Causes Of Procrastination
Do you normally tend to postpone important tasks that are essential to do at that very moment? If you behave that way, then you are suffering from procrastination, a psychological behavior. A study conducted by skilled researchers revealed that many people are guilty of being procrastinators in their life. If this psychological behavior becomes a permanent condition, then it may lead to depression and counter productivity which may keep you isolated from the society. Why does such condition occur? Here are some of the causes of procrastination.
Deficiency of Self-confidence - The defeating self mentality lead people to procrastinate. Lacking self-confidence converts into worry which hinders people from doing their responsibilities; fear of being analyzed, criticized, and the fear of disappointment. The person with low self confidence cant perform tasks that he or she may be quite capable of doing it.
Dislike of task - There are also times where people tend to procrastinate because of their dislike to a certain task. This leads to dullness, apathy, and consequently desertion to their responsibility. The level of procrastination increases if the person continuously does the task that he doesn't like to do.
Anxiety -Anxiety is also a psychological state that can lead to procrastination. Research indicates that a person experiencing anxiety tends to find much less importance in the job he is carrying out. The person suffering from such condition cant focus or pay attention to necessary things, both of which are necessary in completing daily tasks.
Impulsiveness - Procrastination is surely a result of impulsiveness. Impulsive behavior may be due to prefrontal damage or less activity on this area of the brain. In either case, prefrontal cortex working and impulsiveness appear to be firmly indirectly linked to each other. The primitive part of brain (also called as instinct) helps to control the impulsive behavior of a person. Though impulsiveness is a normal functioning that is necessary for our survival, the behavior may lead us to wrong decision making.
Impulsiveness neglects the use of the prefrontal cortex, an area in the brain which handles organization, logic, reason, and decision making.Impulsive behavior keeps us away from performing our duties and responsibilities.
These are a few reasons that result in procrastination. Though it might also be a result of mental harm, procrastination is a lot more of a choice than a normal state. It is always up to us to choose what to do: whether to do the things that we desire or perhaps the activities that we have to do. Always think through your actions carefully before doing them and let your frontal brain do the decision making. We are blessed with a good brain so make decisions wisely. Let us make use of mental features smartly and get away from being patients of procrastination.
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