Establish Yourself As An Expert In Your Industry By Using EBooks
When people consider you an expert in your industry it will entice them to want to buy your products or services.
It makes sense. Would you rather buy an eBook on making a website from someone who just decided to write a book or from someone who has written several eBooks on that topic?
Developing eBooks is a great tool to become known as an expert in your industry on a particular subject. Within this article I am going to show you how and why you should be doing this.
Creating an eBook provides you with a status.
A status is so important in business because once you become known for something, it's like a magnet, and people who need that something slowly begin to become attracted to you.
Here's a quick example. I'm known as My Idea Guy. I've branded myself as this and am known to provide solutions for people. The majority of people that I work with are information marketers, speakers and authors.
As a result of that branding, I've become known for generating all kinds of ideas for information marketing, for speakers, for authors, and helping them build their businesses.
I've become known for that one thing and because of that I now attract business just for that purpose. People are attracted to my ideas, services, products and philosophies, all because I was able to establish my brand.
You can do that by creating an eBook on the particular topic of which you are an expert in. Some of you are going to say, Yeah, but Stu, listen. I am listening to you talk about being an expert, and I am not an expert at anything.
Well, hello! You don't have to be an expert. This is a way for you to establish your expertise. So by doing research, by compiling all the materials for the eBook, you're establishing yourself. You've gone to great lengths to find the solutions that people are looking for, and in my opinion, as long as you're able to provide the answers and solutions that people are looking for, you're of value. You're an expert in a certain particular topic.
Doing this will quickly enable you to become known for that particular topic. It will increase your expertise status and you can begin to use that to leverage your business.
The more you give your costumers high quality content by having more eBooks and services available, the more people will want to purchase from you because you will become more recognized.
eBooks are a great stepping stone to more business.
I hope this article has helped you see why every business should incorporate eBooks into their marketing funnel.
By exploring your creativity ideas will come to you when you need them the most!
marketing,marketing ideas,marketing strategies,business strategies,online business,Stu McLaren,online marketing,info marketing,infomarketing,information marketing,small business,business ideas,ideas,idea
Monday, February 18, 2013
Establish Records Systems At Startup For Long Term Success
Establish Records Systems At Startup For Long Term Success
Keeping records is a critical part of running a business correctly. Effective entrepreneurs develop internal systems to organize all financial information. For many businesses, the internal systems start and stop with an accounting software and box of receipts, but it is also important to keep all paperwork organized and accessible.
Keeping good records of all business transactions helps you create accurate financial statements to assess the health of your business. Inaccurate records make planning pointless because there is no way to gauge your progress. Should you need to borrow for growth or plan to sell your business down the road, accurate records are an absolute must. If you allow errors in your accounting system, you will end up spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to have an accountant find the mistakes and correct them before a banker or buyer will even talk to you.
You also need to keep good records to minimize your tax burden. Whether your business is taxed at the entity level or your profits flow through to the owners, managing your tax liability is a year round effort. Receipts should be entered into the accounting system, marked with any missing information, and filed such that any particular receipt can be retrieved within a minute or two. The filing specifics are up to you filing by business name, product type, date, or any other particular will work, as long as you can find what you are looking for when you need it.
Recordkeeping is made much easier through small business accounting software. Every business needs to use one of these programs. The free download versions are very basic useful only for very small businesses with very few transactions. The best option for any startup with plans for growth is Peachtree Accounting. Peachtree is a better option than the ever popular Quickbooks for many reasons, but the most important is that Peachtree is entirely GAAP compliant. That is, the way the system works and the way your entries are posted meet the standards of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. GAAP compliance means your financial statements will accurately reflect what is going on with your venture, and, as long as you set it up correctly and review all error messages, your financial statements will require far less work to be presentable to bankers.
Paper records such as receipts, contracts, deeds, and purchase orders, should be kept in an organized fashion. In the spirit of going green and preserving work space, you might consider purchasing an electronic storage system for all paper transactions. These programs allow you to scan in the document, add labels and notes, and file in electronic folders for safekeeping. If you choose the electronic route, be sure you have TWO backup systems in place, at least one of which is online. If your office should be completely destroyed, an online backup service will save your business.
The amount of time you need to hold on to business records depends on several factors. The IRS requires a 3 year history of any document used to support an accurate tax return. However, if you are audited for suspected fraud, the IRS can look back at least 6 years. If you file a bad debt deduction, those records must be kept for seven years. In addition, your insurance company or creditors may require you to maintain documentation even longer. If you opt for electronic storage, holding the records is no problem. If you keep paper files or 3 ring binders, place everything over three years old in storage, but be sure the boxes are clearly labeled and kept in a safe, dry place.
When you are just starting your business, establish good systems for keeping records. Buy and install your accounting software early in the process, and decide on a filing system that will work best for you. Keeping records is a critical aspect of business success and it deserves your ongoing attention.
Business records,Starting a business,business startup,step-by-step startup
Keeping records is a critical part of running a business correctly. Effective entrepreneurs develop internal systems to organize all financial information. For many businesses, the internal systems start and stop with an accounting software and box of receipts, but it is also important to keep all paperwork organized and accessible.
Keeping good records of all business transactions helps you create accurate financial statements to assess the health of your business. Inaccurate records make planning pointless because there is no way to gauge your progress. Should you need to borrow for growth or plan to sell your business down the road, accurate records are an absolute must. If you allow errors in your accounting system, you will end up spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to have an accountant find the mistakes and correct them before a banker or buyer will even talk to you.
You also need to keep good records to minimize your tax burden. Whether your business is taxed at the entity level or your profits flow through to the owners, managing your tax liability is a year round effort. Receipts should be entered into the accounting system, marked with any missing information, and filed such that any particular receipt can be retrieved within a minute or two. The filing specifics are up to you filing by business name, product type, date, or any other particular will work, as long as you can find what you are looking for when you need it.
Recordkeeping is made much easier through small business accounting software. Every business needs to use one of these programs. The free download versions are very basic useful only for very small businesses with very few transactions. The best option for any startup with plans for growth is Peachtree Accounting. Peachtree is a better option than the ever popular Quickbooks for many reasons, but the most important is that Peachtree is entirely GAAP compliant. That is, the way the system works and the way your entries are posted meet the standards of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. GAAP compliance means your financial statements will accurately reflect what is going on with your venture, and, as long as you set it up correctly and review all error messages, your financial statements will require far less work to be presentable to bankers.
Paper records such as receipts, contracts, deeds, and purchase orders, should be kept in an organized fashion. In the spirit of going green and preserving work space, you might consider purchasing an electronic storage system for all paper transactions. These programs allow you to scan in the document, add labels and notes, and file in electronic folders for safekeeping. If you choose the electronic route, be sure you have TWO backup systems in place, at least one of which is online. If your office should be completely destroyed, an online backup service will save your business.
The amount of time you need to hold on to business records depends on several factors. The IRS requires a 3 year history of any document used to support an accurate tax return. However, if you are audited for suspected fraud, the IRS can look back at least 6 years. If you file a bad debt deduction, those records must be kept for seven years. In addition, your insurance company or creditors may require you to maintain documentation even longer. If you opt for electronic storage, holding the records is no problem. If you keep paper files or 3 ring binders, place everything over three years old in storage, but be sure the boxes are clearly labeled and kept in a safe, dry place.
When you are just starting your business, establish good systems for keeping records. Buy and install your accounting software early in the process, and decide on a filing system that will work best for you. Keeping records is a critical aspect of business success and it deserves your ongoing attention.
Business records,Starting a business,business startup,step-by-step startup
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Essential Tips On How To Become A Royal Marines Commando
Essential Tips On How To Become A Royal Marines Commando
The Green Beret and the 'flash' on the uniform never fail to create an impression. After all, it's the symbol of the Royal Marine Commando. A potential Royal Marine must pass his Potential Royal Marines Course (PRMC) and only then does the selection procedure begin on the basis of interviews. However, to make even the smallest breakthrough in the whole examination and selection process, the candidate has to be absolutely focused and needless to say, fully prepared. To become a PRMC is one of the most difficult tasks ever.
It is advisable to work on some sample question papers of the PRMC examination in order to understand what is being asked and tested. The test will cover an all round knowledge including emotional stability and maturity of the candidate along with the knowledge of the royal marines at large. The capacity of the candidate as a team worker and manager of a team is equally judged and assessed. The most essential requirement of a royal marine recruit must, undoubtedly, be complete body fitness without which a recruit cannot function.
The primary step is to pass the selection process through the PRMC examination. One must contact the Careers Office to find out about the dates and procedure of the marine examination. Different sets of questions would be asked - numerical tests, reasoning and logic tests, mechanical comprehension tests. Candidates would be tested on the history of the Royal Marines also and therefore, a thorough knowledge of the same is imperative. During the process of preparation for these examinations, the candidate must remember to use the right and precise references. A varied study is good but sometimes, that needs to be streamlined to make the study and research more substantial, concentrative and effective.
After the test, the names of the candidates who have been selected for the interview will be short listed. To prepare for this, the potential Royal Marine must be aware of some of the sample interview questions and their responses. Then he or she should create his or her own response to the questions and accordingly derive upon the best answer taking cue from both. Facing mock interviews are the best ways to prepare for such interviews. Answers and responses should be well structured. It is advisable to keep them short and precise and to-the-point.
Creating the right impression based on one's own individuality is very important. The candidate must believe in his capabilities but should avoid appearing too confident or conceited. One must be totally focused and must take adequate mental preparation to face the rigorous training process which is considered to be one of the toughest in the world. The royal marine commandos undergo long and thorough infantry training routines. The professionalism, team spirit and ambition for success of the royal marine are truly remarkable.
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The Green Beret and the 'flash' on the uniform never fail to create an impression. After all, it's the symbol of the Royal Marine Commando. A potential Royal Marine must pass his Potential Royal Marines Course (PRMC) and only then does the selection procedure begin on the basis of interviews. However, to make even the smallest breakthrough in the whole examination and selection process, the candidate has to be absolutely focused and needless to say, fully prepared. To become a PRMC is one of the most difficult tasks ever.
It is advisable to work on some sample question papers of the PRMC examination in order to understand what is being asked and tested. The test will cover an all round knowledge including emotional stability and maturity of the candidate along with the knowledge of the royal marines at large. The capacity of the candidate as a team worker and manager of a team is equally judged and assessed. The most essential requirement of a royal marine recruit must, undoubtedly, be complete body fitness without which a recruit cannot function.
The primary step is to pass the selection process through the PRMC examination. One must contact the Careers Office to find out about the dates and procedure of the marine examination. Different sets of questions would be asked - numerical tests, reasoning and logic tests, mechanical comprehension tests. Candidates would be tested on the history of the Royal Marines also and therefore, a thorough knowledge of the same is imperative. During the process of preparation for these examinations, the candidate must remember to use the right and precise references. A varied study is good but sometimes, that needs to be streamlined to make the study and research more substantial, concentrative and effective.
After the test, the names of the candidates who have been selected for the interview will be short listed. To prepare for this, the potential Royal Marine must be aware of some of the sample interview questions and their responses. Then he or she should create his or her own response to the questions and accordingly derive upon the best answer taking cue from both. Facing mock interviews are the best ways to prepare for such interviews. Answers and responses should be well structured. It is advisable to keep them short and precise and to-the-point.
Creating the right impression based on one's own individuality is very important. The candidate must believe in his capabilities but should avoid appearing too confident or conceited. One must be totally focused and must take adequate mental preparation to face the rigorous training process which is considered to be one of the toughest in the world. The royal marine commandos undergo long and thorough infantry training routines. The professionalism, team spirit and ambition for success of the royal marine are truly remarkable.
become a police officer, firefighter, paramedic, royal marines Commando, prison officer, traindriver
Essential Redundancy Documents For Managers
Essential Redundancy Documents For Managers
As the economic crisis worsens and company after company goes to the wall, every manager is focusing on how to keep their business afloat. In many cases, this involves trimming overheads and making redundancies. This process is painful ? no one likes letting staff go ? but frequently necessary. As businesses become more cautious and focus on consolidation rather than expansion, there simply isn?t room for surplus employees ? the very survival of the business (and the jobs of everyone who works there) may be at stake.
In order to make successful redundancies (and avoid painful costs), you need to make sure that you are protected by your redundancy documents. The cost of an unlawful dismissal can be over ?75,000, and your redundancy policy and procedure need to follow the letter of the law. Your company?s redundancy documents need to:
Outline Your Policy
A clear redundancy policy is an essential document for any company, and should clearly state what the redundancy procedure is ? the different stages of the process, selection criteria, right of appeal, the consultation process, the amount of redundancy pay that is offered, any support that is available during or after the procedure, and so on and so forth. A well written redundancy policy is the most important document to have when you need to let people go, both for employers (who need to know what process to follow) and employees (who need to know what to expect and what their rights are) ? don?t let your business be without one!
Support the Process
In addition to this redundancy policy, you should have documentation that supports the process the whole way through. This includes documents to outline the legally acceptable reasons for redundancy, notify employees of a redundancy decision, offer the right of appeal, provide the results of an appeal, and so on. It isn?t enough to provide a sound redundancy policy ? the rest of your documents have to follow the letter of the law as well, providing employees with clear information and the right to appeal.
Cover the Alternatives
Wherever possible, your redundancy procedure should allow for alternatives. Part time employment, a job share scheme, reduction of bonuses and salary and other such methods can help reduce costs without cutting staff. It may also be the case that while the company can no longer support a particular position, a member of staff can be offered a different position within the company. Your redundancy documents should clearly outline potential alternatives, if they are applicable, and the conditions under which they will be offered.
Managing redundancies is one of the least enjoyable parts of running a business, but a clear, legally supported redundancy policy and procedure will help to make things as painless as possible. Make sure you keep your documents up to date ? every year brings numerous changes to UK employment law. Some of these are relatively minor, but others can be significant changes to policy and statutory redundancy pay. Staying on top of the latest developments may seem like hard work, but when it comes to making redundancies it doesn?t pay to make mistakes.
redundancy, redundancy procedure, redundancy policy
As the economic crisis worsens and company after company goes to the wall, every manager is focusing on how to keep their business afloat. In many cases, this involves trimming overheads and making redundancies. This process is painful ? no one likes letting staff go ? but frequently necessary. As businesses become more cautious and focus on consolidation rather than expansion, there simply isn?t room for surplus employees ? the very survival of the business (and the jobs of everyone who works there) may be at stake.
In order to make successful redundancies (and avoid painful costs), you need to make sure that you are protected by your redundancy documents. The cost of an unlawful dismissal can be over ?75,000, and your redundancy policy and procedure need to follow the letter of the law. Your company?s redundancy documents need to:
Outline Your Policy
A clear redundancy policy is an essential document for any company, and should clearly state what the redundancy procedure is ? the different stages of the process, selection criteria, right of appeal, the consultation process, the amount of redundancy pay that is offered, any support that is available during or after the procedure, and so on and so forth. A well written redundancy policy is the most important document to have when you need to let people go, both for employers (who need to know what process to follow) and employees (who need to know what to expect and what their rights are) ? don?t let your business be without one!
Support the Process
In addition to this redundancy policy, you should have documentation that supports the process the whole way through. This includes documents to outline the legally acceptable reasons for redundancy, notify employees of a redundancy decision, offer the right of appeal, provide the results of an appeal, and so on. It isn?t enough to provide a sound redundancy policy ? the rest of your documents have to follow the letter of the law as well, providing employees with clear information and the right to appeal.
Cover the Alternatives
Wherever possible, your redundancy procedure should allow for alternatives. Part time employment, a job share scheme, reduction of bonuses and salary and other such methods can help reduce costs without cutting staff. It may also be the case that while the company can no longer support a particular position, a member of staff can be offered a different position within the company. Your redundancy documents should clearly outline potential alternatives, if they are applicable, and the conditions under which they will be offered.
Managing redundancies is one of the least enjoyable parts of running a business, but a clear, legally supported redundancy policy and procedure will help to make things as painless as possible. Make sure you keep your documents up to date ? every year brings numerous changes to UK employment law. Some of these are relatively minor, but others can be significant changes to policy and statutory redundancy pay. Staying on top of the latest developments may seem like hard work, but when it comes to making redundancies it doesn?t pay to make mistakes.
redundancy, redundancy procedure, redundancy policy
Essential Info On UID Labels And UID Nameplates
Essential Info On UID Labels And UID Nameplates
An Introduction to UID Label
The Unique Item Identifier (UID) label is mandatory, especially if you want your items to be UID compliant. Once correct UID labels are placed on your items you are eligible to apply for the UID Registry. In recent times, UID label is used for all Department of Defense?s (DoD) identification requirements and serialization tracking programs (SNTs). Selecting the right UID label is extremely important for achieving UID compliance. The UID labels, UID tags and UID nameplates you use must be durable under complex conditions and should not wear away.
To manufacture the UID labels, there is a wide range of materials to choose from such as stainless steel, polyester, aluminum or laser marked adhesive backed tape. However, the UID labels or plates have to meet the MIL STD 130 code standards.
All companies requiring UID labels, UID nameplates, and Mil-Std 130M UID compliance can be described in the three core categories below:
Full Resource Medium-to-Large Size Companies ? These companies normally have all the available resources to fully implement Mil-Std 130M compliant labels and tags, UID verification and Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) and UID registering processes. Yet, they still search for a UID partner that can help them in correctly choosing the suitable UID equipment or process for their operation.
Selective Resource Medium-to-Large Size Companies ? Even though these companies have abundant resources to implement the critical equipment and processes for complete Mil-Std 130 UID compliance, they choose to partner with a vendor that can provide UID labels and UID nameplates including on-demand and verification reports in a timely fashion.
Limited Resource Small-to-Medium Size Companies ? These companies have a Mil-Std 130 requirement but cannot afford to buy thermal transfer printers, CO2 laser etching equipment or UID label verification equipment and qualified staff to cater the UID orders. Thus, they generally look for a reliable UID partner who can offer UID compliance labels, UID nameplates, verification reports and also a process to submit UID information to the WAWF and UID Registry.
Data Matrix,Data Matrix,UID,UID labels,IUID Registry,IUID,Tesa tape,UID Registry,UID Laser Marking,CAGE code
An Introduction to UID Label
The Unique Item Identifier (UID) label is mandatory, especially if you want your items to be UID compliant. Once correct UID labels are placed on your items you are eligible to apply for the UID Registry. In recent times, UID label is used for all Department of Defense?s (DoD) identification requirements and serialization tracking programs (SNTs). Selecting the right UID label is extremely important for achieving UID compliance. The UID labels, UID tags and UID nameplates you use must be durable under complex conditions and should not wear away.
To manufacture the UID labels, there is a wide range of materials to choose from such as stainless steel, polyester, aluminum or laser marked adhesive backed tape. However, the UID labels or plates have to meet the MIL STD 130 code standards.
All companies requiring UID labels, UID nameplates, and Mil-Std 130M UID compliance can be described in the three core categories below:
Full Resource Medium-to-Large Size Companies ? These companies normally have all the available resources to fully implement Mil-Std 130M compliant labels and tags, UID verification and Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) and UID registering processes. Yet, they still search for a UID partner that can help them in correctly choosing the suitable UID equipment or process for their operation.
Selective Resource Medium-to-Large Size Companies ? Even though these companies have abundant resources to implement the critical equipment and processes for complete Mil-Std 130 UID compliance, they choose to partner with a vendor that can provide UID labels and UID nameplates including on-demand and verification reports in a timely fashion.
Limited Resource Small-to-Medium Size Companies ? These companies have a Mil-Std 130 requirement but cannot afford to buy thermal transfer printers, CO2 laser etching equipment or UID label verification equipment and qualified staff to cater the UID orders. Thus, they generally look for a reliable UID partner who can offer UID compliance labels, UID nameplates, verification reports and also a process to submit UID information to the WAWF and UID Registry.
Data Matrix,Data Matrix,UID,UID labels,IUID Registry,IUID,Tesa tape,UID Registry,UID Laser Marking,CAGE code
Essential Elements Of Outdoor Parking Lot Lighting
Essential Elements Of Outdoor Parking Lot Lighting
There is a delicate balance between power and control that every contractor must observe when determining the type of lamps to be used and the appropriate wattages for those lamps. Sometimes more area can be lit with less energy consumption and create long term savings for a client on operating costs. Energy efficient technology also continues to improve daily and should also be considered when applicable.
Clients may not realize that outdoor parking lot lights do not have to be rated at the highest wattage to give them the best outcome, and they may ask you to find them the most powerful fixtures to get the job done. This is seldom necessary, nor is it as workable as it once was when we consider that new law place a great deal of control over lighting and require more than simple luminance standards be observed. Optics, direction of the light, and systematic planning are necessary to effectively light an outdoor parking lot lighting system that will satisfy both regulatory codes and budgetary operating constraints of the client. Working with a designer from RLLD Commercial Lighting can help you achieve superior results with just the right amount of power, elevation, and angle of incidence without overspending or encroaching on light trespass restrictions.
The quality of optics engineering is an essential element to outdoor parking lot lighting design.
Because light pollution laws now tightly regulate the amount of light that shines past the property line around a facility, it is essential to disperse illumination evenly to avoid lights spillage and glare that can blind the eyes of pedestrians and motorists. By choosing fixtures with sophisticated reflectors and shields, it is possible to create light distribution patterns that yield optimal results without having to necessarily use the highest wattage fixtures.
Luminaire housing plays a critical role in creating the best angles of incidence for outdoor lighting within the boundaries of any parking lot.
Some housings, like full cutoff designs, point the light directly downward onto the pavement below, while others such as semi cutoffs direct it more across the lot and downward onto the pavement. It may be difficult at times to determine exactly what type of housing your client will most benefit from just by looking at the facility, particularly if you are lighting an establishment that has uniquely configured parking lot islands or a storefront that requires a view free from the obstructions of light poles. In these complex scenarios, something more than a standard solution will be necessary to accommodate all luminance, light containment, glare reduction, and lighting distribution requirements.
Before buying any outdoor parking lot lighting fixtures and poles, it is very important to create a detailed photometric plan first.
The significance of photometric analysis from a cost savings perspective cannot be emphasized enough. With the help of an RLLD Commercial Lighting Designer, you can have a three dimensional model of your client?s facility rendered that will show how one or more proposed outdoor parking lot lighting layouts will look. Multiple variables such as foot candle density, lighting angle of incidence, and elevation of luminaires can all be simultaneously calculated and adjusted either collectively or individually. This ability to forecast outcomes prior to purchasing allows you to pinpoint exactly what equipment will be necessary to fulfill your client?s needs.
It is strongly recommended that you use only outdoor parking lot lights manufactured in the United States.
We live in a society where a large percentage of the products we use, such as automobiles, are made overseas. Many of these products perform exceptionally well and enjoy consistently high consumer ratings. This is not the case, however, with lighting equipment. By far, the best outdoor parking lot lights are still made right here in the US, and by far, they offer the best performance backed up in writing by written warranties. Shipping and delivery is also much more expeditious when handled within US borders and generally result in much shorter lead times for your clients.
commercial lighting, commercial parking lot lighting, energy efficient luminaires, outdoor parking
There is a delicate balance between power and control that every contractor must observe when determining the type of lamps to be used and the appropriate wattages for those lamps. Sometimes more area can be lit with less energy consumption and create long term savings for a client on operating costs. Energy efficient technology also continues to improve daily and should also be considered when applicable.
Clients may not realize that outdoor parking lot lights do not have to be rated at the highest wattage to give them the best outcome, and they may ask you to find them the most powerful fixtures to get the job done. This is seldom necessary, nor is it as workable as it once was when we consider that new law place a great deal of control over lighting and require more than simple luminance standards be observed. Optics, direction of the light, and systematic planning are necessary to effectively light an outdoor parking lot lighting system that will satisfy both regulatory codes and budgetary operating constraints of the client. Working with a designer from RLLD Commercial Lighting can help you achieve superior results with just the right amount of power, elevation, and angle of incidence without overspending or encroaching on light trespass restrictions.
The quality of optics engineering is an essential element to outdoor parking lot lighting design.
Because light pollution laws now tightly regulate the amount of light that shines past the property line around a facility, it is essential to disperse illumination evenly to avoid lights spillage and glare that can blind the eyes of pedestrians and motorists. By choosing fixtures with sophisticated reflectors and shields, it is possible to create light distribution patterns that yield optimal results without having to necessarily use the highest wattage fixtures.
Luminaire housing plays a critical role in creating the best angles of incidence for outdoor lighting within the boundaries of any parking lot.
Some housings, like full cutoff designs, point the light directly downward onto the pavement below, while others such as semi cutoffs direct it more across the lot and downward onto the pavement. It may be difficult at times to determine exactly what type of housing your client will most benefit from just by looking at the facility, particularly if you are lighting an establishment that has uniquely configured parking lot islands or a storefront that requires a view free from the obstructions of light poles. In these complex scenarios, something more than a standard solution will be necessary to accommodate all luminance, light containment, glare reduction, and lighting distribution requirements.
Before buying any outdoor parking lot lighting fixtures and poles, it is very important to create a detailed photometric plan first.
The significance of photometric analysis from a cost savings perspective cannot be emphasized enough. With the help of an RLLD Commercial Lighting Designer, you can have a three dimensional model of your client?s facility rendered that will show how one or more proposed outdoor parking lot lighting layouts will look. Multiple variables such as foot candle density, lighting angle of incidence, and elevation of luminaires can all be simultaneously calculated and adjusted either collectively or individually. This ability to forecast outcomes prior to purchasing allows you to pinpoint exactly what equipment will be necessary to fulfill your client?s needs.
It is strongly recommended that you use only outdoor parking lot lights manufactured in the United States.
We live in a society where a large percentage of the products we use, such as automobiles, are made overseas. Many of these products perform exceptionally well and enjoy consistently high consumer ratings. This is not the case, however, with lighting equipment. By far, the best outdoor parking lot lights are still made right here in the US, and by far, they offer the best performance backed up in writing by written warranties. Shipping and delivery is also much more expeditious when handled within US borders and generally result in much shorter lead times for your clients.
commercial lighting, commercial parking lot lighting, energy efficient luminaires, outdoor parking
5 Top Tips For Choosing The Perfect Nursing Specialty For You
5 Top Tips For Choosing The Perfect Nursing Specialty For You
The word specialist has a nice ring to it, right? When we specialize in something, whether it is relates to a skill, a company, or hobby, we have knowledge that is above and beyond the base knowledge of a particular topic. Becoming a nurse is certainly special. However, specializing in a specific area can boost your resume and fatten your salary. It can benefit you like switching from ordinary scrubs, to super comfortable and versatile cheap urbane scrubs. When choosing a particular area to specialize in, here are some tips that can help you to make the right choice:
1. Consider your ideal job location
Based on your specialty, you could work in a wide variety of locations, including:
?retirement homes
There are a few key considerations to make. Depending on the area where you want to work, certain specialties may be in greater demand. Another issue is that working in certain places tends to be more stressful than working in others. For instance, working in a prison or retirement home would be more stressful than working in a school. Thus, this is yet another important consideration that you should make.
2. Get advice from nurses in certain specialties
It is important to get a perspective from nurses who have experience in a certain specialty. They can provide you with some street smarts based on their own experiences. This will provide you with a more realistic perspective about the day to day realities of working within a particular specialty.
3. Consider stress levels as a factor
Different specializations have different stress levels. Many people make the error in assuming that stress is always negative. In fact, some stress is good. Healthy stress makes our bodies and minds more alert, to deal with a particular situation. However, the amount of stress that different specialties create, can vary greatly. Quite honestly, if you cannot handle stress, then you should probably not be a nurse. However, if the stress of providing assistance during major surgery would be overwhelming for you, for example, then you should consider a different specialization.
4. Learn about the educational requirements
Earning a general RN degree requires about two years. Afterwards, specialization can require up to 3 4 more years of schooling, depending on the specialty.
5. Look before you leap
Just as companies test products before putting them on the market, you can also test certain nursing specialties before choosing one. Fortunately, numerous nursing programs provide this chance. Methods of testing include:
?day long courses
?hands on training
?job shadowing
You might be surprised about the results of testing. You could become less interested in specialties that you initially favored, and more interested in specialties that you initially dismissed.
Whether you are starting your nursing schooling or have already become an RN, your next option can include training for a particular specialty. The aforementioned tips can help you to select the best specialty for you. Make a special effort when selecting a nursing specialty and do it the best you can!
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The word specialist has a nice ring to it, right? When we specialize in something, whether it is relates to a skill, a company, or hobby, we have knowledge that is above and beyond the base knowledge of a particular topic. Becoming a nurse is certainly special. However, specializing in a specific area can boost your resume and fatten your salary. It can benefit you like switching from ordinary scrubs, to super comfortable and versatile cheap urbane scrubs. When choosing a particular area to specialize in, here are some tips that can help you to make the right choice:
1. Consider your ideal job location
Based on your specialty, you could work in a wide variety of locations, including:
?retirement homes
There are a few key considerations to make. Depending on the area where you want to work, certain specialties may be in greater demand. Another issue is that working in certain places tends to be more stressful than working in others. For instance, working in a prison or retirement home would be more stressful than working in a school. Thus, this is yet another important consideration that you should make.
2. Get advice from nurses in certain specialties
It is important to get a perspective from nurses who have experience in a certain specialty. They can provide you with some street smarts based on their own experiences. This will provide you with a more realistic perspective about the day to day realities of working within a particular specialty.
3. Consider stress levels as a factor
Different specializations have different stress levels. Many people make the error in assuming that stress is always negative. In fact, some stress is good. Healthy stress makes our bodies and minds more alert, to deal with a particular situation. However, the amount of stress that different specialties create, can vary greatly. Quite honestly, if you cannot handle stress, then you should probably not be a nurse. However, if the stress of providing assistance during major surgery would be overwhelming for you, for example, then you should consider a different specialization.
4. Learn about the educational requirements
Earning a general RN degree requires about two years. Afterwards, specialization can require up to 3 4 more years of schooling, depending on the specialty.
5. Look before you leap
Just as companies test products before putting them on the market, you can also test certain nursing specialties before choosing one. Fortunately, numerous nursing programs provide this chance. Methods of testing include:
?day long courses
?hands on training
?job shadowing
You might be surprised about the results of testing. You could become less interested in specialties that you initially favored, and more interested in specialties that you initially dismissed.
Whether you are starting your nursing schooling or have already become an RN, your next option can include training for a particular specialty. The aforementioned tips can help you to select the best specialty for you. Make a special effort when selecting a nursing specialty and do it the best you can!
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Saturday, February 16, 2013
Essential Components To Building An Opt In List
Essential Components To Building An Opt In List
Online marketing may have developed a sudden surge these past few years, but many in the know how have felt its rise even from way then. As more internet based businesses are put up, the need to develop new marketing skills and knowledge based on this new medium have arisen. More and more marketing strategies are being discovered and developed to cope with the changing face of business the business world.
The demand for online marketing tips and strategies have drastically grown and a new form of business has been born, internet marketing strategies. While there are companies that are all too eager to help your site and business build a clientele for a fee, there also many ways that can spread the word about your sites subsistence in a more cost free way. One of this is Opt-in email marketing, also known as permission marketing.
Opt-in marketing requires the permission of a willing customer to subscribe to your marketing materials, materials that take form in newsletters, catalogs and promotional mailings via e-mail. The more opt-in marketing mail is sent, the more chances there is to bag sales and more sales. To do this, you must build a list of all those who wants to subscribe to your opt-in marketing list.
From your list, you will get your targeted customer, this is a good list since they already have shown interest in what you have to show and sell since they have willingly signed in for your list. These are the people who have liked what they have seen in your site and have decided they want to see more and maybe even purchase what ever product or service your company and site has to offer.
Many people would think that building their lists would take hard work and a lot of time to build and collect names and addresses. This is not so, it takes a bit of patience and some strategies but in doing this list, you open your site and your business to a whole new world of target market. Take the effort to take your business to a new level, if traffic increase and good profits are what you want, an opt-in list will do wonders for your business venture.
There are many sources and articles in the internet available for everyone to read and follow in building a list. Sometimes they may be confusing because there are so many and there different ways. Different groups of people would have different approaches in building an opt-in list, but no matter how diverse many methods are, there are always some crucial things to do to build your list. Here are four of them.
1) Put up a good web form in your site that immediately follows the end of your content. While some may say this is too soon to subscribe for a website visitors application, try to remember that your homepage should provide a quick good impression. If somehow a website visitor finds something that he or she doesn?t like and turns them off, they may just forget about signing up.
A good web form for subscribing to an opt-in list is not hard to do. Just write a simple short statement about how they would like to see more and get updated about the site. Then there should be an area where they could put in their names and e-mail address. This web form will automatically save and send you the data?s inputted. As more people sign in, your list will be growing.
2) As mentioned in the first tip, make your homepage very, very impressive. You need to have well written articles and descriptions of your site. Depending on what your site is all about, you need to capture your website visitor?s fancy. Make your site useful and very easy to use. Do not expect everyone to be tech savvy. Invest in having good programming in your site, make your graphics beautiful but don?t over do it.
Don?t waste your time making the homepage too overly large megabyte wise. Not all people have dedicated T1 connections, the faster your site gets loaded, the better. Go for a look that borders between simplicity and sophisticated knowledge.
3) Provide good service and products. A return customer is more likely to bring in more business. Even then and now, a satisfied customer will recommend a business always. Word of mouth and recommendations alone can rake in more business than an expensive ad. As your clientele roster grows so shall your list. With more members on the list, the more people will get to know about what you have new to offer.
4) Keep a clean and private list. Never lose the trust your customers have entrusted you. If you provide e-mails to others and they get spammed, many will probably unsubscribe to you. Remember, a good reputation will drive in more traffic and subscribers as well as strengthen the loyalty of your customers.
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Online marketing may have developed a sudden surge these past few years, but many in the know how have felt its rise even from way then. As more internet based businesses are put up, the need to develop new marketing skills and knowledge based on this new medium have arisen. More and more marketing strategies are being discovered and developed to cope with the changing face of business the business world.
The demand for online marketing tips and strategies have drastically grown and a new form of business has been born, internet marketing strategies. While there are companies that are all too eager to help your site and business build a clientele for a fee, there also many ways that can spread the word about your sites subsistence in a more cost free way. One of this is Opt-in email marketing, also known as permission marketing.
Opt-in marketing requires the permission of a willing customer to subscribe to your marketing materials, materials that take form in newsletters, catalogs and promotional mailings via e-mail. The more opt-in marketing mail is sent, the more chances there is to bag sales and more sales. To do this, you must build a list of all those who wants to subscribe to your opt-in marketing list.
From your list, you will get your targeted customer, this is a good list since they already have shown interest in what you have to show and sell since they have willingly signed in for your list. These are the people who have liked what they have seen in your site and have decided they want to see more and maybe even purchase what ever product or service your company and site has to offer.
Many people would think that building their lists would take hard work and a lot of time to build and collect names and addresses. This is not so, it takes a bit of patience and some strategies but in doing this list, you open your site and your business to a whole new world of target market. Take the effort to take your business to a new level, if traffic increase and good profits are what you want, an opt-in list will do wonders for your business venture.
There are many sources and articles in the internet available for everyone to read and follow in building a list. Sometimes they may be confusing because there are so many and there different ways. Different groups of people would have different approaches in building an opt-in list, but no matter how diverse many methods are, there are always some crucial things to do to build your list. Here are four of them.
1) Put up a good web form in your site that immediately follows the end of your content. While some may say this is too soon to subscribe for a website visitors application, try to remember that your homepage should provide a quick good impression. If somehow a website visitor finds something that he or she doesn?t like and turns them off, they may just forget about signing up.
A good web form for subscribing to an opt-in list is not hard to do. Just write a simple short statement about how they would like to see more and get updated about the site. Then there should be an area where they could put in their names and e-mail address. This web form will automatically save and send you the data?s inputted. As more people sign in, your list will be growing.
2) As mentioned in the first tip, make your homepage very, very impressive. You need to have well written articles and descriptions of your site. Depending on what your site is all about, you need to capture your website visitor?s fancy. Make your site useful and very easy to use. Do not expect everyone to be tech savvy. Invest in having good programming in your site, make your graphics beautiful but don?t over do it.
Don?t waste your time making the homepage too overly large megabyte wise. Not all people have dedicated T1 connections, the faster your site gets loaded, the better. Go for a look that borders between simplicity and sophisticated knowledge.
3) Provide good service and products. A return customer is more likely to bring in more business. Even then and now, a satisfied customer will recommend a business always. Word of mouth and recommendations alone can rake in more business than an expensive ad. As your clientele roster grows so shall your list. With more members on the list, the more people will get to know about what you have new to offer.
4) Keep a clean and private list. Never lose the trust your customers have entrusted you. If you provide e-mails to others and they get spammed, many will probably unsubscribe to you. Remember, a good reputation will drive in more traffic and subscribers as well as strengthen the loyalty of your customers.
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Essential Abilities Of Virtual Assistants
Essential Abilities Of Virtual Assistants
As a virtual assistant, you need the typical administrative skills, as well as the ability to work independently and run your own business. To stay in the business, and market yourself well, however, you ll need to beef up on some other skills as well. How can you build on these skills? By reading and researching all that you can ? it s highly suggested you join some specialized newsletters on marketing, read blogs, and watch videos. Read articles every chance you get. And try to put a new marketing skill into practice every week. Here are the ability you ll want to stretch your marketing muscle in:
1. Your ability to think well. Businesses expect virtual assistants to think clearly, logically, creatively and ethically about business (in general) and should be able to trust your ability to make decisions. Decision making skills are always in demand in the VA business. You can exemplify this ability by asking intelligent questions from your potential clients and giving them a clear estimate of deadlines and clearly defining your expectations from the beginning.
2. Your ability to speak and to write. Good speaking and writing skills are essential to the career advancement of business people. You will have ample opportunity to practice communicating through presentation of your service offers and through your telephone demeanor and written communication. Be professional, courteous, and always use proper spelling and grammar. Make sure you also show your willingness to ask questions. Good business people learn to ask good questions. Asking good questions can help you and your client help avoid disastrous mistakes.
3. Your ability to do research. Knowing when and how to do research is essential to success in business. Your projects will push you beyond the limits of what you now know. You should be able to let your clients know that you ve done your research by researching them before you respond to their inquiries research is essential to being well prepared in selling your skills. This will also illustrate your ability to use technology effectively. You should master the essential business technology that will enable you to succeed.
4. Your ability to be passionate and persistent. Success doesn?t just happen it s made by those who keep going and will not accept failure. Passion is a learned attitude, and persistence is a learned behavior. Together they will serve you well in your virtual assistant career, your business, and in your life. So remember to always continue on, and strengthen these skills, and not only will your business grow, but your commitment to yourself and your life will, too, as well.
Being a self employed virtual assistant is a big deal and you ve got a lot of opportunity to create your own ventures, form partnerships, and choose new niches where your business can flourish. Don t be afraid to take a leap if your instinct tells you to. Business owners are risk takers, and risk takers are the ones who climb mountains, discover continents, and chart their dreams. Remember the risks you took to just start this career ? and how much they were worth to you. You reap the rewards of what you sow ? never neglect to reach higher.
virtual assistant business, self employment, work from home, marketing
As a virtual assistant, you need the typical administrative skills, as well as the ability to work independently and run your own business. To stay in the business, and market yourself well, however, you ll need to beef up on some other skills as well. How can you build on these skills? By reading and researching all that you can ? it s highly suggested you join some specialized newsletters on marketing, read blogs, and watch videos. Read articles every chance you get. And try to put a new marketing skill into practice every week. Here are the ability you ll want to stretch your marketing muscle in:
1. Your ability to think well. Businesses expect virtual assistants to think clearly, logically, creatively and ethically about business (in general) and should be able to trust your ability to make decisions. Decision making skills are always in demand in the VA business. You can exemplify this ability by asking intelligent questions from your potential clients and giving them a clear estimate of deadlines and clearly defining your expectations from the beginning.
2. Your ability to speak and to write. Good speaking and writing skills are essential to the career advancement of business people. You will have ample opportunity to practice communicating through presentation of your service offers and through your telephone demeanor and written communication. Be professional, courteous, and always use proper spelling and grammar. Make sure you also show your willingness to ask questions. Good business people learn to ask good questions. Asking good questions can help you and your client help avoid disastrous mistakes.
3. Your ability to do research. Knowing when and how to do research is essential to success in business. Your projects will push you beyond the limits of what you now know. You should be able to let your clients know that you ve done your research by researching them before you respond to their inquiries research is essential to being well prepared in selling your skills. This will also illustrate your ability to use technology effectively. You should master the essential business technology that will enable you to succeed.
4. Your ability to be passionate and persistent. Success doesn?t just happen it s made by those who keep going and will not accept failure. Passion is a learned attitude, and persistence is a learned behavior. Together they will serve you well in your virtual assistant career, your business, and in your life. So remember to always continue on, and strengthen these skills, and not only will your business grow, but your commitment to yourself and your life will, too, as well.
Being a self employed virtual assistant is a big deal and you ve got a lot of opportunity to create your own ventures, form partnerships, and choose new niches where your business can flourish. Don t be afraid to take a leap if your instinct tells you to. Business owners are risk takers, and risk takers are the ones who climb mountains, discover continents, and chart their dreams. Remember the risks you took to just start this career ? and how much they were worth to you. You reap the rewards of what you sow ? never neglect to reach higher.
virtual assistant business, self employment, work from home, marketing
Friday, February 15, 2013
ERP Software: Increase The Efficiency Of Your Engineering Department
ERP Software: Increase The Efficiency Of Your Engineering Department
Manufacturing companies rely on their engineering department in order to secure a profit. While the sales department initiates leads, the engineering department is in charge of creating products and filling orders which ultimately results in the sale and revenue. This means that the efficiency of your engineering department directly affects your profit potential the more efficient you are, the more profitable you can become. ERP software makes running an efficient department easy.
Engineering departments initially receive an order or a request for a quote that includes most or all of the information and specs concerning the order. The department must read the order, dissect it and fully understand it in order to provide a realistic quote and/or fill the order.
Next, the engineering department must reorganize the directions and specifications so that they can be easily interpreted by all of the departments in the company. The information is kept together and transported with the piece as it moves through the different stages of production. Included in the packet is also a list of materials needed for the project. The information is not only used by production, it is also used by purchasing, planning and scheduling departments.
Manufacturing software makes this process easier. Instead of creating a packet made up of various forms, directions, prints and correspondence. The engineering department simply enters the information into the ERP software, which can be accessed by all of the stages of manufacturing, packaging, shipping, etc.
The engineering department enters the information into the manufacturing ERP software in much the same way that they would prepare other forms, but no hard copies are created. Whenever the various departments need to see the specs, all they need to do is access them on the company?s computer network. This process also helps ensure that all revisions are passed along and followed in an efficient manner.
When a revision is requested, the engineering department must make the changes and report the changes to all of the departments. To personally send new specs to all of the departments is time consuming and often results in miscommunication. Outdated specs are hard to get out of circulation. If someone picks up an old document thinking it is current, days of work could be lost. Manufacturing software automatically removes all outdated specs and sends flags to the various departments that need to be aware of the change.
Some changes are not convenient. Work can be lost if a customer requests a change that requires redoing part or the entire project. Some companies charge a fee for work already performed. To make such decisions, however, a clear outline of the work already done is needed. With the software, engineers can check on the project without leaving their desks or having to shuffle through stacks of paper. They can quickly evaluate how much work has been done and how the changes affect the course of the project.
ERP software streamlines the engineering department by ensuring accuracy, efficiency and communication.
manufacturing, efficiency, engineering, production, profit margins, manufacturing software
Manufacturing companies rely on their engineering department in order to secure a profit. While the sales department initiates leads, the engineering department is in charge of creating products and filling orders which ultimately results in the sale and revenue. This means that the efficiency of your engineering department directly affects your profit potential the more efficient you are, the more profitable you can become. ERP software makes running an efficient department easy.
Engineering departments initially receive an order or a request for a quote that includes most or all of the information and specs concerning the order. The department must read the order, dissect it and fully understand it in order to provide a realistic quote and/or fill the order.
Next, the engineering department must reorganize the directions and specifications so that they can be easily interpreted by all of the departments in the company. The information is kept together and transported with the piece as it moves through the different stages of production. Included in the packet is also a list of materials needed for the project. The information is not only used by production, it is also used by purchasing, planning and scheduling departments.
Manufacturing software makes this process easier. Instead of creating a packet made up of various forms, directions, prints and correspondence. The engineering department simply enters the information into the ERP software, which can be accessed by all of the stages of manufacturing, packaging, shipping, etc.
The engineering department enters the information into the manufacturing ERP software in much the same way that they would prepare other forms, but no hard copies are created. Whenever the various departments need to see the specs, all they need to do is access them on the company?s computer network. This process also helps ensure that all revisions are passed along and followed in an efficient manner.
When a revision is requested, the engineering department must make the changes and report the changes to all of the departments. To personally send new specs to all of the departments is time consuming and often results in miscommunication. Outdated specs are hard to get out of circulation. If someone picks up an old document thinking it is current, days of work could be lost. Manufacturing software automatically removes all outdated specs and sends flags to the various departments that need to be aware of the change.
Some changes are not convenient. Work can be lost if a customer requests a change that requires redoing part or the entire project. Some companies charge a fee for work already performed. To make such decisions, however, a clear outline of the work already done is needed. With the software, engineers can check on the project without leaving their desks or having to shuffle through stacks of paper. They can quickly evaluate how much work has been done and how the changes affect the course of the project.
ERP software streamlines the engineering department by ensuring accuracy, efficiency and communication.
manufacturing, efficiency, engineering, production, profit margins, manufacturing software
Espionage In The Company
Espionage In The Company
Out of problems may come solutions. In the case of massive investigation frauds, the problem gave rise to the boom of another business ? private investigation.
The business community struggles with corporate espionage. Competitions are indeed inevitable in the field of business. It is the motivation of different companies and trading bodies in order to strive positively ? it is more like the survival of the fittest theory which posits that only the strongest will survive. In the world of business, it is also the strongest that will excel at competitions, if you do not move forward, somebody else surely will.
Advocating short term gains is now the emphasis of major investment banks. The first question would be: What can your competitor do that you cannot?
Looking at the Darwinian theory as mentioned earlier that only the strongest will survive, many corporations and businessmen have heeded this kind of principle. Most of them witnessed the tough and sometimes brutal competition in the business industry. Oftentimes, it is the bad decisions made during crucial times that produced long-term damages.
Know thy self and know thy enemy. It is easier to move about the business game field if you have information about your competitor to have an idea how you can make strategies to move ahead of them. Corporate espionage sets in during this time, but, honestly speaking the big winner in this kind of scenario can be private detective agencies.
In India, the growth in the economy and business brought about private investigators. The rampant corporate espionage compelled companies to hire detectives to gather information about competing companies as well as their own employees. According to studies, detective agencies have been recently receiving requests to infiltrate other companies.
As this infiltration activity becomes popular, companies now turn a suspicious eye to new entrants, to make sure they are not spies of competitor companies. Corporate espionage includes fake financial statements, forged documents and signatures, and transfer of data which are common nowadays. Corporate fraud is often committed through internal sources, and if you consider this, you will not be surprised at all why private detectives are now common in the country of India.
Does this mean anything for a private detective in London? A booming career in London can help you solve cases in India. A thorough experience in cases in London is very advantageous for you especially when the time comes that you will be dealing with cases from countries abroad.
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Out of problems may come solutions. In the case of massive investigation frauds, the problem gave rise to the boom of another business ? private investigation.
The business community struggles with corporate espionage. Competitions are indeed inevitable in the field of business. It is the motivation of different companies and trading bodies in order to strive positively ? it is more like the survival of the fittest theory which posits that only the strongest will survive. In the world of business, it is also the strongest that will excel at competitions, if you do not move forward, somebody else surely will.
Advocating short term gains is now the emphasis of major investment banks. The first question would be: What can your competitor do that you cannot?
Looking at the Darwinian theory as mentioned earlier that only the strongest will survive, many corporations and businessmen have heeded this kind of principle. Most of them witnessed the tough and sometimes brutal competition in the business industry. Oftentimes, it is the bad decisions made during crucial times that produced long-term damages.
Know thy self and know thy enemy. It is easier to move about the business game field if you have information about your competitor to have an idea how you can make strategies to move ahead of them. Corporate espionage sets in during this time, but, honestly speaking the big winner in this kind of scenario can be private detective agencies.
In India, the growth in the economy and business brought about private investigators. The rampant corporate espionage compelled companies to hire detectives to gather information about competing companies as well as their own employees. According to studies, detective agencies have been recently receiving requests to infiltrate other companies.
As this infiltration activity becomes popular, companies now turn a suspicious eye to new entrants, to make sure they are not spies of competitor companies. Corporate espionage includes fake financial statements, forged documents and signatures, and transfer of data which are common nowadays. Corporate fraud is often committed through internal sources, and if you consider this, you will not be surprised at all why private detectives are now common in the country of India.
Does this mean anything for a private detective in London? A booming career in London can help you solve cases in India. A thorough experience in cases in London is very advantageous for you especially when the time comes that you will be dealing with cases from countries abroad.
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EPCs ? A Catalyst For Low Carbon Commercial Buildings
EPCs ? A Catalyst For Low Carbon Commercial Buildings
The UK has one of the oldest and least efficient building stocks in Europe, accounting for nearly half of the UK?s carbon emissions. If you overlay this statistic with the new Government target to reduce CO? emissions by 80% by 2050, it is clear that direct action must be taken to reduce the emissions from buildings. This article focuses on commercial buildings, which are a clear target for such action and new measures have been recently introduced which target new buildings and for the first time, the stock of existing buildings.
Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) came into force on the 1st of October 2008 under the European Union Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2002, and are a legal requirement for almost all commercial buildings when they are completed, modified, sold or leased. EPCs are intended to act as a catalyst for improving the performance of a building as they must be provided in the sales literature for the property. Potential tenants can then make a value judgment on a building based on the Certificate, putting pressure on owners and landlords to manage performance improvements in their properties before putting them on the market.
What is an EPC and what does it show? - the EPC shows the energy efficiency of a building as an Asset Rating in bands from a more efficient ?A? rating to a less efficient ?G? rating and also gives a numerical indicator of energy performance for each building based on its standardised use.
When do I need an EPC? ? an EPC is required on the construction, modification, sale or lease of a commercial property that is greater than 50m?. There are some specific exceptions that are detailed in the Government?s guidance documentation.
What is involved in producing an EPC? ? producing an EPC for a commercial or ?non-domestic? building is a rigorous process which requires the creation of a software model, from which its energy performance can be derived. Data for the building is captured from a site inspection as well as from drawings, specifications and manuals. A zone matrix is then created for each floor which takes account of zone activity, heating, cooling, lighting ventilation. This, together with the shape and size of each zone and floor are entered into the software model, together with details of the construction fabric of the building. The energy model is generated using SBEM ? the Simplified Building Energy Model which is a tool approved by the Government for this purpose. SBEM produces the EPC rating for the building as well as a standard recommendation report on how the building rating could be improved.
?EPCs determine how efficient a property is and provide an Asset Rating that owners and occupiers can use to manage performance improvements?, explains Richard Nussey of L?atelier. ( ? Clients are already installing more energy efficient lighting, better insulation and modern boiler systems that improve their building efficiencies and therefore their Asset Ratings. Our customised client reports show specific improvements in terms of expenditure per kilogram of CO? saved and their expected payback. Better published ratings translate into higher perceived value for tenants and owners in a market which is ever more conscious and selective over environmental issues. Better ratings will also translate into shorter void periods and higher rental income or sale prices from Clients so there is really no downside in the medium term.
The next stage is to implement low and zero carbon technologies to take the building stock to another level of sustainability and, with fuel costs rising, the viability of these improvements can only become easier to justify in financial terms?.
What are the penalties for not having a Commercial EPC? ? Fines for the failure to produce an EPC can be anything from ?500 to ?5,000 depending on the property?s rateable value and a commercial EPC will still be required before you can lawfully complete the sale or lease of your property.
Where do I get a Commercial EPC? - an EPC must be produced and lodged on to the central database by an Energy Assessor who is a member of a Government approved accreditation scheme.
What is a Recommendation Report? - a Recommendation Report is produced as part of the EPC process and is a computer generated document listing potential changes that, if made to the property, could improve the asset rating, based on the data input during the EPC modelling process. An Energy Assessor can provide advice and guidance on how best to improve asset ratings, following an assessment of the property.
Why do you need an EPC? ? with an EPC, the potential buyers or tenants will be able to get an impartial report of the energy use and the likely costs of the existing building. This makes it easier to compare the likely energy costs of occupying seemingly similar buildings. A commercial EPC will also allow sellers and landlords to gain an insight into the areas where energy performance and efficiency could be improved within their property.
I wish to let a single floor of my building ? do I need an EPC? ? yes you do and an EPC can be provided for just that part of the building, provided it is constructed ?for separate use?.
I am selling a building with a retail unit on the ground floor with a flat over it. Can I have a single EPC for the whole building? ? yes, but only if access to the flat is via the retail unit; if there is separate access to the residence then two EPCs will be required, one for the retail unit and one for the flat.
energy performance certificate, energy assessor, recommendation report, EPC, commercial EPC
The UK has one of the oldest and least efficient building stocks in Europe, accounting for nearly half of the UK?s carbon emissions. If you overlay this statistic with the new Government target to reduce CO? emissions by 80% by 2050, it is clear that direct action must be taken to reduce the emissions from buildings. This article focuses on commercial buildings, which are a clear target for such action and new measures have been recently introduced which target new buildings and for the first time, the stock of existing buildings.
Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) came into force on the 1st of October 2008 under the European Union Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2002, and are a legal requirement for almost all commercial buildings when they are completed, modified, sold or leased. EPCs are intended to act as a catalyst for improving the performance of a building as they must be provided in the sales literature for the property. Potential tenants can then make a value judgment on a building based on the Certificate, putting pressure on owners and landlords to manage performance improvements in their properties before putting them on the market.
What is an EPC and what does it show? - the EPC shows the energy efficiency of a building as an Asset Rating in bands from a more efficient ?A? rating to a less efficient ?G? rating and also gives a numerical indicator of energy performance for each building based on its standardised use.
When do I need an EPC? ? an EPC is required on the construction, modification, sale or lease of a commercial property that is greater than 50m?. There are some specific exceptions that are detailed in the Government?s guidance documentation.
What is involved in producing an EPC? ? producing an EPC for a commercial or ?non-domestic? building is a rigorous process which requires the creation of a software model, from which its energy performance can be derived. Data for the building is captured from a site inspection as well as from drawings, specifications and manuals. A zone matrix is then created for each floor which takes account of zone activity, heating, cooling, lighting ventilation. This, together with the shape and size of each zone and floor are entered into the software model, together with details of the construction fabric of the building. The energy model is generated using SBEM ? the Simplified Building Energy Model which is a tool approved by the Government for this purpose. SBEM produces the EPC rating for the building as well as a standard recommendation report on how the building rating could be improved.
?EPCs determine how efficient a property is and provide an Asset Rating that owners and occupiers can use to manage performance improvements?, explains Richard Nussey of L?atelier. ( ? Clients are already installing more energy efficient lighting, better insulation and modern boiler systems that improve their building efficiencies and therefore their Asset Ratings. Our customised client reports show specific improvements in terms of expenditure per kilogram of CO? saved and their expected payback. Better published ratings translate into higher perceived value for tenants and owners in a market which is ever more conscious and selective over environmental issues. Better ratings will also translate into shorter void periods and higher rental income or sale prices from Clients so there is really no downside in the medium term.
The next stage is to implement low and zero carbon technologies to take the building stock to another level of sustainability and, with fuel costs rising, the viability of these improvements can only become easier to justify in financial terms?.
What are the penalties for not having a Commercial EPC? ? Fines for the failure to produce an EPC can be anything from ?500 to ?5,000 depending on the property?s rateable value and a commercial EPC will still be required before you can lawfully complete the sale or lease of your property.
Where do I get a Commercial EPC? - an EPC must be produced and lodged on to the central database by an Energy Assessor who is a member of a Government approved accreditation scheme.
What is a Recommendation Report? - a Recommendation Report is produced as part of the EPC process and is a computer generated document listing potential changes that, if made to the property, could improve the asset rating, based on the data input during the EPC modelling process. An Energy Assessor can provide advice and guidance on how best to improve asset ratings, following an assessment of the property.
Why do you need an EPC? ? with an EPC, the potential buyers or tenants will be able to get an impartial report of the energy use and the likely costs of the existing building. This makes it easier to compare the likely energy costs of occupying seemingly similar buildings. A commercial EPC will also allow sellers and landlords to gain an insight into the areas where energy performance and efficiency could be improved within their property.
I wish to let a single floor of my building ? do I need an EPC? ? yes you do and an EPC can be provided for just that part of the building, provided it is constructed ?for separate use?.
I am selling a building with a retail unit on the ground floor with a flat over it. Can I have a single EPC for the whole building? ? yes, but only if access to the flat is via the retail unit; if there is separate access to the residence then two EPCs will be required, one for the retail unit and one for the flat.
energy performance certificate, energy assessor, recommendation report, EPC, commercial EPC
ERP Training And Job Opportunities
ERP Training And Job Opportunities
ERP stands for Enterprise resource planning; it's a computerized system used in order to manage resources such as financial, human, tangible assets, or materials. The purpose of this software is to make flow of information easier and to coordinate business functions. ERP can be considered as managing of business practices along with modern technology. ERP is uniting three goals: managing business practices, IT (information technology), and specific business goals.
ERP systems are used in fields such as: manufacturing, financial, human resources, supply chain management, customer relationship management, and data warehouse. It has also been introduced as a part of management syllabus. This system improves in productivity, in speed, and also in performance. It holds a promising future in terms of employment and training. ERP professionals are not chosen on secondary bases.
The market demanding the professionals in ERP, thus an industry has emerged which train candidates who want to pursue in ERP. Therefore, there are companies which offer training programs. Candidates who want to pursue in ERP jobs must be versatile. Only academic qualification and/or only technical knowledge won't be sufficient for the job in ERP. Since the system undergoes changes from time to time, so the candidate must be able to accept these changes. Candidate cannot stick or depend on his learning of one or two software, he must update in all areas of ERP. Aspirant must have knowledge of various applications so that whatever be the demand in market is he could suffice it. Earlier ERP was formally used for one function but now organizations are choosing ERPs for various functions after the advancements in it (such as open source, web facilities, and wireless facilities).
Numbers of job opportunities have emerged such as: ERP vendors; they would be offering services from the very beginning implementation stage. ERP professionals have huge opportunities in larger sector, in large companies not in small sector companies. Surveys made by IT consultants have added to the positive side of ERP. Organizations have realized the utmost importance of ERP in their companies. Professionals in ERP placed in organizations hold jobs designated as: Application programmers, Application developer, and consultant. They must have good knowledge of software codes and languages. As a consultant, the job of ERP would demand prior experience in many backgrounds. There is usually no constraint of which stream does the candidate belongs, however technical knowledge would be compulsory.
Hence jobs in ERP is a promising career, however the fees are expensive. Many institutes provide training programs but applicants are advised to check for their authenticity before applying.
erp training, erp jobs, training and jobs in erp, enterprise resource planning training
ERP stands for Enterprise resource planning; it's a computerized system used in order to manage resources such as financial, human, tangible assets, or materials. The purpose of this software is to make flow of information easier and to coordinate business functions. ERP can be considered as managing of business practices along with modern technology. ERP is uniting three goals: managing business practices, IT (information technology), and specific business goals.
ERP systems are used in fields such as: manufacturing, financial, human resources, supply chain management, customer relationship management, and data warehouse. It has also been introduced as a part of management syllabus. This system improves in productivity, in speed, and also in performance. It holds a promising future in terms of employment and training. ERP professionals are not chosen on secondary bases.
The market demanding the professionals in ERP, thus an industry has emerged which train candidates who want to pursue in ERP. Therefore, there are companies which offer training programs. Candidates who want to pursue in ERP jobs must be versatile. Only academic qualification and/or only technical knowledge won't be sufficient for the job in ERP. Since the system undergoes changes from time to time, so the candidate must be able to accept these changes. Candidate cannot stick or depend on his learning of one or two software, he must update in all areas of ERP. Aspirant must have knowledge of various applications so that whatever be the demand in market is he could suffice it. Earlier ERP was formally used for one function but now organizations are choosing ERPs for various functions after the advancements in it (such as open source, web facilities, and wireless facilities).
Numbers of job opportunities have emerged such as: ERP vendors; they would be offering services from the very beginning implementation stage. ERP professionals have huge opportunities in larger sector, in large companies not in small sector companies. Surveys made by IT consultants have added to the positive side of ERP. Organizations have realized the utmost importance of ERP in their companies. Professionals in ERP placed in organizations hold jobs designated as: Application programmers, Application developer, and consultant. They must have good knowledge of software codes and languages. As a consultant, the job of ERP would demand prior experience in many backgrounds. There is usually no constraint of which stream does the candidate belongs, however technical knowledge would be compulsory.
Hence jobs in ERP is a promising career, however the fees are expensive. Many institutes provide training programs but applicants are advised to check for their authenticity before applying.
erp training, erp jobs, training and jobs in erp, enterprise resource planning training
Equipment Requirements For A Traveling Massage Therapist
Equipment Requirements For A Traveling Massage Therapist
Massage therapists use their skills to help relieve their clients stress and physical pain. They will also provide relief of soft tissue injuries with little or no pain to the client.
Most massage therapists work not only in clinics, wellness centers, sports facilities and such, but many travel to the private homes and the businesses of their clients. This requires them to take their office with them. So, armed with a desire to make people feel better and teach clients how to care for their injuries, the traveling massage therapist needs to have their own equipment.
The most important piece of equipment is a massage table. Since there are dozens of designs to choose from, this is not always an easy choice. A portable table is preferable and needs to be comfortable for the client and not agitate any injuries. Side pockets are very useful and make it easier to work on the client.
The face cradle will need to be considered. The padding should be relaxing for the client and the size should be adjustable. The table should hold 550 pounds comfortably. This sounds like a great deal of weight for the table, but it is more of a safety factor. In addition to all these factors to consider, one should also not forget to think about the weight of the table as well as how easy it will be to transport. You do not want to buy a top of the line table only to discover that it is too awkward or impossible to carry.
The next important piece of equipment for the massage therapist is a chair or stool. Choosing the wrong chair can result in the therapist needing their own massage therapist. The chair needs to be adjustable. Many therapists will buy the massage table and the stool or chair at the same time so that they are sure they will work together. Do not scrimp on the cost of a good chair or stool. There is nothing worse than being stuck hunching over clients all day in a painful position.
Depending on the therapy method that the massage therapist chooses to offer, other items to travel with can include a variety of massage oils, hot stones, a portable stereo, and a few relaxing music CD s to help the client relax. The more benefits a therapist offers, the larger the client list and demand for their services.
Having an assortment of oils is important because it helps to enhance the client s experience. Scented oils can be used to calm, relax, or rejuvenate the mind and body s senses. When choosing oils, make sure that you consider the type that you buy. Some oils do not keep well for very long and can turn rancid, leaving a very unpleasant odor. Others may cause a negative reaction to the client s skin so make sure that you ask about any known allergies before applying oils or lotions to the client s skin. Sweet almond is the most common and popular. The price is very reasonable, so this would be a good oil to start out with.
Because stress is rising not only in the workplace, but in life in general, massage therapy has become more popular over the last few years. Stress can also cause pain and injury to the body, and as a result, the demand for high quality and professional massage therapists is on the rise. Being prepared with the proper equipment and attitude can make massage therapy a very satisfying and lucrative career.
massage therapy supplies, physical therapy supplies
Massage therapists use their skills to help relieve their clients stress and physical pain. They will also provide relief of soft tissue injuries with little or no pain to the client.
Most massage therapists work not only in clinics, wellness centers, sports facilities and such, but many travel to the private homes and the businesses of their clients. This requires them to take their office with them. So, armed with a desire to make people feel better and teach clients how to care for their injuries, the traveling massage therapist needs to have their own equipment.
The most important piece of equipment is a massage table. Since there are dozens of designs to choose from, this is not always an easy choice. A portable table is preferable and needs to be comfortable for the client and not agitate any injuries. Side pockets are very useful and make it easier to work on the client.
The face cradle will need to be considered. The padding should be relaxing for the client and the size should be adjustable. The table should hold 550 pounds comfortably. This sounds like a great deal of weight for the table, but it is more of a safety factor. In addition to all these factors to consider, one should also not forget to think about the weight of the table as well as how easy it will be to transport. You do not want to buy a top of the line table only to discover that it is too awkward or impossible to carry.
The next important piece of equipment for the massage therapist is a chair or stool. Choosing the wrong chair can result in the therapist needing their own massage therapist. The chair needs to be adjustable. Many therapists will buy the massage table and the stool or chair at the same time so that they are sure they will work together. Do not scrimp on the cost of a good chair or stool. There is nothing worse than being stuck hunching over clients all day in a painful position.
Depending on the therapy method that the massage therapist chooses to offer, other items to travel with can include a variety of massage oils, hot stones, a portable stereo, and a few relaxing music CD s to help the client relax. The more benefits a therapist offers, the larger the client list and demand for their services.
Having an assortment of oils is important because it helps to enhance the client s experience. Scented oils can be used to calm, relax, or rejuvenate the mind and body s senses. When choosing oils, make sure that you consider the type that you buy. Some oils do not keep well for very long and can turn rancid, leaving a very unpleasant odor. Others may cause a negative reaction to the client s skin so make sure that you ask about any known allergies before applying oils or lotions to the client s skin. Sweet almond is the most common and popular. The price is very reasonable, so this would be a good oil to start out with.
Because stress is rising not only in the workplace, but in life in general, massage therapy has become more popular over the last few years. Stress can also cause pain and injury to the body, and as a result, the demand for high quality and professional massage therapists is on the rise. Being prepared with the proper equipment and attitude can make massage therapy a very satisfying and lucrative career.
massage therapy supplies, physical therapy supplies
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Going green is now the trend. Consumers are now looking for more environment-friendly products, and in effect, producers are scampering to make recyclable materials or products made from recycled substances. Even printing companies are resorting to materials that are biodegradable and eco-friendly to create full color prints.
So if you need to advertise with prints, and you strongly support the green movement, you do not have to sacrifice your principles or to bend your ways just so you could accommodate the need to market using print products. You have options on recycled and reprocessed paper, innovative vegetable inks and water-based coatings that you can explore to continue supporting environmental causes and at the same time, to push your product more into the market?s summit.
On paper
As you know, recycling paper was already being done even before the turn of the millennium. However, not so many printing companies have been using it. The cost of recycled paper then was still comparatively high.
Since reprocessing old and used paper has become a rampant practice and new ways to trim down the cost of producing this type of paper have emerged, more printing companies are going for greener solutions too.
Recycled paper is made of waste, some of which include trimmings and printed rejects from printing companies. The quality of recycled paper can match that of new paper due to the improved processing method. If you are worried about the color, some recycled papers have the same white quality as newly produced paper.
Plus, they are not expensive anymore. The enhanced procedure has reduced its cost of production, and hence does not contribute much to the expense of printing.
On inks
There are inks that are vegetable-based which offer a better and natural alternative to other inks like those that are petroleum-based. One of the most popular of these inks is soy ink.
Soy inks are derived from soybeans, a legume that has high protein content. It is a good food choice for those who are veering away from meat. Now, its use has extended beyond human nutrition and has crossed over the printing industry.
The advent of soy inks have provided environment-friendly means to print ads. Aside from its obvious benefit, it produces bright colors and makes paper easier to recycle.
The downside of using soy inks is the longer drying time. This is especially difficult if coated paper is used since the fibrous surface of the paper is not exposed to facilitate drying.
On coatings
As for coatings, there are aqueous coatings that are water-based so they are easier to recycle. These coatings provide a light sheen on the surface. Ultraviolet (UV) cured coatings give out a more intense luster but, as opposed to aqueous coatings, UV coatings are more difficult to recycle.
Not all printing companies, however, have these environment-friendly options. You can contact your printer and inquire about your options on eco-beneficial materials.
You can get both ecological and economical solutions for your advertising needs with recyclable full color prints.
full color prints, color prints, print, color
Going green is now the trend. Consumers are now looking for more environment-friendly products, and in effect, producers are scampering to make recyclable materials or products made from recycled substances. Even printing companies are resorting to materials that are biodegradable and eco-friendly to create full color prints.
So if you need to advertise with prints, and you strongly support the green movement, you do not have to sacrifice your principles or to bend your ways just so you could accommodate the need to market using print products. You have options on recycled and reprocessed paper, innovative vegetable inks and water-based coatings that you can explore to continue supporting environmental causes and at the same time, to push your product more into the market?s summit.
On paper
As you know, recycling paper was already being done even before the turn of the millennium. However, not so many printing companies have been using it. The cost of recycled paper then was still comparatively high.
Since reprocessing old and used paper has become a rampant practice and new ways to trim down the cost of producing this type of paper have emerged, more printing companies are going for greener solutions too.
Recycled paper is made of waste, some of which include trimmings and printed rejects from printing companies. The quality of recycled paper can match that of new paper due to the improved processing method. If you are worried about the color, some recycled papers have the same white quality as newly produced paper.
Plus, they are not expensive anymore. The enhanced procedure has reduced its cost of production, and hence does not contribute much to the expense of printing.
On inks
There are inks that are vegetable-based which offer a better and natural alternative to other inks like those that are petroleum-based. One of the most popular of these inks is soy ink.
Soy inks are derived from soybeans, a legume that has high protein content. It is a good food choice for those who are veering away from meat. Now, its use has extended beyond human nutrition and has crossed over the printing industry.
The advent of soy inks have provided environment-friendly means to print ads. Aside from its obvious benefit, it produces bright colors and makes paper easier to recycle.
The downside of using soy inks is the longer drying time. This is especially difficult if coated paper is used since the fibrous surface of the paper is not exposed to facilitate drying.
On coatings
As for coatings, there are aqueous coatings that are water-based so they are easier to recycle. These coatings provide a light sheen on the surface. Ultraviolet (UV) cured coatings give out a more intense luster but, as opposed to aqueous coatings, UV coatings are more difficult to recycle.
Not all printing companies, however, have these environment-friendly options. You can contact your printer and inquire about your options on eco-beneficial materials.
You can get both ecological and economical solutions for your advertising needs with recyclable full color prints.
full color prints, color prints, print, color
Envision Yourself On The Road To A Travel Agent Career
Envision Yourself On The Road To A Travel Agent Career
A travel agent career is the dream of many people. Do you have a vision of travelling the world on a discount or even for free, and imparting your knowledge on your customers? Well, whilst being a travel agent can be this glamorous at times, most of the time is spent in the office or store talking to clients and organizing their vacations for them. All agents find this to be a very rewarding position as vacations are a happy time in people s lives and you are helping to make their dreams a reality. It is however true that many real estate agents receive highly discounted personal travel.
The role of a travel agent is to be able to assess the travel needs of people for both person and business travel. Ideally a travel agent can book an entire trip including flights, transfers, cruises, hotels, entertainment and more. However this is not always the case and some clients only wish for a portion of their travel plans to be arranged by a travel agent. In any case a travel agent must be flexible, knowledgeable and personable when it comes to helping clients in the best possible way.
Most qualified travel agents gain employment with a major or minor travel agency. Less than 15 of qualified travel agents are self employed however this is becoming a more popular option as people s travel needs change. Niche travel agencies that specialize in a particular type of travel are booming. These can include things like African safaris, eco friendly travel, bird watching travel, historical travel and many more options. Being seen as an expert in a particular travel niche can bring you more clients than you would receive if you were a jack of all trades .
To start your travel agent career you must undertake some study. Generally a high school diploma will qualify you to be accepted into a travel agent certificate course. Some travel agents have a bachelor s degree in travel and tourism however this is not necessary, but is an excellent way to boost your career prospects. It is also preferable that a travel agent can speak at least one foreign language and have a very good knowledge of world history and geography. Communication is a skill that is vital for travel agents since you speak to people on a daily basis.
The nice thing about being a travel agent is that it doesn t require too much education, but is a respected career with a decent salary. So if you want to begin your career right away and not spend years seeking a college degree, becoming a travel agent will allow you to do so. The best type of personality for becoming a travel agent is a people person. You will constantly work with people during your career and how well you communicate and portray yourself and your services will determine how well you do in this career.
A travel agent career is a very exciting one and that brings rich variety to each and every day of your working life.
career, careers, job, jobs, resource, employment, resources, reference
A travel agent career is the dream of many people. Do you have a vision of travelling the world on a discount or even for free, and imparting your knowledge on your customers? Well, whilst being a travel agent can be this glamorous at times, most of the time is spent in the office or store talking to clients and organizing their vacations for them. All agents find this to be a very rewarding position as vacations are a happy time in people s lives and you are helping to make their dreams a reality. It is however true that many real estate agents receive highly discounted personal travel.
The role of a travel agent is to be able to assess the travel needs of people for both person and business travel. Ideally a travel agent can book an entire trip including flights, transfers, cruises, hotels, entertainment and more. However this is not always the case and some clients only wish for a portion of their travel plans to be arranged by a travel agent. In any case a travel agent must be flexible, knowledgeable and personable when it comes to helping clients in the best possible way.
Most qualified travel agents gain employment with a major or minor travel agency. Less than 15 of qualified travel agents are self employed however this is becoming a more popular option as people s travel needs change. Niche travel agencies that specialize in a particular type of travel are booming. These can include things like African safaris, eco friendly travel, bird watching travel, historical travel and many more options. Being seen as an expert in a particular travel niche can bring you more clients than you would receive if you were a jack of all trades .
To start your travel agent career you must undertake some study. Generally a high school diploma will qualify you to be accepted into a travel agent certificate course. Some travel agents have a bachelor s degree in travel and tourism however this is not necessary, but is an excellent way to boost your career prospects. It is also preferable that a travel agent can speak at least one foreign language and have a very good knowledge of world history and geography. Communication is a skill that is vital for travel agents since you speak to people on a daily basis.
The nice thing about being a travel agent is that it doesn t require too much education, but is a respected career with a decent salary. So if you want to begin your career right away and not spend years seeking a college degree, becoming a travel agent will allow you to do so. The best type of personality for becoming a travel agent is a people person. You will constantly work with people during your career and how well you communicate and portray yourself and your services will determine how well you do in this career.
A travel agent career is a very exciting one and that brings rich variety to each and every day of your working life.
career, careers, job, jobs, resource, employment, resources, reference
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Entrepreneurship And Strategic Marketing
Entrepreneurship And Strategic Marketing
The demographic segmentation deals with dividing customers according to age, stage in life cycle etc. and it helps banks to design production for all types of people depending on their age, income, etc.
Apart from the behavior based segments, the bank can also adopt segmentation, depending on what the bank wants and not what customers want, banks have different value propositions that it wishes to give customers hence it will segment its products according to its value propositions and as customers take them they automatically fall to segments. The banks have three major objectives and these are get deposits and minimize the cost of funds producing quality credit balances at maximum spread income and to generate free income and reduce services expenses. This leads to the following four segments. There are those people who want to invest others want to borrow, others want convenience and on others are fast limited customers. These segments can be used as a basis for the bank to develop long-term strategies, to attract customers to the different segments.
As much as strategies are good, bank should avoid using one strategy for all products or marketing applications effective segments or marketing applications effective segments. A strategy will vary according to what are the marketing objectives. In the case of attracting new customers who have no history with the bank. The bank will come up with a wedge product strategy where they give customers of other banks a chance to sample some of its products or services for the time being and this will enable them to cross-sell more profitable products to them and create a long lasting relationship with them. This is done by direct marketing for example they can send letters to customers requesting them to try products or phone calls.
In making existing customers to be more profitable, the bank should study their behavior carefully and give them the most appropriate product or service that can turn a marginally customers, their lifestyle and the amounts of cash they handle and the needs comes from good data management. When the bank can use the data it has to identify best ways in available banks, database can enable them to know which customers are profitable, marginally profitable and unprofitable.
Apart from keeping existing customers, banks also need get more and more customers by prospecting well and turning these prospects to potential customers. The methods we have seen that are employed here is the direct mail methods and telephone calls. Geographical prospects can also be employed by use of strategic positioning of new branches at areas where trade is high and directing advertisements to such areas to lure more customers into the banks customer base, whichever the method, banks have realized that CRM is very important because it concerns more on customer satisfaction rather than products. Most banks then have realized that in order to understand customers well and this information is in the banks database. There should be therefore good management of data that gives information about the customers and whether they are profitable or not. For good data management, banks should ensure that:
1. They have relevant and accurate data(information) about the customers,
2. Develop daily, weekly, yearly etc analysis of customers? profitability and
3. Develop tactics on these segments that modify behaviors of both customers and employees to increase sales and revenue while lowering costs.
Banks should ensure good data management by careful collection of customer data, turning this data into knowledge and then using this knowledge to develop strategies and tactics to modify behavior of both employees and customers and prospects to improve long-term profits.
Banks should realize that just aiming at having a large market share is not enough to generate profits. They should also ensure that they do good customer relations management in order to achieve good results. This is by understanding their customer needs well and then the bank will match the customers with available products to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. They should also manage customers well by segmenting them into useful segments based on profitability so as to give them beneficial value prepositions that will make them have good long-term relationship with the bank and hence increase the profitability.
marketing, marketing channels,consumer market, marketing essay, custom essay, essay writing
The demographic segmentation deals with dividing customers according to age, stage in life cycle etc. and it helps banks to design production for all types of people depending on their age, income, etc.
Apart from the behavior based segments, the bank can also adopt segmentation, depending on what the bank wants and not what customers want, banks have different value propositions that it wishes to give customers hence it will segment its products according to its value propositions and as customers take them they automatically fall to segments. The banks have three major objectives and these are get deposits and minimize the cost of funds producing quality credit balances at maximum spread income and to generate free income and reduce services expenses. This leads to the following four segments. There are those people who want to invest others want to borrow, others want convenience and on others are fast limited customers. These segments can be used as a basis for the bank to develop long-term strategies, to attract customers to the different segments.
As much as strategies are good, bank should avoid using one strategy for all products or marketing applications effective segments or marketing applications effective segments. A strategy will vary according to what are the marketing objectives. In the case of attracting new customers who have no history with the bank. The bank will come up with a wedge product strategy where they give customers of other banks a chance to sample some of its products or services for the time being and this will enable them to cross-sell more profitable products to them and create a long lasting relationship with them. This is done by direct marketing for example they can send letters to customers requesting them to try products or phone calls.
In making existing customers to be more profitable, the bank should study their behavior carefully and give them the most appropriate product or service that can turn a marginally customers, their lifestyle and the amounts of cash they handle and the needs comes from good data management. When the bank can use the data it has to identify best ways in available banks, database can enable them to know which customers are profitable, marginally profitable and unprofitable.
Apart from keeping existing customers, banks also need get more and more customers by prospecting well and turning these prospects to potential customers. The methods we have seen that are employed here is the direct mail methods and telephone calls. Geographical prospects can also be employed by use of strategic positioning of new branches at areas where trade is high and directing advertisements to such areas to lure more customers into the banks customer base, whichever the method, banks have realized that CRM is very important because it concerns more on customer satisfaction rather than products. Most banks then have realized that in order to understand customers well and this information is in the banks database. There should be therefore good management of data that gives information about the customers and whether they are profitable or not. For good data management, banks should ensure that:
1. They have relevant and accurate data(information) about the customers,
2. Develop daily, weekly, yearly etc analysis of customers? profitability and
3. Develop tactics on these segments that modify behaviors of both customers and employees to increase sales and revenue while lowering costs.
Banks should ensure good data management by careful collection of customer data, turning this data into knowledge and then using this knowledge to develop strategies and tactics to modify behavior of both employees and customers and prospects to improve long-term profits.
Banks should realize that just aiming at having a large market share is not enough to generate profits. They should also ensure that they do good customer relations management in order to achieve good results. This is by understanding their customer needs well and then the bank will match the customers with available products to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. They should also manage customers well by segmenting them into useful segments based on profitability so as to give them beneficial value prepositions that will make them have good long-term relationship with the bank and hence increase the profitability.
marketing, marketing channels,consumer market, marketing essay, custom essay, essay writing
Entry Level Jobs
Entry Level Jobs
Because of the current US economy, many American companies are laying off workers. But also, it is a fact that many companies prefer to hire recent college graduates. Our research has shown that job availability for the recent college grad may not be exactly the doom and gloom that the mainstream media has presented. Lets take a look at what you need to do in order to find an entry level job.
You need to make sure you are in the proper mind set for finding an entry level job. You must realize that the old clich? of "finding a job is a full time job" is true, and be prepared to be focused and persistent in your job search. Our research has shown that the jobs are there, and you will find the right fit if you are persistent. But it is also very important that you contact the right potential employer.
Although by definition, entry level means that you do not need work experience, this is far from the truth. You absolutely need to have some work experience if you want to obtain an entry level position. It is desirable that you have some experience in the field you are trying to enter. But how can you gain experience if you can not enter the field in the first place.
During your college years, and even your high school years, in preparation for an entry level position, you should have been gaining some work experience by doing some volunteer work in your field of interest. If you can show your potential employer that you indeed have a passion for your area of interest, you will be in a much more competitive position to gain an entry level job. So hopefully at this point, you have gained some work experience during your high school and or college years, and although it may not be much, even a small amount of work experience can be helpful.
What if you could not find volunteer work in your area of interest. You need some documentation, other then the degree you earned, that shows a potential employer that you have a passion for your area. You can write online articles, put up a website, use sites like LinkedIn, ZoomInfo or Google Profile. Facebook is probably not a good option, since Facebook is like a diary, something to be opened only by people with authorization. The point is, you need to have some online presence or documentation which displays your passion for your area of interest.
For those who do have work experience, make sure that your previous supervisor or supervisors can provide a good employment reference for you. If you have been a competent, reliable worker with a good attitude, then a previous supervisor should not have any problem in terms of providing a good employment reference.
The next step is to write a resume, or Curriculum Vitae, that stands out from all the others. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a detailed listing of your educational achievements, publications, presentations, professional activities, and honors. The Curriculum Vitae is longer than the typical resume, and may consist of two pages or more. A CV is usually necessary only if you are seeking a faculty, research, clinical or scientific position. For other positions, you can use a resume.
But whether you use a CV or a resume, it should clearly show to the potential employer some work experience which is directly or remotely related to the job you are seeking. Include both volunteer and non volunteer work on your resume or CV.
When looking for companies to send your resume to, you need to use a list which is made up of companies which prefer to hire a large number of recent college grads. Do a Google query "2009 Top Entry Level Employers" and you will find the list on the top of the page. This list covers companies of all sizes and industries and speaks to the need for fresh talent in spite of a challenging economy. At last count, this list consists of 384 companies and provides a very good starting point for college grads who are seeking employment.
In terms of number of entry level new hires, top of the list is Verizon Wireless, a telecommunications company. They are expecting to take on 13,198 new hires from the ranks of recent college grads for 2009. Which for a bad economy, is not bad. The key is to find those companies on the list which are in your field of interest. There are companies out there who prefer to hire college grads, and the doom and gloom that the main stream media presents to the general public about job availability for college grads, may not be as realistic as you are lead to believe.
After you put together an excellent resume, and you send it off to the companies you would like to work at, you should immediately start to prepare thoroughly for your interview. While you may not know the exact company that may give you a call for an interview, almost all interviews consist of a large part which is made up of common questions, which are found at almost all interviews. These are the questions you can prepare for when waiting for the phone to ring. Do a Google query "Tough Job Interview Questions for Tough Times" and you will find on the top of the page an article which contains a list of interview questions. Use this list when preparing for an interview.
One more very important point needs to made when it comes to the job interview for an entry level job. Because you are a recent college grad, and therefore you do not have a lot of work experience to talk about, it is very important that you present to the interviewer, an enthusiastic attitude. Specifically, present yourself as someone who is hungry to learn and has a strong desire to advance within the company.
To conclude, the basic elements of finding an entry level job are proper job seeking attitude, work experience, resume, and interview. Optimizing these elements will result in you finding the entry level job of choice. While today, the use of the Internet and networking results in a more efficient means to finding an entry level job, the need for optimizing these basic elements has never changed, and most likely never will, when seeking a job. The good news is, there are many companies today which prefer to hire the recent college graduate. But given the current economy, competition for the entry level jobs is intense, and therefore optimization of these elements becomes even more important.
entry level jobs,job seeking,jobs for college grads,jobs,employment
Because of the current US economy, many American companies are laying off workers. But also, it is a fact that many companies prefer to hire recent college graduates. Our research has shown that job availability for the recent college grad may not be exactly the doom and gloom that the mainstream media has presented. Lets take a look at what you need to do in order to find an entry level job.
You need to make sure you are in the proper mind set for finding an entry level job. You must realize that the old clich? of "finding a job is a full time job" is true, and be prepared to be focused and persistent in your job search. Our research has shown that the jobs are there, and you will find the right fit if you are persistent. But it is also very important that you contact the right potential employer.
Although by definition, entry level means that you do not need work experience, this is far from the truth. You absolutely need to have some work experience if you want to obtain an entry level position. It is desirable that you have some experience in the field you are trying to enter. But how can you gain experience if you can not enter the field in the first place.
During your college years, and even your high school years, in preparation for an entry level position, you should have been gaining some work experience by doing some volunteer work in your field of interest. If you can show your potential employer that you indeed have a passion for your area of interest, you will be in a much more competitive position to gain an entry level job. So hopefully at this point, you have gained some work experience during your high school and or college years, and although it may not be much, even a small amount of work experience can be helpful.
What if you could not find volunteer work in your area of interest. You need some documentation, other then the degree you earned, that shows a potential employer that you have a passion for your area. You can write online articles, put up a website, use sites like LinkedIn, ZoomInfo or Google Profile. Facebook is probably not a good option, since Facebook is like a diary, something to be opened only by people with authorization. The point is, you need to have some online presence or documentation which displays your passion for your area of interest.
For those who do have work experience, make sure that your previous supervisor or supervisors can provide a good employment reference for you. If you have been a competent, reliable worker with a good attitude, then a previous supervisor should not have any problem in terms of providing a good employment reference.
The next step is to write a resume, or Curriculum Vitae, that stands out from all the others. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a detailed listing of your educational achievements, publications, presentations, professional activities, and honors. The Curriculum Vitae is longer than the typical resume, and may consist of two pages or more. A CV is usually necessary only if you are seeking a faculty, research, clinical or scientific position. For other positions, you can use a resume.
But whether you use a CV or a resume, it should clearly show to the potential employer some work experience which is directly or remotely related to the job you are seeking. Include both volunteer and non volunteer work on your resume or CV.
When looking for companies to send your resume to, you need to use a list which is made up of companies which prefer to hire a large number of recent college grads. Do a Google query "2009 Top Entry Level Employers" and you will find the list on the top of the page. This list covers companies of all sizes and industries and speaks to the need for fresh talent in spite of a challenging economy. At last count, this list consists of 384 companies and provides a very good starting point for college grads who are seeking employment.
In terms of number of entry level new hires, top of the list is Verizon Wireless, a telecommunications company. They are expecting to take on 13,198 new hires from the ranks of recent college grads for 2009. Which for a bad economy, is not bad. The key is to find those companies on the list which are in your field of interest. There are companies out there who prefer to hire college grads, and the doom and gloom that the main stream media presents to the general public about job availability for college grads, may not be as realistic as you are lead to believe.
After you put together an excellent resume, and you send it off to the companies you would like to work at, you should immediately start to prepare thoroughly for your interview. While you may not know the exact company that may give you a call for an interview, almost all interviews consist of a large part which is made up of common questions, which are found at almost all interviews. These are the questions you can prepare for when waiting for the phone to ring. Do a Google query "Tough Job Interview Questions for Tough Times" and you will find on the top of the page an article which contains a list of interview questions. Use this list when preparing for an interview.
One more very important point needs to made when it comes to the job interview for an entry level job. Because you are a recent college grad, and therefore you do not have a lot of work experience to talk about, it is very important that you present to the interviewer, an enthusiastic attitude. Specifically, present yourself as someone who is hungry to learn and has a strong desire to advance within the company.
To conclude, the basic elements of finding an entry level job are proper job seeking attitude, work experience, resume, and interview. Optimizing these elements will result in you finding the entry level job of choice. While today, the use of the Internet and networking results in a more efficient means to finding an entry level job, the need for optimizing these basic elements has never changed, and most likely never will, when seeking a job. The good news is, there are many companies today which prefer to hire the recent college graduate. But given the current economy, competition for the entry level jobs is intense, and therefore optimization of these elements becomes even more important.
entry level jobs,job seeking,jobs for college grads,jobs,employment
Entry Level Accountant Jobs
Entry Level Accountant Jobs
There are plenty of entry level opportunities for new accounting graduates. In recent years there have been smaller numbers of students choosing accounting as their field of study creating a shortage of accounting graduates. There are several reasons for this; one the requirements have become tougher; two the field has gotten a bad reputation from accounting scandals; and three increasingly complex laws and regulations have made it an unpopular field to work in for many.
There are four basic fields of accounting: Public Accounting; Managerial Accounting; Governmental Accounting; and, Internal Auditing. Each of these fields has widely varying job duties, however the fundamental tasks of the profession broadly stated "are to prepare, analyze, and verify financial documents in order to provide information to clients". Most accounting jobs require at least a bachelor degree in accounting, but previous job experience is also helpful and most collages offer part time and summer internships.
It is important for aspiring accountants to have an aptitude for math and be and able to analyze, compare, and interpret facts and figures quickly and accurately. Good communication skills both verbally and in writing are essential. Accountants must be able to work with people, business systems, and computers effectively and have a familiarity with basic accounting and computer software packages as well as be able to understand complex law regulations and accounting concepts.
As mentioned earlier the requirements for accountants have become more stringent in recent years. As of 2007, 42 States and the District of Columbia required CPA candidates to have 150 semester hours of college coursework, which is an additional 30 hours beyond the usual four year bachelor's degree and several other States are in the process of implementing similar requirements. Many schools have altered their programs as a result and now offer masters degrees as part of the 150 hours. Becoming a CPA will be much more difficult in the future. Even though CPAs are regulated by their individual states, the very rigorous two day four-part Uniform CPA Examination is used throughout the United States. Also there is an experience requirement for a CPA certificate in most states; however requirements vary from state to state.
According to Robert Half International a private recruiting firm specializing in accounting and auditing both the job and salary outlook is very good for entry level accountants for the next ten years. Their conclusions are supported by figures from the federal government as well. Logically, the best opportunities will exist for those with a masters degree, a certification or expertise with accounting and auditing software, so the better prepared candidates will find the best entry level opportunities and also the best chances for advancement. To improve your chances of getting a great job test your skills by taking the accountant college course online.
There are plenty of entry level opportunities for new accounting graduates. In recent years there have been smaller numbers of students choosing accounting as their field of study creating a shortage of accounting graduates. There are several reasons for this; one the requirements have become tougher; two the field has gotten a bad reputation from accounting scandals; and three increasingly complex laws and regulations have made it an unpopular field to work in for many.
There are four basic fields of accounting: Public Accounting; Managerial Accounting; Governmental Accounting; and, Internal Auditing. Each of these fields has widely varying job duties, however the fundamental tasks of the profession broadly stated "are to prepare, analyze, and verify financial documents in order to provide information to clients". Most accounting jobs require at least a bachelor degree in accounting, but previous job experience is also helpful and most collages offer part time and summer internships.
It is important for aspiring accountants to have an aptitude for math and be and able to analyze, compare, and interpret facts and figures quickly and accurately. Good communication skills both verbally and in writing are essential. Accountants must be able to work with people, business systems, and computers effectively and have a familiarity with basic accounting and computer software packages as well as be able to understand complex law regulations and accounting concepts.
As mentioned earlier the requirements for accountants have become more stringent in recent years. As of 2007, 42 States and the District of Columbia required CPA candidates to have 150 semester hours of college coursework, which is an additional 30 hours beyond the usual four year bachelor's degree and several other States are in the process of implementing similar requirements. Many schools have altered their programs as a result and now offer masters degrees as part of the 150 hours. Becoming a CPA will be much more difficult in the future. Even though CPAs are regulated by their individual states, the very rigorous two day four-part Uniform CPA Examination is used throughout the United States. Also there is an experience requirement for a CPA certificate in most states; however requirements vary from state to state.
According to Robert Half International a private recruiting firm specializing in accounting and auditing both the job and salary outlook is very good for entry level accountants for the next ten years. Their conclusions are supported by figures from the federal government as well. Logically, the best opportunities will exist for those with a masters degree, a certification or expertise with accounting and auditing software, so the better prepared candidates will find the best entry level opportunities and also the best chances for advancement. To improve your chances of getting a great job test your skills by taking the accountant college course online.
Entrepreneur Characteristics ? The 5 ?C?s? Of Success
Entrepreneur Characteristics ? The 5 ?C?s? Of Success
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an entrepreneur as ?one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.? That?s true, of course, but this definition doesn?t tell the whole story?namely the entrepreneur characteristics that define their success and, more importantly, the intrinsic drive it takes to achieve that success.
There are 5 entrepreneur characteristics that are common among anyone who strives to start and run his or her own business. These characteristics are found in entrepreneurs at any age, in any industry, and at any socioeconomic level.
The 5 ?C?s? of entrepreneur characteristics are:
Commitment: An entrepreneur has to be 100% committed to his or her idea, vision, product or service, and business strategy to achieve his or her goals. Call it dedication. Call it perseverance. By any name, commitment is one of those entrepreneur characteristics that embodies the daily drive to take another step closer to his or her dream, to stay focused, and to work tirelessly in the face of adversity.
Confidence: Entrepreneur characteristics like confidence go hand-in-hand with commitment. Entrepreneurs have to believe in themselves and believe in what they?re doing. Whether it?s creating social change, inventing a new product, or improving a service, confidence is an entrepreneur characteristic that enables them to strive under pressure and be a strong leader.
Creativity: Entrepreneurs are creative by nature. They have a knack for seeing things from a different perspective than most people, and then developing an inventive product or service to improve other people?s lives and businesses (and sometimes both). It?s said that entrepreneurs are born. If so, creativity is one of the innate entrepreneur characteristics that causes them to see the brick and imagine the building.
Courage: An entrepreneur has to be courageous. After all, it?s scary to venture out on your own with little more than a dream and the passion to create something out of nothing. Courage is a characteristic of entrepreneurs that gives them the grit and conviction that success is possible if they never stop working towards their goals.
Collaboration: Entrepreneurs are born leaders, but they also know they can?t do everything themselves. They see the big picture and bring others on board who share their vision and fulfill a key part of their business. Entrepreneur characteristics like leadership and collaboration enable them to beat their competition because everyone works as a team to achieve a specific goal.
While these are only five of the many entrepreneur characteristics, they are all critical for someone to carve their own path in business. Whether his or her desire is to make money or improve the lives of others (or both), he or she almost undoubtedly personifies the 5 ?C?s? of entrepreneur characteristics.
Do these entrepreneur characteristics sound strangely familiar? Are you an entrepreneur that needs a jump-start in your business? Daisy Swan Associates specialize in career coaching to help nurture these entrepreneur characteristics for those who hear the call of their own venture. The company also supports people in recognizing and pursuing other career paths when confusion sets in and they feel overwhelmed by what to do next. Visit or call 310.820.8877 to learn more.
Entrepreneur Characteristics
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an entrepreneur as ?one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.? That?s true, of course, but this definition doesn?t tell the whole story?namely the entrepreneur characteristics that define their success and, more importantly, the intrinsic drive it takes to achieve that success.
There are 5 entrepreneur characteristics that are common among anyone who strives to start and run his or her own business. These characteristics are found in entrepreneurs at any age, in any industry, and at any socioeconomic level.
The 5 ?C?s? of entrepreneur characteristics are:
Commitment: An entrepreneur has to be 100% committed to his or her idea, vision, product or service, and business strategy to achieve his or her goals. Call it dedication. Call it perseverance. By any name, commitment is one of those entrepreneur characteristics that embodies the daily drive to take another step closer to his or her dream, to stay focused, and to work tirelessly in the face of adversity.
Confidence: Entrepreneur characteristics like confidence go hand-in-hand with commitment. Entrepreneurs have to believe in themselves and believe in what they?re doing. Whether it?s creating social change, inventing a new product, or improving a service, confidence is an entrepreneur characteristic that enables them to strive under pressure and be a strong leader.
Creativity: Entrepreneurs are creative by nature. They have a knack for seeing things from a different perspective than most people, and then developing an inventive product or service to improve other people?s lives and businesses (and sometimes both). It?s said that entrepreneurs are born. If so, creativity is one of the innate entrepreneur characteristics that causes them to see the brick and imagine the building.
Courage: An entrepreneur has to be courageous. After all, it?s scary to venture out on your own with little more than a dream and the passion to create something out of nothing. Courage is a characteristic of entrepreneurs that gives them the grit and conviction that success is possible if they never stop working towards their goals.
Collaboration: Entrepreneurs are born leaders, but they also know they can?t do everything themselves. They see the big picture and bring others on board who share their vision and fulfill a key part of their business. Entrepreneur characteristics like leadership and collaboration enable them to beat their competition because everyone works as a team to achieve a specific goal.
While these are only five of the many entrepreneur characteristics, they are all critical for someone to carve their own path in business. Whether his or her desire is to make money or improve the lives of others (or both), he or she almost undoubtedly personifies the 5 ?C?s? of entrepreneur characteristics.
Do these entrepreneur characteristics sound strangely familiar? Are you an entrepreneur that needs a jump-start in your business? Daisy Swan Associates specialize in career coaching to help nurture these entrepreneur characteristics for those who hear the call of their own venture. The company also supports people in recognizing and pursuing other career paths when confusion sets in and they feel overwhelmed by what to do next. Visit or call 310.820.8877 to learn more.
Entrepreneur Characteristics
Entrepreneurial Environments: How To Make Them Fast Fun And Free
Entrepreneurial Environments: How To Make Them Fast, Fun And Free
We all wish everyone could leave their problems at the office door and just get the work done. Most of us also wish we could help when an employee?s personal situations get out of hand. Yet, there is a fine line between being caring and compassionate or cold and callous. This fine line takes an understanding of ones own reaction patterns when faced with employees who need help in resolving out of office issues.
Tensions that go unresolved cost millions of dollars in lost productivity, conflict, absenteeism, and health issues. Research indicates that senior executives spend over half their time resolving staff personality conflicts. The amount of time has doubled since the 1980?s and as economic pressures increase so does the time dealing with personal employee issues. It is estimated that HR executives spend up to one fifth of their time dealing with litigation activities, and a full thirty percent of a typical manager?s time is spent dealing with conflict.
Why does stress get so dialed up at work? One of the main facts is that when stress hits the hot button we are all prone to revert to behaviors we learned as children for survival and security. So, if you think your co workers are behaving like babies, you?re probably right! Knowing this can help you with the difficult conversations that inevitably need to occur if the business of business is to get done. You may not be able to resolve issues, yet, you can point employees in the right direction. Patterns we learned as youngsters may have helped us cope when we were young. As adults they get in the way and act as smoke screens we hope will be our protective shields.
Here are some guidelines to help navigate that narrow place between being too cold or too caring. Please remember, work is not a rehab facility. If you have a valuable employee who has been a great producer you can offer the help of an EAP, modify work hours, offer short term leave, or if possible, realign responsibilities.
It is not your job to diagnose or treat. Yet, often when employees are reticent about getting help you can ask some open ended questions that will help them decide to take action.
First, here are signs of distress and reverting to old patterns of behavior:
* increased absenteeism (pattern of avoider)
* reduced productivity (pattern of procrastinator)
* friction with employees (pattern of persecutor/bully)
* crying or yelling (pattern of drama queen or king)
* dressing inappropriately (pattern of rebel)
* becoming accident prone (pattern of victim)
* comes in very early/stays very late/complaining (pattern of martyr)
* making jokes out of everything (pattern of clown)
* constant forgetting (pattern of denier)
* always me, me, me (pattern of super achiever)
* jumping in to save everyone (pattern of rescuer)
* drowning in work, can?t say no, burnout (pattern of pleaser)
* Talks about everyone to everyone (pattern of splitter)
Your job is to be gravity! Open ended questions can begin the process of defining what can and can?t be achieved. First, share your concerns using ?I statements?. Start with ?I don?t know what the problem is, I?m here to help and if you choose not to share personal information that is okay, it?s really not my business. Yet, your performance is my business. Help me understand how we can make changes that need to happen.?
You do not have to outline all the concerns, this is not a performance review, it is an offer to be compassionate and look for solutions. If you begin to list all the problems or offer quick solutions you are in the role of ?good/bad parent? and the childhood patterns lock in.
You want the employee to respond from a mature, healthy place rather than from knee jerk old behaviors. Therefore, ask the questions that will give them the responsibility of their own accountability. Some will be willing to stay in the conversation at that time, others need time to recalibrate and can be offered a set time later that day or the next to respond. Let the employee choose the time, this is part of accountability. However, no more that one day should go by without a response.
When the employee is ready to talk it is your job to let them present their concerns. You can listen actively and then say ?Tell me more? and wait. That is part of your ?gravity role?. It is after that you can respond with a set of conditions that need to be met and a time line of agreements.
Next steps: If there is no change and no response that shows change is possible you again come from an ?I statement?. Here is an example: ?I feel frustrated that there is no change. I don?t know what the personal problem is, however you are putting your job at risk?. Do not lecture, plead, use fear, blame or judge. Be clear and concise. This meeting is usually shorter than the prior one. Again, if you take on the role of judge it often does resemble that of parent and the old patterned behavior get embedded.
Besides keeping alert to specific personnel problems, firms need to adopt a structural orientation, creating office environments in which old patterns don?t get much room to grow. Until recently, most companies have frowned on the public expression of emotions, especially negative ones; there is simply no room for anger, jealousy, disappointment, fear, frustration, rejection or sadness. There was no place to talk about financial problems at home or relational issues such as separation, divorce, ill or poorly behaving children.
Don?t bring it to work is the mantra. Only work issues are allowed. However, if we shut down expressing ourselves in an adult way, sharing our concerns and struggles, stress builds and emotions get buried in deeper, more primal parts of our nervous systems until, like a latent volcano, they begin to bubble and finally erupt.
Here are some suggestions for rethinking workplace structure. These are long term thoughts to help:
*Create Balance: Offices structured with excessive emphasis on rules and boundaries create secrets and silence; those which are too flexible are filled with gossip and rumors. In a balanced workplace there is a requirement to ask lots of open ended questions and check out assumptions directly with the source. Accountability is rewarded.
*Encourage the safe expression of emotions: Stiff upper lip cultures promote an every body is always happy and in control setting, impossible and phony. Tell it like it is cultures often promote too much time talking about and analyzing what is done and said and work is put on the back burner. When we can say what we feel and think and express ourselves respectfully and honestly there is a healthy capacity to ?see it, say it, and let it go?.
*Educate: Have brown bag lunch lectures to discuss heath subjects, financial information and relationship tips. This is in addition to wellness programs to help employees stop smoking or consider weight issues. Although firms cannot take away fear of financial concerns offering educational seminars can help. This is the same with parenting and partnering issues. Sometimes just one seminar can get an employee started with exactly what they need to solve a personal problem.
Workplaces for the 21st Century are more complex than they have ever been. We now go at the speed of light and take so little time to think through priorities, we often stay on the tread mill of patterned responses. Studies in emotional intelligence call upon executives to understand not merely the financial nuts and bolts of a business but also the communication patterns of those they lead. Becoming pattern aware builds upon cognitive psychology and emotional intelligence.
Helping employees observe, understand and transform their patterns is a way to engage a healthy workforce. When the healthy opposites of patterns surface, avoiders become initiators, and procrastinators become realizers, persecutors become visionaries, rebels become community builders, and victims become explorers and so on. The full list is in the book ?Don?t Bring It to Work? as well as the tools for transforming the old out dated patterns to ones that enhance positive adult relationships both at work and at home.
The best employers, the smartest entrepreneurs don?t just want their employees to survive; they want to support a culture that is open, fun, and cooperative. In a thriving work culture individuals are proactive, taking charge of work relationships, being initiators to resolve conflict, being accountable for their part in any difficult situations that lead to hard feelings.
Making changes in the culture of a work setting takes courage. It means speaking up in a clear and responsible manner. It means knowing that everyone in the system is part of the problem and also part of the change. The rewards are many. The jackpot includes healthy, productive, and fulfilling relationships up and down the organization.
Office Conflict, Resolution, Workplace Relationships, Patterns of Behavior, Transformation, HR
We all wish everyone could leave their problems at the office door and just get the work done. Most of us also wish we could help when an employee?s personal situations get out of hand. Yet, there is a fine line between being caring and compassionate or cold and callous. This fine line takes an understanding of ones own reaction patterns when faced with employees who need help in resolving out of office issues.
Tensions that go unresolved cost millions of dollars in lost productivity, conflict, absenteeism, and health issues. Research indicates that senior executives spend over half their time resolving staff personality conflicts. The amount of time has doubled since the 1980?s and as economic pressures increase so does the time dealing with personal employee issues. It is estimated that HR executives spend up to one fifth of their time dealing with litigation activities, and a full thirty percent of a typical manager?s time is spent dealing with conflict.
Why does stress get so dialed up at work? One of the main facts is that when stress hits the hot button we are all prone to revert to behaviors we learned as children for survival and security. So, if you think your co workers are behaving like babies, you?re probably right! Knowing this can help you with the difficult conversations that inevitably need to occur if the business of business is to get done. You may not be able to resolve issues, yet, you can point employees in the right direction. Patterns we learned as youngsters may have helped us cope when we were young. As adults they get in the way and act as smoke screens we hope will be our protective shields.
Here are some guidelines to help navigate that narrow place between being too cold or too caring. Please remember, work is not a rehab facility. If you have a valuable employee who has been a great producer you can offer the help of an EAP, modify work hours, offer short term leave, or if possible, realign responsibilities.
It is not your job to diagnose or treat. Yet, often when employees are reticent about getting help you can ask some open ended questions that will help them decide to take action.
First, here are signs of distress and reverting to old patterns of behavior:
* increased absenteeism (pattern of avoider)
* reduced productivity (pattern of procrastinator)
* friction with employees (pattern of persecutor/bully)
* crying or yelling (pattern of drama queen or king)
* dressing inappropriately (pattern of rebel)
* becoming accident prone (pattern of victim)
* comes in very early/stays very late/complaining (pattern of martyr)
* making jokes out of everything (pattern of clown)
* constant forgetting (pattern of denier)
* always me, me, me (pattern of super achiever)
* jumping in to save everyone (pattern of rescuer)
* drowning in work, can?t say no, burnout (pattern of pleaser)
* Talks about everyone to everyone (pattern of splitter)
Your job is to be gravity! Open ended questions can begin the process of defining what can and can?t be achieved. First, share your concerns using ?I statements?. Start with ?I don?t know what the problem is, I?m here to help and if you choose not to share personal information that is okay, it?s really not my business. Yet, your performance is my business. Help me understand how we can make changes that need to happen.?
You do not have to outline all the concerns, this is not a performance review, it is an offer to be compassionate and look for solutions. If you begin to list all the problems or offer quick solutions you are in the role of ?good/bad parent? and the childhood patterns lock in.
You want the employee to respond from a mature, healthy place rather than from knee jerk old behaviors. Therefore, ask the questions that will give them the responsibility of their own accountability. Some will be willing to stay in the conversation at that time, others need time to recalibrate and can be offered a set time later that day or the next to respond. Let the employee choose the time, this is part of accountability. However, no more that one day should go by without a response.
When the employee is ready to talk it is your job to let them present their concerns. You can listen actively and then say ?Tell me more? and wait. That is part of your ?gravity role?. It is after that you can respond with a set of conditions that need to be met and a time line of agreements.
Next steps: If there is no change and no response that shows change is possible you again come from an ?I statement?. Here is an example: ?I feel frustrated that there is no change. I don?t know what the personal problem is, however you are putting your job at risk?. Do not lecture, plead, use fear, blame or judge. Be clear and concise. This meeting is usually shorter than the prior one. Again, if you take on the role of judge it often does resemble that of parent and the old patterned behavior get embedded.
Besides keeping alert to specific personnel problems, firms need to adopt a structural orientation, creating office environments in which old patterns don?t get much room to grow. Until recently, most companies have frowned on the public expression of emotions, especially negative ones; there is simply no room for anger, jealousy, disappointment, fear, frustration, rejection or sadness. There was no place to talk about financial problems at home or relational issues such as separation, divorce, ill or poorly behaving children.
Don?t bring it to work is the mantra. Only work issues are allowed. However, if we shut down expressing ourselves in an adult way, sharing our concerns and struggles, stress builds and emotions get buried in deeper, more primal parts of our nervous systems until, like a latent volcano, they begin to bubble and finally erupt.
Here are some suggestions for rethinking workplace structure. These are long term thoughts to help:
*Create Balance: Offices structured with excessive emphasis on rules and boundaries create secrets and silence; those which are too flexible are filled with gossip and rumors. In a balanced workplace there is a requirement to ask lots of open ended questions and check out assumptions directly with the source. Accountability is rewarded.
*Encourage the safe expression of emotions: Stiff upper lip cultures promote an every body is always happy and in control setting, impossible and phony. Tell it like it is cultures often promote too much time talking about and analyzing what is done and said and work is put on the back burner. When we can say what we feel and think and express ourselves respectfully and honestly there is a healthy capacity to ?see it, say it, and let it go?.
*Educate: Have brown bag lunch lectures to discuss heath subjects, financial information and relationship tips. This is in addition to wellness programs to help employees stop smoking or consider weight issues. Although firms cannot take away fear of financial concerns offering educational seminars can help. This is the same with parenting and partnering issues. Sometimes just one seminar can get an employee started with exactly what they need to solve a personal problem.
Workplaces for the 21st Century are more complex than they have ever been. We now go at the speed of light and take so little time to think through priorities, we often stay on the tread mill of patterned responses. Studies in emotional intelligence call upon executives to understand not merely the financial nuts and bolts of a business but also the communication patterns of those they lead. Becoming pattern aware builds upon cognitive psychology and emotional intelligence.
Helping employees observe, understand and transform their patterns is a way to engage a healthy workforce. When the healthy opposites of patterns surface, avoiders become initiators, and procrastinators become realizers, persecutors become visionaries, rebels become community builders, and victims become explorers and so on. The full list is in the book ?Don?t Bring It to Work? as well as the tools for transforming the old out dated patterns to ones that enhance positive adult relationships both at work and at home.
The best employers, the smartest entrepreneurs don?t just want their employees to survive; they want to support a culture that is open, fun, and cooperative. In a thriving work culture individuals are proactive, taking charge of work relationships, being initiators to resolve conflict, being accountable for their part in any difficult situations that lead to hard feelings.
Making changes in the culture of a work setting takes courage. It means speaking up in a clear and responsible manner. It means knowing that everyone in the system is part of the problem and also part of the change. The rewards are many. The jackpot includes healthy, productive, and fulfilling relationships up and down the organization.
Office Conflict, Resolution, Workplace Relationships, Patterns of Behavior, Transformation, HR
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Enter Into Joint Ventures With Caution
Enter Into Joint Ventures With Caution
A joint venture, or JV, is the name for the entity created when two companies or individuals create a mutually beneficial partnership. Joint ventures can be a great means for small businesses to gain market share or increase their skills and services. In order to create a successful JV, however, there are a few things to keep in mind.
A joint venture entered into without research or caution is setting itself up for failure. If both parties don't take the process seriously they could lose valuable time and money, or worse destroy their business. To avoid these pitfalls, there are several things one can consider: choose your partner carefully, make sure you share a common goal and above all, stay organized.
Your choice of partner is probably the most important aspect of creating a successful JV. It's very important that you know your partner well and are confident that they are a trustworthy person or organization. It can be all too easy to get sucked in by a smooth talker who promises you a huge list of client contacts or millions of dollars practically overnight. Don't let your heart's desire run away with your mind's better judgment. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
It's best to find out as much as you can about any partner candidates you're considering. Look up information about them online and ask them for references and a detailed resume.
Knowing as much as you can about your partner is important, but it can be detrimental to enter into a business agreement with a close friend or loved one. If the JV were to fail, you could lose a valuable relationship along with your business. It can also be tempting to cut corners if you're working with a friend. It can be awkward to write out a binding legal contract that outlines both of your responsibilities when you would rather just trust the person to uphold his or her end of the deal. If you give in to this temptation, it might turn out that you never had the same long-term vision of the JV at all, and it can turn into a disappointment for all involved.
It is also advisable to seek a partner with skills that compliment your own. You should trust them, but not be so close that your personal relationship will interfere with day-to-day business operations. Maybe you enjoy designing new advertising campaigns, but you can't find last month's electric bill to put it in your expenditure log. You could look for a partner with better organizational skills.
Making sure that both partners share a similar vision is also very important. In order to reach a common goal, both parties must define it and see the path to reaching that goal. If you and your partner have disparate ideas about your goals, it's not likely your venture will last very long. You can't reach two different goals if they are in direct conflict with each other.
Maintaining proper books and adhering to the business plan can make or break your JV. To start, write out a clear business plan that lines out your expected achievements and benchmarks for getting there. The plan will also define each partner's responsibilities.
Along with a clear business plan, it's important to draw up a binding contract that outlines the legal details of your JV. This agreement will articulate the legal responsibilities of each party.
Establishing a successful JV also requires that you organize your time. Don't spread yourself too thin. Understand that a new business takes a lot of time and energy. Don't expect to be able to focus on two projects at the same time. Choose a time in your life when you have enough time, support, and resources to really focus on the JV.
With a good partnership with defined goals and values, strong organizational skills and a little time and effort, starting a joint venture can be very rewarding. In fact, it could be one of the most effective ways to increase your revenues. Just remember to research and do your homework to figure out how to make your joint venture work for you.
joint venture, joint ventures, benefits, joint venture information, joint venture opportunity, successful joint venture
A joint venture, or JV, is the name for the entity created when two companies or individuals create a mutually beneficial partnership. Joint ventures can be a great means for small businesses to gain market share or increase their skills and services. In order to create a successful JV, however, there are a few things to keep in mind.
A joint venture entered into without research or caution is setting itself up for failure. If both parties don't take the process seriously they could lose valuable time and money, or worse destroy their business. To avoid these pitfalls, there are several things one can consider: choose your partner carefully, make sure you share a common goal and above all, stay organized.
Your choice of partner is probably the most important aspect of creating a successful JV. It's very important that you know your partner well and are confident that they are a trustworthy person or organization. It can be all too easy to get sucked in by a smooth talker who promises you a huge list of client contacts or millions of dollars practically overnight. Don't let your heart's desire run away with your mind's better judgment. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
It's best to find out as much as you can about any partner candidates you're considering. Look up information about them online and ask them for references and a detailed resume.
Knowing as much as you can about your partner is important, but it can be detrimental to enter into a business agreement with a close friend or loved one. If the JV were to fail, you could lose a valuable relationship along with your business. It can also be tempting to cut corners if you're working with a friend. It can be awkward to write out a binding legal contract that outlines both of your responsibilities when you would rather just trust the person to uphold his or her end of the deal. If you give in to this temptation, it might turn out that you never had the same long-term vision of the JV at all, and it can turn into a disappointment for all involved.
It is also advisable to seek a partner with skills that compliment your own. You should trust them, but not be so close that your personal relationship will interfere with day-to-day business operations. Maybe you enjoy designing new advertising campaigns, but you can't find last month's electric bill to put it in your expenditure log. You could look for a partner with better organizational skills.
Making sure that both partners share a similar vision is also very important. In order to reach a common goal, both parties must define it and see the path to reaching that goal. If you and your partner have disparate ideas about your goals, it's not likely your venture will last very long. You can't reach two different goals if they are in direct conflict with each other.
Maintaining proper books and adhering to the business plan can make or break your JV. To start, write out a clear business plan that lines out your expected achievements and benchmarks for getting there. The plan will also define each partner's responsibilities.
Along with a clear business plan, it's important to draw up a binding contract that outlines the legal details of your JV. This agreement will articulate the legal responsibilities of each party.
Establishing a successful JV also requires that you organize your time. Don't spread yourself too thin. Understand that a new business takes a lot of time and energy. Don't expect to be able to focus on two projects at the same time. Choose a time in your life when you have enough time, support, and resources to really focus on the JV.
With a good partnership with defined goals and values, strong organizational skills and a little time and effort, starting a joint venture can be very rewarding. In fact, it could be one of the most effective ways to increase your revenues. Just remember to research and do your homework to figure out how to make your joint venture work for you.
joint venture, joint ventures, benefits, joint venture information, joint venture opportunity, successful joint venture
Ensuring It Security
Ensuring It Security
IT security teams have a hard time these days, especially with the new security threats popping up each day. However, keeping company data shielded against threats is not their only concern. They also have to make sure that data is available to relevant employees at the right time. Walking this fine line between security and accessibility of sensitive information is of primary concern to security professionals.
Another setback that IT security teams frequently have to struggle with is the lack of technical knowledge in most employees. In fact, while a number of senior employees in an organization may have excellent competency in their fields of expertise, many of them may not be able to differentiate between a firewall and an antivirus. Getting these people to work with the enforced security measures is a challenge for any IT security team.
In spite of these problems, however, a well organized approach may allow network and system administrators to ensure IT security in an organization more smoothly. One of the proper approaches would involve breaking up the total process of ensuring IT security in three different stages, like the ones given below.
Stage 1: Understanding the prerequisites
This is the stage where the entire team will have to understand the requirements of the organization. They will have to make note of which data has to be made available to which employees, which kind of access protection will have to be implemented, and which data will have to be kept accessible by everyone. Documentation of every employee s requirements and verification of the same by system and network managers will be crucial for the success of this stage.
If system and network security have not been enforced earlier, then this stage may take a long time to be completed, depending on the employee strength of the organization. However, the tradeoff should be well worth the man days spent on the task.
Stage 2: Planning
The planning stage is when the IT security team will start creating an outline of the measures that they will have to implement. System and network engineers will prove to be invaluable assets during this stage, as they will be able to point out possible problems that may occur with the planned set up. That way, network and system administrators will be able to devise ways to counter those problems, before those even occur in reality.
Any sort of improvement in existing infrastructure, or upgrading of hardware or software components will also need to be planned during this stage, and appropriately documented. These documentations will have to be approved by the network and system managers.
Stage 3: Implementation
Once the plans are prepared and sanctioned, the IT security team will be able to get to implement the security measures. If new hardware or software components are to be installed, then those will have to be installed and checked to ensure compatibility with the existing infrastructure. After that, the team will be able to concentrate on enforcing data security, based on the requirements of individual employees. The IT security team may come across several critical problems during this stage, which they will have to overcome. Once the stage is over, they will also have to educate the employees about proper ways of accessing data, to ensure that they are able to work as per the security protocols enforced.
Once these three stages are completed, the security of sensitive data in the organization will be ensured. Ensuring data security for an organization is not an easy task by any means. However, with careful planning and perseverance, it can indeed be achieved.
IT security teams have a hard time these days, especially with the new security threats popping up each day. However, keeping company data shielded against threats is not their only concern. They also have to make sure that data is available to relevant employees at the right time. Walking this fine line between security and accessibility of sensitive information is of primary concern to security professionals.
Another setback that IT security teams frequently have to struggle with is the lack of technical knowledge in most employees. In fact, while a number of senior employees in an organization may have excellent competency in their fields of expertise, many of them may not be able to differentiate between a firewall and an antivirus. Getting these people to work with the enforced security measures is a challenge for any IT security team.
In spite of these problems, however, a well organized approach may allow network and system administrators to ensure IT security in an organization more smoothly. One of the proper approaches would involve breaking up the total process of ensuring IT security in three different stages, like the ones given below.
Stage 1: Understanding the prerequisites
This is the stage where the entire team will have to understand the requirements of the organization. They will have to make note of which data has to be made available to which employees, which kind of access protection will have to be implemented, and which data will have to be kept accessible by everyone. Documentation of every employee s requirements and verification of the same by system and network managers will be crucial for the success of this stage.
If system and network security have not been enforced earlier, then this stage may take a long time to be completed, depending on the employee strength of the organization. However, the tradeoff should be well worth the man days spent on the task.
Stage 2: Planning
The planning stage is when the IT security team will start creating an outline of the measures that they will have to implement. System and network engineers will prove to be invaluable assets during this stage, as they will be able to point out possible problems that may occur with the planned set up. That way, network and system administrators will be able to devise ways to counter those problems, before those even occur in reality.
Any sort of improvement in existing infrastructure, or upgrading of hardware or software components will also need to be planned during this stage, and appropriately documented. These documentations will have to be approved by the network and system managers.
Stage 3: Implementation
Once the plans are prepared and sanctioned, the IT security team will be able to get to implement the security measures. If new hardware or software components are to be installed, then those will have to be installed and checked to ensure compatibility with the existing infrastructure. After that, the team will be able to concentrate on enforcing data security, based on the requirements of individual employees. The IT security team may come across several critical problems during this stage, which they will have to overcome. Once the stage is over, they will also have to educate the employees about proper ways of accessing data, to ensure that they are able to work as per the security protocols enforced.
Once these three stages are completed, the security of sensitive data in the organization will be ensured. Ensuring data security for an organization is not an easy task by any means. However, with careful planning and perseverance, it can indeed be achieved.
Entertaining Your Retail Customers
Entertaining Your Retail Customers
Historically speaking, retailing is the means of getting the product from the manufacturer to the consumer. The only place for consumers to buy products they needed was in a retail store. The harsh reality is that if you view your store from this historical perspective you are probably doomed to fail. Modern consumers have many other options for buying products that they need. You can probably imagine many ways that your customers could get the products you carry through a different channel and at a price lower than what you can charge. To keep business, you need to compete on more than just price.
Small retailers have the ability to provide better service than these competitors. There is a well known department store that has build their brand on what might be considered an unreasonable level of service: customers can return anything for any reason. This store has been known to give refunds for items they don t even stock which customers have purchased at other stores! They have even been known to purchase items they don t stock from a competitor s store and deliver it to customers.
Specialty retailers are often successful when they offer products that require complementary services, for example: a men s store can offer alterations, a ski shop can adjust and edge skis, or art studios can sell framing. Adding a service element to your retail store is a lethal weapon you can use to beat mass merchant stores.
If there is one simple tip to improve service, increase stock turnover, and decrease employee expense it s as simple as this: eliminate your back stock and don t have a stock room. You should have a designated receiving room and merchandise should go straight from there to the sales floor. Stock rooms do not showcase merchandise, and they force employees to handle products twice. If you need an example of why this method works so well, look at Wal Mart, where this technique has allowed them to out pace all of their competitors. Although this may not be applicable to every business, the exceptions are few and far between.
The way your sales staff interfaces with customers is an incredibly important issue when you offer services in addition to just the products you sell. Untold numbers of customers are lost by businesses whose sales staff is rude, inattentive or uninformed. Starbucks didn t happen to hire the nicest people in your neighborhood by accident, they make it a priority to train and retain a good staff at every store they operate.
Consumers typically purchase products from retail locations not because they feel like they can get better prices or quality from retail stores, but because they enjoy the act of ?going shopping.? Malls provide people with a sense of excitement, socialization and action. If you provide your customers with a comfortable environment, and a more enjoyable experience than they would get with a chain store competitor or by using the internet to shop from home, you will be rewarded with increased business.
Store Closing Sales ,Retail Sales Promotion Consulting ,Retail Store Closing Sale ,sales promotion
Historically speaking, retailing is the means of getting the product from the manufacturer to the consumer. The only place for consumers to buy products they needed was in a retail store. The harsh reality is that if you view your store from this historical perspective you are probably doomed to fail. Modern consumers have many other options for buying products that they need. You can probably imagine many ways that your customers could get the products you carry through a different channel and at a price lower than what you can charge. To keep business, you need to compete on more than just price.
Small retailers have the ability to provide better service than these competitors. There is a well known department store that has build their brand on what might be considered an unreasonable level of service: customers can return anything for any reason. This store has been known to give refunds for items they don t even stock which customers have purchased at other stores! They have even been known to purchase items they don t stock from a competitor s store and deliver it to customers.
Specialty retailers are often successful when they offer products that require complementary services, for example: a men s store can offer alterations, a ski shop can adjust and edge skis, or art studios can sell framing. Adding a service element to your retail store is a lethal weapon you can use to beat mass merchant stores.
If there is one simple tip to improve service, increase stock turnover, and decrease employee expense it s as simple as this: eliminate your back stock and don t have a stock room. You should have a designated receiving room and merchandise should go straight from there to the sales floor. Stock rooms do not showcase merchandise, and they force employees to handle products twice. If you need an example of why this method works so well, look at Wal Mart, where this technique has allowed them to out pace all of their competitors. Although this may not be applicable to every business, the exceptions are few and far between.
The way your sales staff interfaces with customers is an incredibly important issue when you offer services in addition to just the products you sell. Untold numbers of customers are lost by businesses whose sales staff is rude, inattentive or uninformed. Starbucks didn t happen to hire the nicest people in your neighborhood by accident, they make it a priority to train and retain a good staff at every store they operate.
Consumers typically purchase products from retail locations not because they feel like they can get better prices or quality from retail stores, but because they enjoy the act of ?going shopping.? Malls provide people with a sense of excitement, socialization and action. If you provide your customers with a comfortable environment, and a more enjoyable experience than they would get with a chain store competitor or by using the internet to shop from home, you will be rewarded with increased business.
Store Closing Sales ,Retail Sales Promotion Consulting ,Retail Store Closing Sale ,sales promotion
Monday, February 11, 2013
Enroll In CeMAP Training To Boost Up Your Career
Enroll In CeMAP Training To Boost Up Your Career
You will not be able to give advice on mortgages without holding the CeMAP certification. Thus this is the main reason as why an individual who is willing to practice as a mortgage advisor will be requiring this certification. Without the qualification no individual is supposed to offer guidance on mortgage.
The study is inclusion of 3 modules. The first part of course is based on the Financial Regulations. It is additionally split up into a number of units. The unit of the course has to be studied in the stated order so that you will be well prepared to take up the exam. The content of the course will be same and thus there are no issues which institute you go for your CeMAP training. The first part contains two individual units in it. It is also mandatory to secure 70% or above in order to pass the examination.
Topics on Mortgages fall under the module 2 and this module contains 4 units in total. The units cover topics related to mortgage law/policy, post completion related issues and arrears, markets and practice, and mortgages application payment methods. To clear all the units individually is compulsory. The question paper will consist of 100 questions in total which will cover all the topics mentioned above.
In the module 3 it consists of various things to be covered as it based on the assessment of mortgage advice knowledge. Individuals who are willing to make shift in their career, then to enroll themselves in the CeMAP course will be a kick start to get into the mortgage industry without any difficulty. There are lots of CeMAP training courses. They are so well designed to reach and suit the needs of every individual. Various types of CeMAP course are listed below; they are
1. Home Study Plans
2. Traditional Classroom Programs
3. Online Courses
4. Seminars
Training through Classroom programs is very well suited for those young students who are able to put up more time out of their daily routine schedule. Seminars are prepared and designed for those professionals who hardly find time or there is no time left from their work schedule. This type of course plan is more in demand. They are a great way to get out and to develop your communication front. Online and home study training very well suits individuals who have to multitask consecutively to spend their time for CeMAP. It is better to opt for that training course which will suit you and so you are able to spend quality time in grasping the contents of the course.
The qualification can be gained by all the people not considering about their age and profession. Their knowledge in mortgage is further improved and thus is certified accordingly. This is for the reason that CeMAP training helps the students to go up the ladder in their career. Students who have the right approach and willpower there will be no barrier to stop you from reaching it.
CeMAP, CeMAP training, Home study CeMAP, CeMAP courses
You will not be able to give advice on mortgages without holding the CeMAP certification. Thus this is the main reason as why an individual who is willing to practice as a mortgage advisor will be requiring this certification. Without the qualification no individual is supposed to offer guidance on mortgage.
The study is inclusion of 3 modules. The first part of course is based on the Financial Regulations. It is additionally split up into a number of units. The unit of the course has to be studied in the stated order so that you will be well prepared to take up the exam. The content of the course will be same and thus there are no issues which institute you go for your CeMAP training. The first part contains two individual units in it. It is also mandatory to secure 70% or above in order to pass the examination.
Topics on Mortgages fall under the module 2 and this module contains 4 units in total. The units cover topics related to mortgage law/policy, post completion related issues and arrears, markets and practice, and mortgages application payment methods. To clear all the units individually is compulsory. The question paper will consist of 100 questions in total which will cover all the topics mentioned above.
In the module 3 it consists of various things to be covered as it based on the assessment of mortgage advice knowledge. Individuals who are willing to make shift in their career, then to enroll themselves in the CeMAP course will be a kick start to get into the mortgage industry without any difficulty. There are lots of CeMAP training courses. They are so well designed to reach and suit the needs of every individual. Various types of CeMAP course are listed below; they are
1. Home Study Plans
2. Traditional Classroom Programs
3. Online Courses
4. Seminars
Training through Classroom programs is very well suited for those young students who are able to put up more time out of their daily routine schedule. Seminars are prepared and designed for those professionals who hardly find time or there is no time left from their work schedule. This type of course plan is more in demand. They are a great way to get out and to develop your communication front. Online and home study training very well suits individuals who have to multitask consecutively to spend their time for CeMAP. It is better to opt for that training course which will suit you and so you are able to spend quality time in grasping the contents of the course.
The qualification can be gained by all the people not considering about their age and profession. Their knowledge in mortgage is further improved and thus is certified accordingly. This is for the reason that CeMAP training helps the students to go up the ladder in their career. Students who have the right approach and willpower there will be no barrier to stop you from reaching it.
CeMAP, CeMAP training, Home study CeMAP, CeMAP courses
Enjoy The Benefits Of A Strong Partnership
Enjoy The Benefits Of A Strong Partnership
For most businesses there is going to be a busy time of the year and a slow time. There might be multiple patches of busy moments along with a handful of slow periods as well, but it?s unlikely that you?re going to be going strong at every single point in the year.
This very fact is the first reason why a partnership might be a great way of keeping your business strong.
A partnership involves two businesses joining together in marketing and other advertising pushes in order to gain the best benefit for both companies. The best partnerships are going to involve companies that are equally strong in the market, and therefore can help one another to improve sales even further.
Part of this deals with getting combined orders of commercial printing, and being sure that each company references the other in their postcards or flyers. You might have joint specials, where a person can get an even better discount if they shop at both stores than they would if they went to only one.
Getting back to my first point, one good way to handle a partnership is by making sure that your slow period falls during your partner?s busy period and vice versa. You?re naturally going to get more commercial printing done during your fast period than you would during your slow, and keep your advertising up stronger in these times.
So what you do is make sure that all of that advertising you?re getting done encourages people to go see your partner as well. This helps to keep business stronger even during the slow point.
As I briefly mentioned earlier, this is especially effective when it comes to doing combined sales, and works wonders when used during these slow/busy periods for each business.
Rather than just push the other store in your advertising, literally have specials you?ll give customers who go in and try the other store out. This gives people an even greater encouragement to shop at the other store.
You should also take into consideration the money saved on your advertising budget itself. If both companies are getting commercial printing done at the same time you?ll have a much smaller overall bill for each company once you split it in two.
Since you?ll both need to get advertising printed anyways, you might as well benefit from your partnership and ensure you can keep your costs down as much as possible.
Often two companies with similar types of products partner up, but this isn?t always the case, and you should instead find the business that you think will be able to work best with you no matter what it is they sell. Perhaps you both have a similar selling point, and that?s what you can boost up with your joint marketing.
If you haven?t considered a partnership I?d take the time to see what it might do for you. Two businesses will always be stronger than one.
commercial printing
For most businesses there is going to be a busy time of the year and a slow time. There might be multiple patches of busy moments along with a handful of slow periods as well, but it?s unlikely that you?re going to be going strong at every single point in the year.
This very fact is the first reason why a partnership might be a great way of keeping your business strong.
A partnership involves two businesses joining together in marketing and other advertising pushes in order to gain the best benefit for both companies. The best partnerships are going to involve companies that are equally strong in the market, and therefore can help one another to improve sales even further.
Part of this deals with getting combined orders of commercial printing, and being sure that each company references the other in their postcards or flyers. You might have joint specials, where a person can get an even better discount if they shop at both stores than they would if they went to only one.
Getting back to my first point, one good way to handle a partnership is by making sure that your slow period falls during your partner?s busy period and vice versa. You?re naturally going to get more commercial printing done during your fast period than you would during your slow, and keep your advertising up stronger in these times.
So what you do is make sure that all of that advertising you?re getting done encourages people to go see your partner as well. This helps to keep business stronger even during the slow point.
As I briefly mentioned earlier, this is especially effective when it comes to doing combined sales, and works wonders when used during these slow/busy periods for each business.
Rather than just push the other store in your advertising, literally have specials you?ll give customers who go in and try the other store out. This gives people an even greater encouragement to shop at the other store.
You should also take into consideration the money saved on your advertising budget itself. If both companies are getting commercial printing done at the same time you?ll have a much smaller overall bill for each company once you split it in two.
Since you?ll both need to get advertising printed anyways, you might as well benefit from your partnership and ensure you can keep your costs down as much as possible.
Often two companies with similar types of products partner up, but this isn?t always the case, and you should instead find the business that you think will be able to work best with you no matter what it is they sell. Perhaps you both have a similar selling point, and that?s what you can boost up with your joint marketing.
If you haven?t considered a partnership I?d take the time to see what it might do for you. Two businesses will always be stronger than one.
commercial printing
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