Cancer cells are identified by abnormal cells that grow and divide very rapidly. Drugs used for chemotherapy for cancer go through out the body and kill these fast growing cells. This can also cause side effects of chemotherapy, as these drugs can also kill the normal healthy cells that are growing in the body. The damage to healthy tissues can cause few side effects of this treatment, although it is not as bad as it seems.
The cells of our body that are normal, which can be affected by chemotherapy are mainly the blood forming cell in the bone marrow, hair follicles, cells in the mouth and the cells in the reproductive system. Some of the drugs used in chemotherapy can also damage cells of the heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs or the nervous system. Many a times, doctors give medicines with chemotherapy which help to protect the normal cells of the body.
Often chemotherapy treatment also affects different parts of your body:
? Intestinal or stomach problems
? Change in appetite and weight
? Sore mouth, throat or gums
? Problems in muscles or nerves
? Experience dry or discolored skin
? Irritation in the bladder or kidney
? Issues of fertility because of effects on the reproductive organs
The most common side effects of chemotherapy are listed and described in detail below:
Anemia (low count of red blood cells)
When there is a low count of red blood cells, the body tissues don?t get enough oxygen to complete their functions. This causes anemia, wherein you might have the following symptoms:
? Tiredness
? Dizziness
? Paleness
? Tending to feel cold
? Experiencing shortness of breath
? Weakness in body
? Racing heart
Fatigue (extreme tiredness)
This is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy. It varies from mild lethargy to being completely wiped out of energy. It very different from the tiredness you feel after a day?s work and this does not get better with sleep or rest. Fatigue is usually the worst at the beginning and the end of the therapy. Mostly this side effect goes as the treatment is completed.
Hair loss
Almost all chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss. Some people might only experience a mild thinning. This chemotherapy effect does not last long after the treatment and the hair tends to grow back as the treatment ends, though it might be of a different texture and color.
Increases chances of bruising, bleeding or infection
Due to chemotherapy, cells of the bone marrow can get affected and thus fewer blood cells are produced. Due to the effect on the bone marrow the following parts can get affected:
? Red blood cells- These cells carry oxygen to the other cells in your body
? White blood cells- These cells fight infection
? Platelets- These cells help the clotting of blood and also stop bleeding
Nausea and vomiting is the most common side effect of chemotherapy. The frequency of these symptoms depend on the type of drugs you are been given.
Mostly these side effects go away as the treatment is over as the healthy cells recover and grow back over time. The time of recovery from the side effects of chemotherapy and regaining the energy varies from person to person and depends on many things like your health on the whole and the drugs you were treated with.
Sometimes the chemotherapy effects go very quickly and could also take months or even years to get over. Some drugs cause damage to the cells of the heart, lungs, kidneys and reproductive system and so a person could suffer from these side effects of chemotherapy for life.
chemotherapy for cancer, chemotherapy effects, side effects of chemotherapy, chemotherapy side effects
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