Customizing A Site With Themes
ELGG applications can be available for any of the members? use. Alongside with this comes the opportunity of customizing the site for your personal inclinations. ELGG themes are available for you to choose from, some of which are created by the website developers themselves while others are submitted by community developers without payment. It is the ELGG community?s construction that makes up the variation in themes, and it is the interface that basically defines the websites of ELGG. Recent developments in the site have been created for a better interface and a more understandable navigation procedure. From this changes, many have expressed their like and dislike of the new features.
Feedbacks and comments on the new version of ELGG have given the site a chance to interact with their users and have actually served as their base for successive changes to be done on the site. Because the site serves as a portal for people who are looking for a way of earning money, it needs to be easy to understand. Consequently, the functionalities that need to be added to the site as deemed necessary by the users are evaluated. Their importance is then browsed over. When everything has been studied, the changes will begin. ELGG prides over their way of interacting with their users, through easy click-through links that will lead to the wanted page of the user.
Developing the ELGG themes is a feature that is available even for social networking sites. This is the way of ELGG of acknowledging the presence of users who would feel more welcome if they can personalize their pages. It is also pleasing to the eye when they log in and they are welcomed by their preference of background or font. To battle looking like an automaton, ELGG has released the theme feature and have accepted that all their clients cannot be satisfied by a single interface. Hence, creating one?s own theme became an expression of their individuality in a site where they are challenged by their peers.
A whole range of new ELGG themes is available every month to choose from. Through this constant creation of themes, eventually the developers will be able to service each of their users with their personal taste. Furthermore, it expresses their stand that the users need to be nourished in any way possible. Theme creation is but the fun part of this. The users are given control over their own applications, which has been accepted warmly by their constituents. For interested parties, the theming team is open for applications.
If you are interested in the job of creating new themes for ELGG, you can apply directly to their affiliate sites. You will be given preliminary testing and your skills will be measured. The theme creators ponder over many kinds of combinations of fonts and colors that will be used in a unique site. All this they create in relation to the feedback they have received. If some of the users want a theme with lighter color than the current, then the developers will have to give them something light. The same goes for the font. If they claim that they cannot read the text, then the developer?s goal is to present a more readable one.
As a social networking site, ELGG needs to provide their users with functionalities that they will find useful. It is also important that they keep their users coming back to the site; in short, it should not be boring. Retaining and increasing the number of users of the site depends on how useful and fun they think the site is. Consequently, the feedbacks they will receive will depend on how they address the issues raised.
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