Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dream Job Wish List ? Figure Out What You Were Meant To Do

Dream Job Wish List ? Figure Out What You Were Meant To Do
If you are like most people you work because you have bills that need to get paid, but are you working at your dream job? The answer may not be so cut and dry because you may not even know what your dream job is. While working is simply a fact of life for most everyone on the planet, if you find your dream job and love what you do for work, it will be like you aren?t even working at all.

So how do you figure out what your dream job is? The best way is to create a dream job wish list. There are four things that you need to consider in order to formulate your dream job wish list:

1. What do you like doing in your spare time: Many times, the things you enjoy doing the most may be what you are best suited for career wise. Now this doesn?t meant that you can get a job watching football games on the weekends, but you should consider what you like to do when you are not working. Consider everything from sports you like to entertainment you like and then write it all down.

2. What job related things are you looking for: No matter what you do there are certain things you want to get out of a job besides a paycheck. Consider things that are important to you in this area like commute time, benefits, and hours worked. Again write down your results.

3. What type of work environment do you like: Do you want to work for a huge corporate giant or do you want to work in an environment that is a little less daunting? Do you like to be around a lot of people or a select few? Do you like high pressure or do you want to feel more laid back? Once again write down what you feel.

4. What do you like about your current job: What do you like about the job you have now or ones you have had in the past? Consider things such as did you like to lead, be part of a team, contribute independently, things of that nature. Whatever your thoughts are, you guessed it, write them down.

What you will now have is a piece of paper with all of your thoughts from the four questions above. This is your dream job wish list. Now you need to study your wish list and begin to put together the information to help you determine what it is you really want out of your working life. This may take some time and the answer will probably not leap off the page at you. But what you will begin to see is that careers you may have never before even thought of might start to sound good to you because they fit many of the parameters of your dream job wish list.

So take the time and try the exercise. Who knows, your dream job may be closer than you think.

career advice, job search, resume service


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