wall boxes, and hand held remotes to create different moods and levels of luminosity.


Retail clients need commercial interior lights that render color equivalent to that produced by natural daylight. The reason for this is obvious: products on shelves must look as natural and good as possible to sell. Like offices, stores require multiple layers of light. Typically, one level of light illuminates the floor space for customers and staff, and the second layer of light focuses on product merchandising.

It is paramount that you choose the right commercial interior lighting fixtures that will accomplish these tasks do this as cost effectively as possible. Retail profit margins are normally rather slim, so the more you offer trim a store?s electric, the more readily they will embrace both the technology and the design you propose.

Hospitality Clients

Hotels, country clubs, restaurants, and resorts need you to take a very customized approach to commercial interior lighting. Virtually every location contains a variety of buildings whose interior architecture varies on a per room basis. Commercial interior lights create everything from general task lighting to special decorative and associative aesthetic themes. Most hospitality clients also expect you to use lamps, fixtures, mounts and accessories that specifically compliment the decorum and brand of the establishment. Usually, the more removed from mundane reality an organization seeks to be, the more elaborate and eclectic its commercial interior lighting system will need to be.

Lighting Design Services from RLLD Commercial Lighting

Our clients are contractors, architects, and commercial lighting design firms who range from sole proprietors to national corporations. To accommodate this broad spectrum of clients, we have investing in state of the art point by point lighting design software which we will use to help you develop your client?s system at no additional charge provided you purchase your commercial interior lighting fixtures from us. Small companies can appear equal to large ones through this partnership, and large companies can save money on training and staff development by outsourcing schematic design to our experts.

commrercial interior lighting, commercial exterior lighting, outdoor commercial lighting, area light

Commercial Gooseneck Lights

Commercial Gooseneck Lights
Gooseneck lights are excellent fixtures to propose to clients who need functionality combined with aesthetics. These lights can be placed in a number of key locations both outside the building and inside the building. If your client has a sign near the front entrance of the property, a gooseneck lamp is an ideal way to highlight this for visitors, clients, and passing traffic. Homeowners? associations also love goose neck lights because of their sheik design and ability to decoratively highlight the monuments that mark the entrances to subdivisions and gated communities. Hotels and restaurants rely upon goose neck fixtures, because advertising their brand is not only subliminal, but also a conscious, deliberate invitation to the general public.

Of course, you can find a goose neck lamp almost anywhere. Hardware stores sell them, along with a number of discounted, product only websites with no content to describe product functionality. What makes our gooseneck lights superior to retail and foreign manufactured competing models is the quality of materials that goes into making each lamp and the place of origin itself. RLLD Commercial Lighting sells no imported parts or lighting equipment whatsoever under any circumstances. All products are made in the USA and feature commercial grade components, the best engineering, and written warranties to guarantee the product. When it comes to lighting their corporate brand or signifying the location of a club, hotel, or restaurant, the last thing your client wants is a lamp that burns out on the one night of the week that the VIP decides to show up. Installing something that is built to last now will save time, money, and possible embarrassment in the future.

Because RLLD Commercial Lighting partners closely with the top lighting fixture manufacturers in the United States, we can provide you and your clients with gooseneck lights of any size, style, color, or finish option you need to differentiate your client?s facility and add an extra touch of functional light in key places when so called upon. Our expert staff will listen closely to your requirements and perform a photometric analysis of your client?s site. This analysis will in turn generate a report that will show what areas on the property and inside the building need specific levels of light, and it will also show us how to achieve those lighting levels with the most cost effective equipment and energy equipment possible. This makes it much easier to choose goose neck lights as complimentary pieces to an overall lighting theme, and to use them as a supporting aesthetic to an overall ?look? that simultaneously performs a specific task that is vital to company image.

Because we not only sell commercial lighting products, but also commercial lighting accessories, we can provide you with any piece of equipment necessary to wall mount a goose neck lamp to the side of a building to light the company logo or wall mounted signage. This is a favorite outdoor lighting technique among many manufacturers who prefer to take a very Spartan approach to decorating factories and warehouses, but nonetheless want what fixtures they do install on and around their building to look attractive and produce a high quality of light. Gooseneck lighting are made from aluminum and are well suited to this purpose. Their light weight makes them easy to mount on any building surface, and their sturdy construction makes them highly weather resistant.

We can also equip you gooseneck lighting that are designed for interior lighting. Many modern office buildings feature eclectic interior architecture in the foyer and around the front desk. These setting often look ultra modern, if not outright futuristic, and are a bit too sophisticated for standard lights. Wall mounted gooseneck fixtures can be substituted for traditional floor and desk lights near chairs and couches in the waiting areas?giving your client?s clients a new light to read by. They can also replace generic over the picture lights that were previously installed to light fine artwork and photograph. Halogen bulbs in these lights not only produces excellent white light with superb color rendering for sign lighting and gateway lighting, but they also render color in paintings and prints exceptionally well, provided the light is properly filtered and controlled.

commercial gooseneck lights, gooseneck sign lighting, gooseneck building lights, goosenecks

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Coming Out Of The Closet

Coming Out Of The Closet
Why is it always big news when someone comes out of the closet? Here is an example what happens when you come out. Today was the day to vote across America. That is a privilege we have in the United States. So I go to the local YMCA, that was temporarily the voting station, and placed my vote for a variety of issues and people. When I arrive, the room is full of people. Now I am committed to voting, and have to go through the identification process. Fortunately, I had planned ahead for this process. I had my voting registration card and my driver?s license for ID, and showed them. No problem, so far not a word had been spoken by me, and I was ready to vote (after signing my name to show that I had been there). Then a hurdle. One of my classmates in high school was one of the workers and she did not know that I had no voice! What should I do? Not panic, so charge ahead. Smiled big, waved my hand in recognition, and gave her a big hug. There was a second of ?something is different here? on her face, but it left quickly and began talking. She followed me to the voting machine, showed me how to use it, and wanted me to see her after I had voted.

After voting, I found Gareth, and engaged her in a conversation using my trusted pencil and note pad. The first thing I wrote was, ?I have a new reality?. Showed her my note and smiled. She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders meaning, ?No big deal? now let?s chat. So I had a 5 min conversation (she was a busy worker), she asked me to call her sometime and gave me her telephone number. I will call her using my text to talk software on my computer. It felt good being able to have this refreshing chat and doing something this fundamental. Interacting with other people? there you go.

It would be easy to have stayed at home, fearing that I would see someone I know, be in an awkward situation, afraid of what someone would think, and any number of other excuses. Here is my take on all of that, it is crap. When I talk about ?coming out of the closet?, it should be?coming out of the house?. Getting involve and among the living is a must for me. Accepting my voiceless limitation, and make something positive out of it. Finding ways to engage with others. Now this is an interesting point; when talking to Gareth, we were totally focused on what each of us was saying. Paying attention to the other person. Two connected minds communicating ? that was a new experience. It took one of the other workers to call to Gareth to get her attention. It is the amazing function of the pencil and pad.

Having no voice is not a choice for me. I made a good living using my voice all my life. Then the unexpected happened, and my world was turned upside down. I could continue being on my head, or right myself up and move forward. Moving forward is much more fun and rewarding. For information and to tell your stories go to There are many tools and techniques that are available to the person that wants to communicate with others. Whining and feeling sorry for yourself will lead to nowhere. The best thing I can say at this time, ?Come out of the house?, and be a part of the day to day opportunities life is giving you. It is your choice.

no voice,communication problems,no speech,speech impaired,can\\\'t speek,lost my voice,nonverbal adults

Colorectal Cancer: What Increases Your Risk

Colorectal Cancer: What Increases Your Risk
Colorectal cancer or large bowl cancer is the cancer in the colon, rectum and appendix.

These are abnormal growth of polyps that later develop cancerous.

The diagnosis is done through colonoscopy. The treatment is done by the surgery followed by chemotherapy.

Factors contributing towards colorectal cancer

Age: People in the age of 60s ? 70s have higher chances of developing this cancer as the risk increases with age.

Polyps: It is believed that colon cancer arise from adenomatous polyps in the colon. A history of polyps in the colon makes you more prone to the risk of cancer.

Heredity: Colorectal cancer can be inherited by a family member. If a member of the family was diagnosed with similar cancer, the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases.

Cancer History: People who have earlier developed cancer and eventually been treated of it are at a greater risk of developing colorectal cancer again. Even women with history of uterine or ovarian cancer are more prone to developing this cancer.

Environment: People who are living in industrialized countries like United States, United Kingdom etc. are at a higher risk of developing the cancer as compared to the people living in under developed countries. This is because of the reason that the traditional diet is rich in fiber content and low in fats.

Alcohol: Taking alcohol is believed to be the cause of an early arrival of cancer. People taking 45 grams of alcohol per day are at a higher risk of developing cancer than the people who take 30 grams of alcohol per day.

Smoking: People who have been smoking for a long time are more likely to develop colorectal cancer than the people who do not smoke at all. Studies have shown that inhaling or eating tobacco produces carcinogens (cancer causing cells) in the colon. Tobacco can also increase the size of the polyps present in the colon.

Diet: A balanced diet that is rich in its fiber contents and low in cholesterol and fats (mainly animal fat) is believed to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer to a large extent. A nutritious diet that is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and fish is advisable as it keeps a person healthy and fit.

Diabetes: People who are dependent on external insulin have 40 more chances of developing the colorectal cancer.

Inactive life style: People who lead an active life style are at a lower risk of developing cancer of the colon. Good and regular exercise has always lowered the risk of developing any kind of disease. Sedentary life style increases your risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): People who are suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease develop ulcers and colitis in the colon. This can further lead to Crohn?s disease, thereby increasing the risk of colorectal cancer.

Obesity: People who tend to put on more weight than the recommended weight for their body are called obese. Obese people are more prone to colorectal cancer than the people who are slim.

Virus: Exposure to some strains of viruses like human papilloma virus is believed to cause colorectal cancer.

Colorectal Cancer

Colors Uniform

Colors Uniform
Teaching in the twenty-first century

Teaching in the twenty-first century is much more than imparting information to students. The way our society views learning and education has changed, and as a result, the role of the teacher now extends beyond the four walls of the classroom. Today's teacher is also a role model, a confidante, a mentor, a counselor, a sounding board, a mediator, an administrator, an advocate, a manager and a problem solver. These days it is not unusual for a teacher to be one of the few stable adult influences in a child's life. The structure of the school day is a source of comfort and familiarity for many students, and provides them with a sense of security. Practice versus theory, teachers definitely need training, and the study of child or adolescent psychology is important, too, but some of the things you need to be a good teacher can't necessarily be learnt at university. Of course you will be taught your subject matter there, and the theory behind it, but most of the skills required to be a good teacher are learnt on the job. No textbook can prepare you for the dynamics of a class, as each group of students is so different. Teachers rely on intuition and gut feeling, observation and a knowledge of human behavior. You will constantly face new situations, each demanding a different response. There are lots of mistakes ahead of you, and lots of times when you are going to 'get it wrong'. As a teacher you need to be open and flexible, because no two days will be the same; you will continue to learn and grow throughout your entire career. A true vocation, you have probably heard teaching referred to as a vocation. I believe this is true teaching is a calling, and requires special commitment. You will only be happy and effective as a teacher if you love your job and enjoy going to work. Teaching is not about the money (although we all need to live, and let's face it, it helps!); it is about your commitment to your students, about helping them to learn and flourish. The benefits you will enjoy are enormous personal growth and development. The best teachers are not necessarily those who know everything, but rather those who continue to learn and find wonder in the world. Teaching is a demanding and challenging profession even at the best of times, but the rewards and satisfaction are endless. Through this book, I wish to make these rewards clear to you, in the hope that you too may be inspired to teach.

Renovation, budget, long-term investment plan, property, budget constraints, painti user-friendly guide, off-the-shelf model, anatomy textbook, muscular-skeletal system, skeletal structures, myriad miraculous processes, biomechanical miracle, veStress-re

Monday, August 27, 2012

5 Essential Employment Documents Your Business Needs

5 Essential Employment Documents Your Business Needs
There are plenty of kinds of business documents that a company needs to conform with the law and help it to run more smoothly, and employment is one of the most important areas where you should make sure that your paperwork is up to scratch. As any HR manager will tell you, dealing with the myriad demands and concerns of your employees can be like navigating a legal minefield ? high quality, reliable documents can be invaluable in helping you deal constructively with personnel. Many employers settle for just having good quality employment contracts, but there are many additional areas where employment documents can help your business?

Employment Contracts

Naturally, the most important employment document is the employment contract. These need to be comprehensive, covering all the significant areas (such as a detailed outline of the position, holiday allowance, notice period, prohibited behaviour and any applicable confidentiality agreements). You may need a wide variety of employment contracts ? depending on the nature of your business.

Disciplinary Documents

In an increasingly litigious society, employers have to be very careful when they handle disciplinary and dismissal issues. Written warnings and dismissal documents need to be carefully phrased, and your disciplinary procedure needs to follow the letter of the law ? if you don?t have the right business documents or your company deviates from legal procedure you could face an employment tribunal for wrongful dismissal.

Anti Discrimination Policy

It is now recommended for all UK businesses to have a comprehensive anti discrimination policy, outlining what constitutes unacceptable behaviour, the methods the company is using to combat discrimination, and the official procedure for employee complaints. This business document is typically included as part of the employee handbook, and needs to cover discrimination on age, religion, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity and disability.

Maternity and Paternity Policy

Your business needs to have an up to date policy on maternity and paternity leave, outlining the conditions concerning the length of leave (26 weeks Ordinary Maternity Leave or 52 weeks with Additional Maternity Leave), the renumeration that is offered (this must conform with the requirements of Statutory Maternity Pay), the rights of an employee to return to a job at an equal or higher level after maternity/paternity leave is concluded. This is potentially a very sensitive area ? make sure your business is equipped to handle it.

Sickness and Absence Policy

UK businesses lose over ?13 billion each year to staff sickness and absence, and many companies struggle with a culture of absenteeism that costs them heavily. A written policy concerning sickness and absence can be a crucial business document that helps to prevent this problem, outlining actions that will be taken if repeated sick days are taken. This solves a two fold problem, by providing a framework of support to people who are taking time off for genuine reasons and discouraging people from taking needless sick days.

Just remember, with all of these documents it is important to keep up to speed on the latest legal developments. Employment law is constantly evolving, and missing out on important updates can be disastrous!

legal documents, business documents, documents, employment contracts,

Color Trends For 2008

Color Trends For 2008
Designers should always know what colors are popular ? and which are about to become popular. Color permeates every aspect of a designer?s life. Every brochure, logo, and website that a designer works on must have the right colors, used in the right ways. Without a firm knowledge of the current trends in color, a designer can quickly be placed on the back burner of the design world.

And because color trends can change so rapidly, it is important to investigate them often. Colors that were popular at the beginning of the year may not hold that status by July. Here is a look at some of the colors that are gaining in popularity as we hit the half way point of 2008:


It is no coincidence that, as people become increasingly aware of human effects upon the planet, the color green also becomes more popular. Green has long been used as a subtle color, often relegated to the background.

But greens are becoming used in bold ways more often. Yes, green represents the growing environmental trends, but it is a very versatile color as well. It is perfect in living spaces, due to its subtle properties and the fact that it is easy on the eyes.

Black and White

As any good designer knows, trends occur in cycles. And so it that, after decades of being seen as ?classical? and ?old fashioned?, black and white have reemerged as popular colors.

The simplest of all color schemes, black and white designs can lend a great deal of power to any project. This scheme exudes power and elegance. For a sophisticated feel, black and white can be the perfect choice.

Antique Colors

Another sign of a ?retro? trend taking shape is the increasing popularity of traditional colors. Colors that hearken back to the days before computers and digitally enhanced designs are becoming more and more in demand.

The colors that have enjoyed the greatest resurgence in this vein include deep reds, warm browns, pumpkin oranges, and deep hued blues. Think of old fashioned tapestry, and you will have a good idea of what colors are involved here.

Mid Tone Hues

As a follow up to greens, mid tone hues have also hit a crescendo in popularity. This makes sense, because as the other trendy colors have demonstrated, many people are searching for more classical looks in their designs.

Some mid tone hues that have regained popularity in the first half of 2008 include fern, palm, pine, and sage. While all of these are members of the green family, I thought it would be appropriate to give them a section of their own. Many people, including designers, do not associate these colors with their green parents.

color printing

Color Your Way To Success

Color Your Way To Success
Building a successful business is no piece of cake. It takes a lot of planning, re-planning, and a whole lot of hard work to get it off the ground. Then, once you think your business is going to survive, you still have to build it up some more and expand it.

In every step along the way, advertising is essential. You need to tell prospective customers about your business. You want them to remember you when they need your product or service. The most popular, and often most effective, way of doing these things is by producing color ads and brochures.

Now, it is not enough to throw together a colorful ad and call it good. What colors you use is vitally important. Your goal is to create an attractive ad, yes, but you are also building a brand identity. You are creating something that you hope will be associated with your business for years to come. When someone sees anything that resembles your ad, you want them to think of your business.

How important is color? A member of the Seoul International Color Expo in 2004 conducted a study about this topic. The study concluded that 92.6% of customers make product purchases based mostly on the visual attractiveness of the object, rather than the feel, sound, or smell of it. That is a whopping figure. More than 9 out of 10 customers will choose to buy your product ? or not buy it ? based on what they see associated with your business.

So when you are designing your ad, keep this is mind. Choose colors that you want associated with your company. Remember your overall theme as you are designing. Go with colors that fit with the type of business you own. If you have a professional, service type business, go with cooler colors. If your service or product has more of a relaxed feel, choose warm colors.

Perhaps most importantly, have your ads or brochures printed by a professional. Get quality, color printing done by a commercial printing company. Do not try to do it on your own to save a few bucks. It is not worth it.

Do not underestimate the importance of color in your advertising. If you plan your ads right, they can provide a brand identity that will bring new customers to your place of business on a regular basis. When it comes to color ads, a little bit can go a long way.

commercial color printing

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Color Printing On Colored Paper

Color Printing On Colored Paper
When you design a brochure or other marketing piece with color printing in mind, you usually don?t think much about the background of the paper, right? You?ve probably assumed you?ll be using white or an off-white color to best show your colors. When you print on white paper, you know what you?re going to get. But white paper stock is not always the best choice.

White paper with some spot colors of ink has been done again and again. If you want to make your next marketing piece really stand out, consider using color printing on colored paper. What can be an okay-looking flyer or poster can really pop if you use colored paper.

To help you make the leap into using colored paper to jazz up your marketing materials, here are some considerations to think about.

CMYK inks are transparent

You can?t really tell on white paper, but the inks used in the four-color printing process (the most commonly used printing process) are transparent. This means that images printed on a cream-colored paper will seem warmer because of the yellow showing through from the tint of the paper. This means if you?re printing photos of people with lots of skin showing, you might want to tone down some of the yellow ink so that people don?t look like they have jaundice!

And, the darker the paper, the more the color will affect the color in your images. You also need to watch for dot gain, which is the ink seeping into the paper fibers and spreading through the fibers.

So far, printing on colored paper doesn?t sound so good, eh? It?s worth it though, when you are finished and you have a great looking, eye-catching marketing piece. And you can get that great-looking piece by doing one of the following:

Ask your printer for samples of the inks you?ve chosen on the colored paper stock. This will show you how solid coverage looks on the paper. You can look for dot gain and see how well you like the color contrast between the ink and the paper.

Ask your printer for a press proof. This is more expensive than just seeing the samples of ink on paper, because you?re asking the printer to actually use your files to print a small run of your item. Then you could make color adjustments in your files based on what you see in the proof.

Find a digital printer and request a few sheets be digitally printed on your choice of paper. It won?t look exactly the same as when you get it printed for real, because toner will most likely be used instead of ink, but it will be pretty close. This will probably cost you between $50 and $100 for multiple pages of your project. (You can just print all the pages with photos to make sure that those come out perfect.)

Color printing on colored paper can really catch people?s attention, if you do it right. And doing it right isn?t that hard ? you just need to do some spot checking up front. The payoffs of adding another step at the beginning will be well worth it!

color printing

Color Printing Defined

Color Printing, Defined
When you need a commercial printer for your marketing collateral, it is but natural that your printing house would ask you a lot of questions about your requirements. Moreover, sometimes it can be difficult to answer most of them questions if you are not familiar with the words. In addition, most of the time, the terms can be a bit confusing for a nonprofessional like yourself.

One of the most common questions is whether to use color printing for your job. Your printing firm would definitely be asking you if they are going to use color for your print job. This is because if color is one of your requirements, then there is a whole busload of details that they would need from you.

So let us first define what color printing means

Obviously, when you say color printing there is definitely the application of color in your print job. According to, it is the method of reproducing your image or text in color. It is not application of black and white or even monochromatic scheme but an infusion of most of the colors you see in the spectrum.

When you use a full range of colors to reproduce a color image or picture, then what you have is a four-color process printing. It usually applies the CMYK as its primary ink colors. CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Then there is the six-color process printing that applies a system that adds the colors orange and green to the CMYK for a wider range of shade.

You also have the ?spot color? inks, which you can use either alone or in combination with the four-color printing process. Spot color is so termed because you do not have to mix different shades and hues to create a particular color. The spot color inks can be printed on their own. Printers frequently use spot color compared to the four-process printing because of its unlimited and varied color inks that are available.

Therefore, the next question from your commercial printer would be whether to use spot color or the process colors, or even a combination of the two. As color is one of the essential elements to be considered in the reproduction of your marketing collateral, you need to decide which among the three would be appropriate for your needs, and more importantly, to your budget.

Do you need process colors? Alternatively, spot color would be suitable to bring out the brilliant shade of your images. On the other hand, would you prefer to use both?

Knowing the answers to the above questions would definitely save you money and time for your next marketing collateral.

color printing

College Students Use CLEP Tests To Graduate Sooner

College Students Use CLEP Tests To Graduate Sooner
A lot of adults both young and old have the dream of acquiring a degree not just for the promise of better employment or self satisfaction. Unfortunately, some people don?t ever get the chance to realize this dream for one reason or another. Some of the most common reasons are that they simply don't have the finances or the time to accomplish such a goal, thus they have to give up on it. That's where CLEP tests can come into play.

A CLEP test is basically an exam that a student can take to earn college credit for a general education course that he or she has not taken. CLEP testing allows those adults who would otherwise be unable to afford all of the tuition required to go to college full time to gain college credits for a very small fraction of the cost for traditional work. Given the $72 fee to take a CLEP exam is far less than the cost of books and tuition one may find in traditional coursework, the financial benefits are quickly apparent.

Each of the CLEP exams contain anywhere from 80-100 multiple choice questions that allow the person to show that they have knowledge of a particular subject that is equivalent to the knowledge level of a student who has taken the college course. Some students can earn up to two years of college coursework through taking a variety of CLEP tests without even attending one hour of classroom time. The result of a CLEP exam is a much lighter college schedule that could potentially lead to a faster graduation date and huge financial savings along the way.

Although most colleges require that students to have a combination of degree-specific course work, almost all of them require that the student take a variety of general study courses which can end up adding two extra years onto a student?s college years. By taking advantage of the CLEP tests, students can breeze through the basics and focus on their actual degree of choice.

Those students who are truly committed to move through their studies faster can find a lot of help from online study centers that may be able to properly prepare them for the CLEP tests. The only way to not benefit from a CLEP exam is to not be prepared for it, so seeking any study means available is vital to the overall success of the student.

Although the thought of taking a CLEP test without any classroom experience in can seem overwhelming, the benefits of paying less money and graduating at an earlier date should be enough motivation for a lot of students to at least give the CLEP program a chance. Even if in the end a CLEP exam turns out not to be the way the student should go, very little time or money will have been lost in the process. With CLEP exams, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

CLEP, CLEP test, CLEP exams, CLEP tests

Color Associations To Help Optimize Full Color Print

Color Associations To Help Optimize Full Color Print
Each element in the color wheel can provoke different emotions and memories, even without the use of words. Full color prints for marketing solutions automatically get a lift with the help of these colors. Here are the basic hues used and what each of them convey.

? Black

Black is the absence of all colors, hence it is not really classified as a color. It is closely associated to concepts of elegance, classics and night, as well as death. This color is particularly useful when you want to set a formal mood.

It also provides a good background to other colors. Setting a hue against it easily makes a good contrast and allows the color or colors to be more prominent.

? White

White, as opposed to black, is the presence of all colors. It symbolizes purity, cleanliness, simplicity, goodness and peace. It can also set the tone for something formal, especially when placed side-by-side black. Together, they make an unsurpassable sense of classic style that does not appear boring or dull. By itself, it is a good color for products pertaining to cleanliness and clarity.

It is also not considered as a color, as in the case of black.

? Red

Red is a good color for messages concerning love, sensuality, passion, power and danger, quite broad compared other colors.

Red is said to stimulate the heart, making it beat and pump blood faster. This is why some people advertise using the color red. This is said to excite people and result to more favorable responses like impulsive buying. For example, sales are written in red, in the hope that more would be compelled to check it out and make a purchase. This color also makes signs more striking.

In addition, red is associated with femininity. This color makes a good connection with women and a good enticer for men.

? Blue

Blue depicts serenity, loyalty, skies and water. This is especially complements products and services that are part of the wellness industry as it triggers the memory to think about peace and calmness. This goes very well with other cool colors to provide a soothing relief to the eyes against stressful visuals.

Blue is seen as a male color, particularly those of darker shades. It is a good color to establish masculinity.

? Yellow

This color represents vibrancy, enthusiasm, youth and sunshine. It is a surefire force of attraction that provokes happiness and a good mood. It easily captures attention because of its intense effect on the eyes. This warm color can highlight any detail on full color prints.

Since it symbolizes energy, this is more appropriate for a younger generation of consumers. It sets an opposite tone to exquisite black.

? Green

Green is synonymous to nature. It is the color that is used for eco movements and other environmental concerns. It can also represent freshness.

Green is also the color of cash. It can set the tone for businesses concerning money transactions, and financial industries.

However, green has a negative connotation since jealousy, envy, greed and slime are also associated to it so be careful with the shade of green that you use.

? Purple

Purple is reminiscent of royalty, as well as certain things that go with it such as nobility, ambition and affluence. Recently, it has also become appealing to children, especially to little girls.

? Orange

Orange is a warm color much like red but it is ?less serious? than the latter since orange is a reminder of bliss, happiness and youth. It also is reminiscent of certain foods especially citrus fruits.

You can use these common color associations to evoke deeper and more memorable messages in full color prints. Clearly, colors are a close ally in effective visual advertising.

full color prints, color prints, print, color

Colleges For Health And Beauty In India

Colleges For Health And Beauty In India
The course and the education provided in the colleges of India are many and vary according to interests and the needs of the particular area. The students see that the course they choose, matches their interest and the present demands of the society. Health is the most important thing that a person needs to take care of. It is the basis on which a person is able to lead a happy life. Health problems and issues have always been the concern of people and health professionals are always in demand. Courses in health and beauty, generally grab the attention of a large number of students, because of the increasing jobs in the healthcare industry.

Courses in health and beauty are becoming popular day by day. The students are getting aware of the new course coming up, and are thus opting for the course. Almost, every person today, is conscious about his health and wants to adopt measures, which can add on to his life years. The beauty treatments and the ailments given by the experts to the patients needs proper training and education. This training and education sessions are provided to the students in the colleges imparting courses in health and beauty. There are many institutes for health and beauty in India. Few of the main institutes are listed below:

Eves beauty and Hair Academy, New Delhi

Shahnaz Hussain International Beauty Academy, New Delhi

VLCC Institute of Beauty, Health and Management, New Delhi

V. Care's Global Institute of Health Sciences, Chennai

Community Polytechnic, Kapurthala

International Polytechnic for Women, New Delhi

New Institute of Fashion Design, Gorakhpur

Regional Vocational Training Institute (R.V.T.I.) for Women, Mumbai

Academy of Hair Styling, Mumbai

Government Polytechnic for Women, Chennai

Health and beauty courses in India can vary from the course of a beautician to the course for make- up artists. Few of the courses, which a student can opt for a career in health and beauty, are:

Make- up artists


Bridal make- up artists



Hair stylist

Cosmetic Dentists

The specialisation to choose depends on the interest of the student and which particular area he wants his career to flourish in. If the student gets fascinated by the make up and beauty tips, then after taking courses in the same, he can opt for career as a make up artists or beautician. Cosmetic surgery is a field, which is coming up in a great way these days. People are opting for cosmetic surgeries, to make themselves look more appealing and attractive. The business of cosmetic surgeons is touching heights, because of the increasing awareness of this technology in the common man. To meet the increasing demand of the surgeons in this field, the health and beauty colleges in India, have also started imparting education on cosmetics and its surgeries to the students. There are very less good surgeons in this field, so the colleges of India, needs to improve its educational quality in this sector, to cater the target audience in a proper way.

One more thing, which is very important in contributing a healthy life to the people, is the diet which they take. Healthy diet is an essential part of the daily routine, which helps the person in shaping a good life for himself. Course of a dietician is coming into notice and role of dieticians is increasing in hospitals and nursing centres, people prefer taking diet plans, from professionals to ensure a healthy lifestyle. The courses in the health and beauty are producing more jobs in the country and in a way also leading the country to a healthier and a progressive one.

college, colleges, institutes, health and beauty courses, fashion design courses, modelling courses, professional courses

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Collaborative Practice's Advantage

Collaborative Practice's Advantage
?Collaborative Practice? is the new catchphrase among family law attorneys. Its supporters show enthusiasm on the subject of improved and less costly settlements, greater client satisfaction, less accounts receivable, and not as much of stress in the practice of law, than they can attain all the way through a conservative approach to family law disputes. How reasonable are these claims? What are the down sides of ?collaborative divorce?? Does the concept of ?collaborative practice? present moral downsides and likely misconducts for the unsuspecting practitioner?

Legal representatives who take part in the ?collaborative divorce? groups use methods lent from more traditional alternative dispute resolution measures to resolve family law disputes without litigation. However, contrasting more conventional dispute resolution procedures, in ?collaborative divorce? the legal representatives and their clients agree that they will not engage in formal detection, will of their own free will reveal information, and will resolve the case without court interference of any kind . They take for granted a duty to tell the attorney for the other party of errors they note in contrasting counsel?s legal analysis or understanding of the facts. If they are unable to settle the case, both lawyers must withdraw from representing their respective clients and the estranged spouses must start over with new counsel.

How does the design of ?collaborative Practice? be different from what experienced practitioners do as a rule?

? The obligation of legal representatives and parties to treat each other is more courteous.

? Helps the clients to save the emotional cost of adversary proceedings.

? Financial cost is much too Lower then that of litigation methods.

Supporters of collaborative divorce say that clients are encouraged to gain knowledge of problem-solving strategies because there are no ?court threats.?, and often clients are ?more satisfied? with the results achieved with the collaborative approach.

Capable attorneys time after time endeavour to work together with differing counsel to identify and value assets, set and meet scheduling deadlines, and otherwise facilitate resolution of the case. They respect genuine positions taken by the other party and give confidence to their clients to be realistic and respectful as well. They are eager and capable to compromise, and they are creative in crafting acceptable resolutions of disputed issues. ?Collaborative divorce? intimate that their process is only one of its kind because lawyers commit that they will not ?threaten, insult, intimidate, or demonize? other participants in the divorce process.

Naperville divorce attorney, st.louis collaborative divorce, new jersey divorce attorney

College Career Placement Services: When Are They Going To Step It Up?

College Career Placement Services: When Are They Going To Step It Up?
I really think it is time that colleges took a long, hard look at their career placement centers. And I think it is time that college students (and their parents who are footing the bill) started holding universities accountable for the quality of these departments.

After all, the basic premise behind college is that you get an education in a certain field and then proceed (if you so desire) to get a job in that field, right? It only seems fitting, then, that when families are forking over hundreds of thousands in college tuition, leaving many students burdened with so much debt at such a young age, that the least colleges could do is offer thriving, top quality career support services.

Don?t get me wrong. I don?t think it is the responsibility of colleges to provide jobs for their graduates, but I do think they should do everything they can to offer the best support possible. And they should be held somewhat accountable for how effective they are at doing so. Otherwise, why have them at all?

And, overall, I really believe that many universities do feel that they are doing that and are happy to tell you all about their career centers, their workshops, their job boards, etc. They also will gladly post statistics on how many of their grads find jobs and at what salary level. But how much of that has to do with their career placement centers? Usually, very little.

In my experience, colleges generally don?t want to be in the business of helping people achieve their goals and take their education to the next level. They want to be in the business of educating people. And, hey, that is understandable. After all, that is what they were designed to do. But in today?s economy and with the amount of money these institutions command, we need to demand more than just a credential. They sell the farm; they need to deliver it. And right now, they aren?t.

As a resume writer and career coach, I have worked with several recent grads from several colleges all across the country, and I can tell you that these services, no matter how well meaning or pretty they look on the outside, just really don?t cut it.

First and foremost, they could start by offering up to date, market bearing information from people actually in the trenches. On the resume side, I cannot tell you how many recent grads have come to me loaded down with a lot of old, poor information that they received from their college career placement services. They took some resume writing workshop that must have been designed from some resume book written in the 90s and taught by someone with little to no actual resume writing experience (or who haven?t written a resume professionally since the 90s).

They impart very vague, broad concepts, which ends up making all grads do the same things and all look the same. Not to mention the fact that all this advice is given without any accountability. How do they know this kind of resume works or that kind of approach is best?

Listen. Do I know every college career placement center out there? No, so of course, I am sure that some are better than others. But I have worked with several. Or at least I have tried to work with them.

When I first began in the career services industry, I wanted my niche to be recent college grads. I had witnessed firsthand just how fruitless they could be. So I approached universities, seeing how we could partner up to provide grads with more enhanced services, some free and some on a fee basis. What I discovered is that colleges wanted none of it. Instead they wanted centers run by perhaps one actual career services professional, who served in a director type role, but were really supported by a few grad students, who were the ones that worked face to face with undergrads and who themselves lacked corporate/resume writing experience.

Let me just reiterate once again that I am speaking very generally here. But for all the money these colleges receive, at the very least, why can?t they invest in utilizing the resources of certified industry professionals who are the ones that actually work with the students? Especially now when the job search process has become so complex and so confusing to even experienced job seekers?

It?s time for all of us who have paid dearly, who have spent years paying off astronomical tuitions, to demand better and to get it.

resume,job search,job hunting,recruiting,IT

College Preparation For A Journalism Career

College Preparation For A Journalism Career
Apart from getting into a showbusiness career, many young people are dreaming of a journalism career because they think that this is often one the least complicated ways to be famous. Whereas so a career in journalism would take one into larger heights relating to popularity, it is not as easy because it looks.

Thus, to prepare yourself for robust road ahead, it is advisable if you set about preparing and qualifying yourself for the position. Many consultants in the field agree that journalism could be a laborious industry to penetrate. This is because apart from the credentials necessary such as the degree and the ability that are needed, those who are wanting forward to a journalism career are required to be imaginative, detail-oriented, and intuitive. Being in college is the best time to ready for a journalism career, thus it is advisable to:

- take a course linked with journalism. Getting a degree in journalism is the best credential one may have if they're aiming for a journalism career. Though this is really not the sole factor that matters, if one was able to finish a degree in journalism, it implies that they might have the ability necessary for the position. If it isn't feasible for you to pay out four years for a journalism degree, then you ought to think about taking up programs that can help you get rolling with it. Many schools propose classes for specific skills coaching such as writing and editing.

In point of fact, it is even easier and more favorable presently with the help of modern technology such as the internet. Now, there are on the planet wide web classes that're linked with fields of journalism such as news writing, feature writing, layout design, videography, photography, and even HTML because of the rising market of latest media. If you're able to educate yourself in different fields of media, you have larger prospects of creating that journalism career come true since you're now more expert and versatile.

- write for the newspaper within the campus. Most of the foremost journalists around have started their journalism career while still in college. This is because being a student will provide them with greater freedom since they only must consider what articles that would advantage their faculty community. If you are seeking forward to a journalism career, writing for a College paper may serve as your best coaching ground.

Here, you will have your first style of fame once you see your byline on the paper. You will likewise experience it feels love to get your working edited and can quickly learn the way to be more versatile when writing. Being in the newspaper while in college can fundamentally present you with a concept how it is love to work for a genuine publication less the salary issues and other workplace political issues.

- attempt to get as many internships if you'll. Internship is the next best factor to employed by a particular publication. If you're able to secure an internship for several publications, you will have a concept how it is like in the important pressroom. Internships aim to grant students a first style of how it is love to work with the important factor.

Thus, if you'll, while still in college, you ought to get as many internships as feasible thus you will have these experience to back you up once you set about with your personal journalism career.

job, career ,journalism

Friday, August 24, 2012

Cold Calling: Balancing Lead Quantity And Quality

Cold Calling: Balancing Lead Quantity And Quality
Sales people know there are two critical decisions that must be made before starting a cold calling campaign. How many leads do you need, and how qualified do you need them to be?

While these are two questions, they're really two parts to the same question.

Let's say you start up a telephone prospecting program and ask the caller to refer you to all interested prospects.

It's almost a guarantee that you'll get many more leads if you don't put constraints on how "qualified" these leads are. But, you're also more likely to get tire kickers and individuals who are not serious about purchasing.

On the other hand, when you stipulate that each lead must be fully qualified, your telephone prospecting program is likely to generate fewer opportunities. But, virtually all your leads will be "the right" kind of prospect. Ready to buy!

You see, there is often a trade-off between quantity and quality.

What is a "qualified lead?"

Simply put, a qualified lead is an individual with a near- term need for your product or service, who also has decision making authority and the required budget.

To a lesser degree a qualified lead is someone who may need your product or service in the future and is shopping now.

What kind of lead do you get when you don't apply stringent qualification "constraints?"

Of course, you still will get the qualified leads, but you'll get others, too. Some will turn into sales. Others will turn into future sales. Others may refer you business in the future. Others will amount to nothing. You may have to work harder at selling, because many may not even realize you can help them.

Should every company choose quality over quantity or vice versa?

Every company has its own sales strategy, and should establish a telephone prospecting campaign to fit this strategy.

You probably want to accept only highly qualified leads if: you want immediate revenue, your product or service is simple to describe on the phone, the decision making timeframe for your product or service is short, and/or your sales team cannot dedicate time to relationship building.

You probably want to accept less qualified prospects if: you are entering a new market or geographic area, you want to establish relationships that could result in future sales or referrals, your sales team has available time, the decision making timeframe for your product or service is lengthy and/or you have a product or service that is not quite so easy to describe in a 15 minute phone conversation, or requires technical knowledge a cold caller may not have.

Here are two Case Studies from VSA's prospecting experience:

Company A: Willing to meet anyone

One of our clients, in the commercial property improvement business, wanted us to forward anyone who expressed interest in a face to face meeting. This company felt prospects who wanted to talk about their product were worth the time investment.

This company was entering a new geographic area and needed to develop name recognition, and business relationships.

In the end based on our leads, our client sold several accounts, and developed relationships with many companies who may purchase in the future or refer business.

Company B: Wanted appointments with qualified prospects only

Another client, also in the commercial property improvement business, wanted a completely different strategy. This company wanted us to forward only very qualified leads.

This company was already established in its target geographic area, and employed a small sales team. The reputation was extremely positive. This sales team wanted to focus on leads that could convert to immediate sales.

In the end based on our leads, we helped this client generate sales and revenue, without wasting the sales team's time on leads with little likelihood of closing soon.

business to business prospecting,telemarketing programs,lead generation companies,telemarketing lead generation companies,business development lead services,sales lead generation,qualified lead generation,b2b lead generation,lead generation process

Cold Calling's Unique Ability To Be Tested

Cold Calling's Unique Ability To Be Tested
Unlike virtually any other marketing tool, cold calling lets companies change courses at almost any time.

In today's ever-changing business environment, this flexibility is critical.

Companies new to cold calling must watch early results closely.

Testing, assessing, and refining the program from the onset are critical first steps. These actions can result in a long term program that produces a predictable stream of sales opportunities.

Veteran cold callers also must work. Constant attention is needed to keep the program sharp. Here's a recommendation: continue with the program that works, but apply a portion of your tele-prospecting investment towards testing new approaches that may surpass your existing model. When you find one that is more effective, replace your existing program, but continue to test new approaches.

It's easy to test and change cold calling campaigns. Unlike print ads, radio spots, billboards, or most other marketing vehicles, cold calling programs make testing and applying those results to the program easy.

Here are some of the items that every program should assess:

1) The offer. Do you want to set a sales appointment? Do you want to invite people to a webinar? Do you simply want to collect email addresses for a campaign? Are you offering a free assessment, or a free trial? Do you need an incentive to enhance your "call to action?"

2) The list. Are the decision makers and the companies on your list the best prospects?

3) Talking points. Do your callers have the conversation points to highlight the key aspects of your program? Is there something compelling that needs to be added? Are the talking points too complicated or long?

4) Your calling team. How well do they represent you? How effective are they in talking to decision makers? Can they ask for the appointment?

5) Your ability to close the leads. This is the part that comes after a cold calling lead is identified. Can you cost effectively convert that lead into a sale? Do you have the people and processes in place? Are you getting qualified leads?

Case Studies

Here are short examples of savvy VSA clients who tested, assessed and refined their programs.

1) A software company implemented a program which successfully produced leads. However, the company was unprepared to convert the leads to sales. Now, this company plans a product-specific website, marketing materials and the right expertise to make sales calls. A second cold calling initiative is scheduled.

2) An online marketing company completed a program that produced poor results. The company has changed its offer to simplify steps prospective companies must take to enroll. A second campaign has been launched.

3) A commercial roofing company implemented a program and generated desired results. Later, the company realized the prospective clients were not a good fit. The company has implemented a second campaign targeting a different prospect list.

If you are planning a cold calling program, please call us to talk about the factors that can make or break your campaign. We'd like to know what marketing tools have worked for you in the past and show you how we can add to that success. We are happy to help.

business to business prospecting,telemarketing programs,lead generation companies,telemarketing lead generation companies,business development lead services,sales lead generation,qualified lead generation,b2b lead generation,lead generation process

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Coffee Shop Business Plan Finding Your USP

Coffee Shop Business Plan Finding Your USP
USP stands for unique selling proposition or point. It is the one thing that really makes one business stand out from another and without a USP your coffee shop business plan is worthless.

For starters, actually go to your competition. I know this doesn t sound like something you re going to enjoy doing, but consider it research. Go look and see how they have their establishments setup. See what kind of menus they have. A coffee shop is more than just coffee. The more competition you check out, the better an idea you ll have of how to compete.

Next, you want to study their ad campaigns. Everybody advertises differently based on their USP, but they all do have things in common. Look for those similarities. There are some basic things that you re going to want to convey to your target market. The primary things are:

The quality of the coffee and food

The atmosphere of the shop

The price

A lot of people say that there s not a big difference between one coffee and another. Those people are NOT real coffee drinkers. Trust me...there is a difference. If you re looking to cater to the guy driving an 18 wheeler on route 9, he s going to expect a different quality of coffee than the guy who has on a $2,000 suit and doesn t buy anything off the rack. You have to know who your target market is and what kind of coffee they re going to expect.

Finding your USP is really as simple as looking at your product, in your case, your coffee shop, and deciding what it is about it that makes it different from everybody else?s.

Now, at first glance, you may not know what this is. Sometimes, we?re all too wrapped up in our business to be able to see the forest for the trees. So you need to take a step back and look at it as an outsider.

Better yet, why not look at another coffee franchise as that same outsider (which in fact you are) and see if you can spot what THEIR USP is. It may be something subtle. Maybe it?s a catchy slogan, tune or even commercial.

Remember the old Dunkin Donuts commercials, ?Time to make the donuts?. This was supposed to be telling us that Dunkin Donuts is so conscientious about their donuts and coffee that their guys are up in the wee hours of the morning making them so you can have them fresh for breakfast.

Take a look at what each coffee shop is doing. Figure out what they?re NOT focusing on and include it in your coffee shop business plan. Make THAT the focus of YOUR USP.

Some ideas;

1. The most exotic coffees from many lands.

2. More than just the best coffee.

3. Coffee and a donut to go in less than 60 seconds.

4. Drink your coffee in the lap of luxury.

5. Where the coffee is always hot.

Think of a catch phrase and run with it.

To your success.

opening a coffee shop, coffee shop business plan, open coffee shop, coffee shop,