Sunday, September 16, 2012

Continue Generating Business By Giving Away Your EBooks

Continue Generating Business By Giving Away Your EBooks
Do you think that giving away your eBook instead of selling it separately will generate you more business in the long run? I do, and that is why I am going to show you how to do just that in this article.

How do you make money by giving away your eBook?


It can have the ability to increase the number of visitors to your website by using it as a viral marketing tool. Giving away something will always draw more people to your website than if you had nothing.

By providing an eBook to other people and giving it away for free, it creates a viral marketing mechanism that brings you business. It can be used as a great viral marketing tool.

Secondly, giving away your eBook can help generate leads to increase the number of people on your list or improve your database. Use the free eBook as an incentive for people to sign up for your list or provide you information for your database.

People don't want to just give their name and email away anymore. We're so inundated with email. We get so much information in to our email box that we've become very protective and cautious of where we give our name and particularly, where we give our email address.

So you have got to go above and beyond now in order to win that person over so that they want to give you their name. They want to give you their E-mail address in order to get whatever it is that you're willing to give them. An E-book that has tremendous value can be a great incentive in order to do that.

To go along with that strategy, here is another tip. When people are collecting email addresses and names, often they will have a section on their main website where people can submit that information. Once they have submitted the information many people give the download for their free eBook on the next page.

The problem with that is somebody can give you a bogus name and a bogus E-mail address that doesn't lead anywhere, and they get the reward for doing that.

From my point of view that is not a way to gain respect. I don't like to do that to people because I want to be respected in return. It is my goal in business to be as transparent as I can be.

So to avoid getting bogus information I take the visitors who submit their email and name to a thank you page that says, "Thank you. The information for where you can download the free eBook has been sent directly to the email address you provided."

By doing this, the people who were honest and gave me a real email and name will get the reward for doing so. Those who gave bogus information will never recieve the information. The information will be sent instantly by an auto responder which provides a link where they can download it.

So I want you to think about that because although you might be building a database with lots and lots of names, it's useless if half of those names are just people putting in some bogus name and some bogus email address. It does you no good to build a database full of crap. So you want to make sure - and you want to protect your database as a business owner. That's one way you can do it to kind of weed out those types of people.

Let me move on. Another way you can use an eBook and why it's so important is you can use the eBook to conduct research by asking people to perhaps fill out a survey and then use the eBook as a reward for filling out the survey.

Asking your market is the best way to find out what new products or service they want, or how they feel about a new product you may have launched. One of my mentors, Alex Mandossian, has taught me so much in regards to marketing and he is known to use Ask Campaigns. Basically, this is when you learn what your market wants just by asking them.

A quick example. Alex does all kinds of high-level teleseminars with some of the biggest names in business. Particularly, he's done them with Brian Tracy, Vic Conant of Nightingale Conant, he's done them with Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hansen, Bob Allen. You can name it. He's done teleseminars with the who's who in business.

Actually, I know that he is working on teleseminars with Bill Clinton, Steve Jobs of Apple and Lance Armstrong to name a few.

He has a definite methodology to it, and the way he conducts his teleseminars is he asks people to submit their most pertinent question to the expert that he is interviewing that evening.

He doesn't have to create any of the criteria. He finds out exactly what they're wanting to know, and then he asks those questions.

Well my friends, just use the same strategy. By conducting surveys, it provides you all kinds of great market research. And giving people a reward at the end of the survey is a way to pull them through so that they fill out the survey.

Often times are like, Yeah, a survey. I don't want to bother doing it. But if there's a great reward at the end of the tunnel, they're going to do it. So it's a great way for you to conduct market research by providing a valuable E-book to give away at the end of the survey.

Plus having that research can really help you promote, create and deliver your products. This will lead to you generating even more business.

You can now see there are many different way to give away something creatively to generate more business in the future. Put your thinking caps on and ask yourself what might be other ways this is possible.

Ideas will come to you when you explore the possibilities of creativity!

marketing,marketing ideas,marketing strategies,business strategies,online business,Stu McLaren,online marketing,info marketing,infomarketing,information marketing,small business,business ideas,ideas,idea


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